Apparently we have football's worst-behaved fans


Anti Scottish and Preoccupied with Donkeys.
Aug 5, 2006
I'm not anti Scottish, I just wanted Moyes out.
Football's worst-behaved fan bases have been revealed

Man United top list of football clubs with most fans arrested and banned.

The clubs with the highest number of fans banned at matches
ClubFootball banning orders Ranking Football banning orders Ranking
2022-23 season2022-23 season2021-22 season2021-22 season
1. Man United691 24 14
2. Millwall 66 2 52 2
3. Leicester City 56 3 36 5
4. Birmingham City 54 4 57 1
5. West Ham 52 5 34 8
Or does this mean that our fans/stewards are more likely to report stupid behaviour?
Quite simply we have far more fans than any other clubs so this is just a numbers game, doesn't mean are lot are any worse than others
60-odd bans between what must be the hundreds of thousands or millions of people that go to OT every year doesn't really seem too bad.
Football banning orders are a fecking joke.

I think they depend massively on the relevant police force but I’m sure they’re paid based on the number given out, which would make sense seeing as though that take is made up of all metropolitan-type cities!

I’m also fairly certain that the table is put out based on total FBOs so that we are top of it. Proportionally, we are better than even West Ham in 5th!
69 people were banned last year from attending Manchester United games. Does anyone know if they were subject to any form of punishment as well?
Based on stadium size, ie total numbers attending matches, we're 3x better behaved than Millwall fans, 2x better behaved then Leicester and Birmingham.
Doesnt matter if it was 1 its still a disgrace and hopefully they have a life ban from OT/New stadium. We dont need idiot 'support'.
Pfft remind me of what opposition team buses and ambulances get attacked outside of Old Trafford then say again our fans are the worst behaved
Pfft remind me of what opposition team buses and ambulances get attacked outside of Old Trafford then say again our fans are the worst behaved

Our fans generally tend to abuse their own players instead. The home team bus is more likely to get attacked than the away one.
Not surprised at all if its PL clubs on the top 5. Surprised to see Milfwall 2nd
A lot of the online fans are a world away from the working class fans who attend games, go through the ritual of traveling to away games and get recorded in these stats.
Haha all that table says is that Millwall fans are fecking awful. Proportion of their fanbase vs arrests must be astronomical :lol:
Nothing to be happy about, but obviously theres a flaw in the reporting here. We have over 70 thousand people at games every week, so per capita we're probably on the lower end when the likes of millwall have almost as many.
yes i think its a proportion of huge numbers thing that Utd are suffering from here, still not cool though. Leicester though, i did not think they had a particularly cnutish fanbase but i'm never in that area i guess.
This also assumes all policing is equal. Of course I may have just missed the scousers tragedy chanting at the cup tie being arrested like some United fans were.
If a supporter causes havoc at the Etihad and nobody is around to see it, does it get reported?
Football's worst-behaved fan bases have been revealed

Man United top list of football clubs with most fans arrested and banned.

The clubs with the highest number of fans banned at matches
2022-23 season2022-23 season2021-22 season2021-22 season
ClubFootball banning ordersRankingFootball banning ordersRanking
1. Man United6912414
2. Millwall662522
3. Leicester City563365
4. Birmingham City544571
5. West Ham 525348
By volume, not by percentage.