

Bald Boring Cnut
Feb 27, 2006
I remember when Robbo was the most expensive player in England. £1.5m seemed like a massive amount for a footballer even in the mid-80's, a good few years after he was signed.

Nowadays, it seems like every half decent footballer cost £20-£30m, and it seems like fans don't even consider it expensive.

£30m is about 10% of Manchester United's annual income!
My first big shock about the size of a transfer fee was Chris Sutton going for £7m. I'm fairly numb to the amounts thrown around nowadays.
It's amazing the way we've spent £20m on Hernandez and Smalling (and Diouf?) and it's not considered a serious outlay. £20m is a lot of money in the real world!
I remember when Robbo was the most expensive player in England. £1.5m seemed like a massive amount for a footballer even in the mid-80's, a good few years after he was signed.

Nowadays, it seems like every half decent footballer cost £20-£30m, and it seems like fans don't even consider it expensive.

£30m is about 10% of Manchester United's annual income!

Which is probably the consistent part.
Anyone bothered to find out what what £1.5m in 1981 is in today's money?

It should be roughly more than twice or 2.5 times that amount.

I checked a converter and from 1981 to 2007 (most recent date it had) 1.5m dollars would be 3.3m dollars today.
Anyone bothered to find out what what £1.5m in 1981 is in today's money?

I tried using an inflation calculator from a geneaology website but its data only went to 2008. Plus I had to convert from pounds to US dollars and back again. I got £3.5M or 5084750 USD.

Natural inflation is bound to take place either way, but this is exponentially worse
Either way, inflation is an average of price evolution, and it says nothing about whether individual goods fluctuations are expected or not. Compare it with informatics equipment for example, where prices considerably dropped.

Football market had it's own inflation due to a huge increase in revenues. TV, sponsors, globalization...

Right now, what you have and it's even aggravating more the factor is teams with unlimited funds. If you'd picture football as a relatively closed market (as a form of simplification) what teams likes City or Real are doing is literally minting money. You can say whatever you want about "no value in the market now" but it's very likely that that value does not come back. You just have to hope that the financial rules that UEFA intends to enforce have some tangible results and don't provide too many loopholes for teams to go around them.
You just have to hope that the financial rules that UEFA intends to enforce have some tangible results and don't provide too many loopholes for teams to go around them.

Either that, or the whole football economy will burst.
Considering today's fees, a 24-year old Robbo would have cost £50m today.

this is not true, his curly perm would have lowered the price considerably

I've always thought over the last few years that £30m was the edge of sanity. I'd never be comfortable with united spending much more than that on a single player. I think any more is abhorrent and I can't see how any player could be worth it.
I remember thinking when Rio went to Leeds that 18m was ridiculous money for a young kid at cb, also that the likes of Ronaldo and Zidane were earning ridiculous amounts at 100k/week. Even when Ruud signed I though 19m was still a hell of a lot of money, and as for Veron signing... I have to still say though, I was even amazed when (our) Ronaldo went for 80m - I spent the whole day muttering '80m, boloody hell' under my breath.
There's a lot more money in football now than there was then. What would Utd's annual turnover have been around the signing of Robson?
I remember the headlines when Trevor Francis moved to Forest. It was still a number of years after that fees started getting crazy.
£30m is about 10% of Manchester United's annual income!

Yes but how much was our income back in 1981?! But yeah there's far too much money in football theseday and by the virtu of that you can hardly feel sorry for footballers thesedays(top flight players). The overpaid primadonna cnuts.
Yes but how much was our income back in 1981?! But yeah there's far too much money in football theseday and by the virtu of that you can hardly feel sorry for footballers thesedays(top flight players). The overpaid primadonna cnuts.

Agreed. Last summer was truly bad. It was a piss take of the highest order and the ardent football fan inside of me just died.

I would so bloody like a club to do something like what Forest did. At least what Real Sociedad did half a decade or so ago. (Dunno how much money was pumped into those teams, mind).
Wasn't Keane a record signing at the time? 3.5 Million or so. it was shortly after this that the market went crazy and transfer fees went over the top. (Collymore 7.5, Sutton???)... then there was the jump in early 2001 (Veron for us and the Zidanne bench mark) where transfer fees just seemed silly.

I remember in Fergie's early years him splashing out on Pallister, Webb, Wallace, Ince and Phelan in a short time... how much would it cost now to sign 5 or so proven 1st Division players?

