Could we get relegated? | United officially now safe from relegation for 2019/20 season

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On our present form yes there is that possibility if this form continues. My concern is that should we become one of those teams in and around the bottom four, we do not have the on field leaders to pull us out of the situation, and will drift rudderless into the Championship.
99.9% yes. This club is a sinking ship we should all abandon now and support someone else!
We certainly have a problem, it was fairly obvious that last season under Jose the squad were under performing, so there was alot more to be got out of them, which Ole temporarily did, this time though whilst the squad is again under performing, I'm not sure there is an awful lot more there to be got out of them, we just have alot of average players, and the ones that are good seem to get easily injured..

You could see it getting out of control if we don't pick up a good few points before the next international break, and I'm not sure there is really anyone who would be guaranteed to come in and get us going again with what we've got.

That said I highly doubt relegation is possible, but I could definitely see it been talked about fairly seriously.
For me it's very simple. Is our squad bad?

We are capable of winning europa league and finished 2nd. So they are capable of that, but for whatever reason they cant reproduce that.

5 to 10 games is an anomaly, but when you can over 38 games consistently beat your opponent, and 2 years onward you cant you have to ask why?
For me it's very simple. Is our squad bad?

We are capable of winning europa league and finished 2nd. So they are capable of that, but for whatever reason they cant reproduce that.

5 to 10 games is an anomaly, but when you can over 38 games consistently beat your opponent, and 2 years onward you cant you have to ask why?

Footbal moves fast, this squad isn't the same as that one, and whilst the likes of Matic etc have regressed badly, we've also lost key squad members and haven't replaced them, you're supposed to build on success and while most didnt see that as success at the time, it was still a squad that could be built on - instead we've gutted it and let it fall into disrepair.

Who ever is in charge of future planning should have been sacked a long time ago, the problem with this club is that it has no one looking 5 years ahead, everyone's winging it, and that rarely ends well.

Relegation is 100% a possibility as no one at the club thinks it is, which should be concerning in itself, and you can bet your ass if we do get relegated, there will be no plan in place to deal with it, our targets will still be Sancho et al. Club is rotten.
Of course we can get relegated, if this spineless bunch of cowards don't buck up their ideas and attitude.

We never thought that we'd get relegated during the first half of the 1973/4 season. It was only after Christmas that it dawned on most people that it was a realistic possibility, which eventually came to fruition. Just six years after winning the European Cup and five years after Sir Matt Busby retired.

I was more depressed than ever on Sunday evening. My only hope is that Sunday was a watershed moment and that the Board, staff and players have finally woken up to how bad the situation is and they pull their fingers out from now on.
Interesting to hear what it was like when we got relegated then. It could happen, like it did to Leeds, who had some decent names in their team.
What I worry about also is if we went down, under the glazers, we might struggle to get back up.
Think everyone are getting too carried away. 1 or 2 players in January could see us climb up the table.
Who ever is in charge of future planning should have been sacked a long time ago, the problem with this club is that it has no one looking 5 years ahead, everyone's winging it, and that rarely ends well.

I think the worry is that no-one is in charge of any sort of planning - Solskjaer seems to be the only one implementing a long term plan in regards to transfers, and judging by how bad we are on the field he'll probably be gone soon and we'll be back to square one, minus Pogba in the summer and another year without CL football.

Think everyone are getting too carried away. 1 or 2 players in January could see us climb up the table.

We won't be relegated, but we'll have a Chelsea 2015/16 season for sure. 8th - 14th looking very likely
Think everyone are getting too carried away. 1 or 2 players in January could see us climb up the table.
Not with this coaching staff. Players regardless of who they are will make little difference if we keep looking as clueless as we do on the pitch.
I'd say it wasn't impossible, however we have also been without several first team regulars due to injury. Realistically we're not relegation fodder with them in the side. That team is a "push for top 6" team at best. Still not ideal obvs.
If it stays this way. Yes.

Ole was supposed to be the man to prevent it from happening but as it looks, He's even worse than Jose. :nervous:
Theoretically yes, but realistically no. Bad as we are there are at least 3 teams that are worse.
With a strike force of injury prone 'Marty',braindead 'Rashy' and the likely signing of Croatian International Old Man 'Mandi' and no one to constantly create for these guys then,yes,relegation is a strong possibility.
Imagine having Man United relegation on your CV in this day and age.. Would you ever be allowed a job in football again ? :lol:
It wouldn’t totally surprise me if they get a point off the scousers on Sunday then lose to Norwich and Bournemouth
Imagine having Man United relegation on your CV in this day and age.. Would you ever be allowed a job in football again ? :lol:
Have you heard about the tale of David Moyes? The shittiest manager who also happens to be a gobshite yet He kept getting jobs as manager. He even got to experience the sunny Spain ffs.
On our present form yes there is that possibility if this form continues. My concern is that should we become one of those teams in and around the bottom four, we do not have the on field leaders to pull us out of the situation, and will drift rudderless into the Championship.

This is why it's a slight possibility for me.

