Blue Lagoon in danger? Next volcanic eruption in Iceland on the maps?


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
SW-Iceland has had a lot of small earthquakes in January and as usual everything is closely monitored.

As you can see there's a decent amount of them but the red dots is not something you notice. The largest ones were 3.6 and 3.7 and could be sensed in the town of Borgarnes which is 120km North. The black triangle shows the position of the earthquake station monitor.

Many of you are familiar with the Blue Lagoon. Below is a picture of land uplift as seen from satellite. This picture is why scientist are worried because although multiple earthquakes aren't uncommon for this area, land uplift is not. Right in the middle of the red area is a mountain and the Blue Lagoon is right next to it. Grindavík is on the edge of the red circle.The image shows how much land uplift has happened between the 18-24th of January. Red area is more than 15mm and in total the land has risen more than 2cm in that area. That heavily suggest that there's a lot of lava activity beneath. Last time lava erupted in this area was inn 1210-1240, 3 in total and all of them magmatic eruptions (like in Hawaii) which means lava will flow up from cracks in the range from a few kilometers in length to tens of kilometers.

There's now a yellow alert at Keflavík International airport (~25km from Grindavík) which means that volcanic activity is being monitored and the airport and people close by need to pay attention.

These things can move very slowly and there's really no saying if anything is going to happen or if something happens what the magnitude of it will be. Our National Weather Service has said that these are the possible outcomes:

If land uprising is caused by lava collecting:
  • Lava collection stops without any other event happening
  • Lava collection continues at the same place at the same pace for some time without further events happening
  • Lava collection continues and leads to fissure vents
  • Lava collection continues and leads to fissure vents and volcanic eruption
  • Lava collection causes increased earthquake activity with larger earthquakes (up to 6.0)
If land uprising is not cause by lava collecting
  • Land uprising could cause increased earthquake activity and larger earthquakes (up to M6)

I'm not familiar with geological terms in English since this is pretty much the only academic subject (besides Icelandic) where all of the source material is Icelandic and therefor we've made the terms up rather than translate them.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Will there be a disruptive ash cloud that will impact transatlantic flights?

Remember poor little Bobby Jindal?


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
Will there be a disruptive ash cloud that will impact transatlantic flights?

Remember poor little Bobby Jindal?
If there's an eruption it's unlikely that it will be ashy but it might disturb flights in another manner. Earth will crack open for many kilometers towards the airport. That includes going through a power station that supplements the whole peninsula with electricity and hot water. Also might crack open through the road in some part. That's likely the worst case scenario along with an evacation of the town of Grindavík but scientist don't think that that scenario will happen although it will be treated as a possibility.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
4.3 earthquake now, they're getting bigger. Scientis estimate that Grindavík will be save and if it comes to an eruption it will open up to the NW of the red on the map which is towards the airport but hopefully not close to the power stations.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
In the last 24 hours there have been over 700 earthquakes. Most of them small ones but the biggest was 4.3 and could be felt in Reykjavík.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
Biggest earthquake last night since this all started. The danger for the Blue Lagoon and the town of Grindavík is very real these days. The Blue Lagoon has temporarily closed and evacuation plans for Grindavík have been posted with some volcanic experts recommending everyone to not sleep in their homes.

To go into some geological details, there is currently magma accumulation under the small mountain called Þorbjörn, which if you look at pictures or map, you'll see that Grindavík and the Blue Lagoon are right next to.

It really just depends on which side of the mountain the lava will come up. Nothing could happen or it could be devastating.

The reason why some experts are worried is that when the magma burst through the lave could travel up to 20 km/h which means it could reason the Blue Lagoon in 3-5 minutes.

The people of Grindavík feel pretty shit right now because of all the earthquakes. There have been about 1400 earthquakes in the past 24 hours but last night many of the were quite big. The town basically shook for 2 hours straight, roads have started to crack.

So for those considering trips to Iceland the same PSA applies as it has for the past couple of years. You can expect a volcanic eruption in that area sometime between September-February for the unforeseen time which might affect flights to and from the country and of course travel. On the other hand if you want to see fresh volcanic activity it has never been easier in modern times.