I remember thinking Stam cost a fortune at 10-11 Million.
Roy Keane was 3.75million squids.

In about a couple of years, we will be paying that for a U-12 goalie. We wonder why football clubs are going under. We are transitioning from a fan supported club to a mega-bucks business.

Unfortunately their business sense hasn't kicked in yet so most clubs do not have a sustainable business model.
I remember thinking when Rio went to Leeds that 18m was ridiculous money for a young kid at cb, also that the likes of Ronaldo and Zidane were earning ridiculous amounts at 100k/week. Even when Ruud signed I though 19m was still a hell of a lot of money, and as for Veron signing... I have to still say though, I was even amazed when (our) Ronaldo went for 80m - I spent the whole day muttering '80m, boloody hell' under my breath.
And yet there are still some people that would tell you that Real got a bargain. 80million for one player is ridiculous, its probably enough to run some premier league clubs for a season or 2, and they spent it in one go on one player, not including wages
The most sickening stat of all is that Gareth Barry is paid actual real money to play football...loosly speaking.
And yet there are still some people that would tell you that Real got a bargain. 80million for one player is ridiculous, its probably enough to run some premier league clubs for a season or 2, and they spent it in one go on one player, not including wages

Real did get a bargain though, compare the 80m on Ronaldo to the 55m on Kaka or the 60m Barca spent on Zlatan.
Wasn't Keane a record signing at the time? 3.5 Million or so. it was shortly after this that the market went crazy and transfer fees went over the top. (Collymore 7.5, Sutton???)... then there was the jump in early 2001 (Veron for us and the Zidanne bench mark) where transfer fees just seemed silly.

I remember in Fergie's early years him splashing out on Pallister, Webb, Wallace, Ince and Phelan in a short time... how much would it cost now to sign 5 or so proven 1st Division players?

I remember thinking Stam cost a fortune at 10-11 Million.

Yeah, and Yorke for £12,5m - was considered a massive fee then.
While United and other English clubs were setting domestic records in transfer fees during the early-to-mid 90s, Italian clubs were setting world records with fees 2-4x higher. Lentini and Baggio come to mind.

As for Robbo and the fee then comparative to today, what was Robbo's wage in 1981? I figure probably something like 50k per year. I know US athletes didn't start earning in the six figures, on average, until the 80s. By the 90s they were averaging in the millions.
While United and other English clubs were setting domestic records in transfer fees during the early-to-mid 90s, Italian clubs were setting world records with fees 2-4x higher. Lentini and Baggio come to mind.

As for Robbo and the fee then comparative to today, what was Robbo's wage in 1981? I figure probably something like 50k per year. I know US athletes didn't start earning in the six figures, on average, until the 80s. By the 90s they were averaging in the millions.

That's just it - US sports people earned so much more in the past largely because their sports had a larger fanbase, the US has a fair amount more people than the UK does! I remember even 15 years ago in Ireland it wasn't as easy to follow United. Most games weren't on TV, oftentimes the only options were a fuzzy BBC Radio 5 reception on longwave, or checking teletext literally every 2 minutes!

These days I can watch almost all United games from pretty much anywhere in the world with an internet connection, and can keep as up to date on the latest club news as someone living within a mile of Old Trafford - having a worldwide audience instead of just a largely UK or English based support means a hell of a lot more money, and I don't think that's ever likely to go away now, as long as the game remains popular. Unfortunately, as has already been pointed out, many clubs are yet to adapt to this change in football, and many are falling foul of this.

Whether footballers deserve their gigantic wages is admittedly debatable, but I firmly believe they deserve it more than most anyone else involved in the game. If there's that much money in the game it's got to go somewhere, and who else deserves it more? Becoming a footballer is not without effort, risk and drawbacks. Upon retiring I'm sure many top footballers find they don't have a whole lot to offer the world, seeing as they spent most of their lives working hard to become good at something which they can no longer do, and in most cases that's before they've even hit 40!

As I said, I don't begrudge players the money they earn from the game - basically speaking it's big business now, not just sport. What I wouldn't mind seeing is player salaries spread out over their lifetimes rather than the length of their careers. Say Rooney earns £100k per week right now - his take home earnings every week are capped at say 20% of the total, with the remaining money paid into a fund which is paid out to him weekly after he retires, as a pension of sorts. I think it could only be a good thing for the game and for the players alike.