Chelsea club fines list leaked


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Stamford Bridge

I'd assume these are pretty standard for a top PL club. Jesus christ though, imagine forgetting to turn your phone off and it ringing during a meal. Oops, that just cost me a grand.. :lol:
They could get fined for all of those listed and still be millionaires.
Not that hard to put your phone on silent though, is it? Imagine how many times it must have previously occurred deeming it necessary to be enforced.

What’s the last one about in regards to “For doping purposes”?
Not that hard to put your phone on silent though, is it? Imagine how many times it must have previously occurred deeming it necessary to be enforced.

What’s the last one about in regards to “For doping purposes”?
So they can report to the anti doping agency. If they suddenly turn up and the player is missing it could end up like Rio Ferdinand.
Not that hard to put your phone on silent though, is it? Imagine how many times it must have previously occurred deeming it necessary to be enforced.

What’s the last one about in regards to “For doping purposes”?

Players are supposed to declare where they are at all time for doping control purposes.
So being am hour late to a meeting would cost £30,000? Woof.

If my work had a fine for dialing in late for work calls... Or forgetting about them altogether, I'd be a very poor man
"For doping purposes players must inform management [if they want to travel abroad]"

Chelsea admitting they send players abroad to dope?! Busted.

I dare say there are some superstar footballers who couldn't give a shit about dropping ten grad or so to turn up a little late for training or a massage. I'm not surprised clubs are trying to control their players' time like this at all though, it must be like herding sheep at times.
Is it something they've had for a long time or was it introduced by Frank Lampard? I remember the United players making a fuss about LvG's mandatory breakfasts for all levels prior to training.

I'd assume these are pretty standard for a top PL club. Jesus christ though, imagine forgetting to turn your phone off and it ringing during a meal. Oops, that just cost me a grand.. :lol:

Thanks for sharing!

Bloody ridiculous the amount of money in football isn't it.
For rich people like these players this is pocket change. It looks obscene coming from our end because that is a months paycheck for some. These guys make that money every 30 minutes.
Expect that all goes to charity the Christmas party.
Yeah, it could definitely have been phrased better though. :lol:
Haha yeah calling it "doping purposes" sounds a bit fishy.

No wonder your boys form has suddenly picked up this year ;)
For rich people like these players this is pocket change. It looks obscene coming from our end because that is a months paycheck for some. These guys make that money every 30 minutes.

Being late for training. £20,000.

That's a years wage for someone. Absolute disgrace.
At united they dont fine them in money but time spent on social media.
Well they really sucked the fun out of that, didn't they.

Clearly being late for anything is a bad idea at Chelsea :lol:.

Wonder if this comes down from Mr A or from Lampard.
Being late for training. £20,000.

That's a years wage for someone. Absolute disgrace.
I agree its insane. As I said though for these guys they make that in a few hours. Some earlier than others. In the end these fines merely tickle there wallets nothing more.
These lads regularly drop that sort of cash on betting and down the local night clubs every weekend.

These fines will be set by the club captain within agreement of the playing staff anyway, it's just funny to see that's all.
Where's the fine for shooting youth team players?

Or the one for shagging your team mate's girlfriend?
Only 2,500 for being late for match day, but 20,000 for being late for training.
There'd surely be young players who'd really feel the hit of being late for training. Could lose close to a weeks worth of wages.

I reckon there's warnings involved and half arse excuses are accepted etc
Some heads will be rolled in Chelsea today. Such information can't be leaked.
Those fines can't be legal for some members of the first team, as 20k would probably be more than 2 weeks wages, the maximum fine.

That body composition one surely isn't as harsh as it sounds, as if you've been out injured for ages, you'd obviously have dropped off a bit.

And the likes of Rooney and Shaw at times would surely struggle to be "In range", unless the range is individual to a player's build.
Only 2,500 for being late for match day, but 20,000 for being late for training.
I'm guessing the 20k is for when the training actually starts. Whereas the 2.5k is basically for getting late into the changing room. The latter you can make up for by changing quickly, whereas the team will start without you in the case of the former.

Overall, professional football has a rather perverse view on money.
Is this system actually legal? It seems like a weird thing that an organisation can impose such rules on its employees.
Those fines can't be legal for some members of the first team, as 20k would probably be more than 2 weeks wages, the maximum fine.

That body composition one surely isn't as harsh as it sounds, as if you've been out injured for ages, you'd obviously have dropped off a bit.

And the likes of Rooney and Shaw at times would surely struggle to be "In range", unless the range is individual to a player's build.

I doubt there are 1st team players on under £10k a week.