We have maybe 2-3 fighters/leader types in the entire squad. It makes me sick.
At full strength I don't think its a possibility. We will have the best of most the midtable and lower sides e.g. Saints, Wolves, Palace etc and drop points due to sloppiness and lack of quality up top. we aren't the type of team to get relegated. If we continue with injuries (Pogba and Martial) and don't buy in January then we are getting relegated for sure
Could we get relegated? Yes. Is it likely? No. Is our present form indicative of how we'll look throughout the season? Probably not once we get our A-list back from injuries and everyone's fit for duty - definitely not if we get some decent reinforcements to our midfield and up front come January. Will there be anxiety, pain and embarrassement ahead? Yup and a lot of it. Will everyone who were left unimpressed by our previous transfer window get plenty of opportunities to say "I told you so?" Yes - and they already are rightfully so even. Do I feel a bit stupid for having been so harsh on Mourinho - yes I believe he's somewhat vindicated for the results leading to his demise. Is this season a write-off in terms of winning anything? Well maybe the EL if we manage to stay in long enough - or a cup. I believe the top-four is lost though - we'll probably end between fifth and eighth even if all the pieces fall into place.

The league is strong this year - more competitive than I've seen in ages. We picked a really bad year to stay sub-par.
Not this season. If results are same as it has been since the start of this season, Ole will be shown the door.

Apparently Ole is out of ideas to win a match. Someone will come as an interim, will get better results with this team & make sure to avoid relegation.
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If Liverpool is a bad defeat I think they should pull the plug on Ole after the game. The two following ones are potential banana skins, Norwich and Bournemouth away, and they could well lose those too.

If a new manager comes in, the new manager syndrome will probably be enough to get points from them, and turn them into winnable games.
Relegation is always possible.

For those who don’t remember or were not around at the time when we were relegated, the programme ‘To Good To Go Down’ pretty much described what happened last time. What the programme didn’t include was Tommy Doc’s fear of running out of time. I met him after a game and he explained how time runs away from a manager being relegated through key injuries, important fixtures piling up and not being able to make up points fast enough. Time takes over as control falls away.

We have a similar situation with Ole - injuries, pile up of fixtures and falling points/rather than making up ground. There is already a sense of losing control. My concerns are where we stand in January. If we fall helter-skelter things will become precarious for the run in. Removing the manager can make matters worse and adding new players is not always a cure-all. I think the number of games so far has stretched a thin squad and the injuries reflect the tensions of the moment. I would not be surprised if Woody has organised insurance on the management front.

Ole needs a bit of luck and a couple of results to get some momentum, sadly it’s difficult to see that happening this month.
People said West Ham were too good to go down when they had Michael Carrick, Jermaine Defoe, Freddie Kanoute, Paulo Di Canio, Glen Johnson, Joe Cole and David James. I'd back them against our lot at the minute! I don't think we will get relegated but with continued mismanagement and injuries you never know.
We're now in 14th Place and 1 point off the relegation zone.
The maths are not looking good.

Lose to Liverpool tomorrow and draw or lose away to Norwich next Sunday, there's a 50/50 chance we'll be in the drop zone (18th place) by the end of next weekend, after 10 games in.
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I don't even want to think about what could happen if we keep Ole rest of the season.
It is the arrogant self-assuredness that it could not happen that worries me most. Did anyone believe in 1968 when we won the European Cup, that just six years later we would be relegated? It has happened to this club before in living memory. Then as now in the years leading up to United's relegation, there was managerial instability and poor results. Then as now, the households names, Best, Charlton and Law had long since departed the club only to be replaced by those of mediocre talent. If we do get relegated it will ultimately be our conceit and arrogance that takes us down.
He's going to lose his job sooner rather than later. Hes not the reason we are in this mess but he's certainly not the man to out of it either.
Only if we lose every game away from home and draw or lose more at home than win. Usually the teams who come up from the championship go straight back down, or at least it used to be like that
It is the arrogant self-assuredness that it could not happen that worries me most. Did anyone believe in 1968 when we won the European Cup, that just six years later we would be relegated? It has happened to this club before in living memory. Then as now in the years leading up to United's relegation, there was managerial instability and poor results. Then as now, the households names, Best, Charlton and Law had long since departed the club only to be replaced by those of mediocre talent. If we do get relegated it will ultimately be our conceit and arrogance that takes us down.
It’s a different era of course. Teams were grown then more organically. Now in the main, success is bought more so and a great manager is more a catalyst for getting the best out of what they have been given (with the rare exception). If we got relegated this season and I don’t fear we will anyway it would be be ten times the failure it was in the 70’s.
It’s a different era of course. Teams were grown then more organically. Now in the main, success is bought more so and a great manager is more a catalyst for getting the best out of what they have been given (with the rare exception). If we got relegated this season and I don’t fear we will anyway it would be be ten times the failure it was in the 70’s.

I’d love to be the one that has to explain to the glazers what relegation means :drool:
Do you think someone has explained given the American system that united could actually be relegated though?
Yes I’m sure they know what relegation is. They may be greedy parasites but I’m sure after a decade they know what the professional leagues represent.
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