Cristiano Ronaldo leaves by mutual agreement | SIUUU Later

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What the feck did he do apart from that penalty? Yes, he had the disallowed goal, but come on, he isn't shutting anyones mouth.
What the feck did he do apart from that penalty? Yes, he had the disallowed goal, but come on, he isn't shutting anyones mouth.
Word. He looked very much like he has for United - gets a few good chances that he spurns, otherwise useless. Penalty was soft too, though well taken.
The amount of people sucking ronaldo's cock is unbelievable. They are either scared or actually deluded.
Is loving monetizing the fallout. Bragging on the internet about another man's size. He knew what he was doing. Probably floated a sweaty wrestling contest off camera. The way that interview went maybe Ronaldo even took the bait.

3 years make it an even dafter offer doesn't it!

Such a shame he didn't just stick it with us for this season, accept the rotation, and see it as a way of getting better performances out of himself because he's fresher.
He must have seen last year that his purple patches of goal scoring were when the games were more spread out.

Then he could have parted in a more befitting way, and then done a couple of years touring the minor leagues with the big money.
Why couldn’t he play out the season then leave? What’s the rush to move there now?
Why couldn’t he play out the season then leave? What’s the rush to move there now?

Makes so little sense doesn't it.
To leave a club with United's status, even not being 1st choice, to go to some D list league is bizarre beyond a simple money game.
Especially when it'd have been on the table next summer anyway.
Argentina’s overall play is simply dreadful, unbelievable considering the amount of talent at their disposal.
Makes so little sense doesn't it.
To leave a club with United's status, even not being 1st choice, to go to some D list league is bizarre beyond a simple money game.
Especially when it'd have been on the table next summer anyway.
His ego would not let it happen, simple. He needed to make it clear his poor form is everyone elses fault
His ego would not let it happen, simple. He needed to make it clear his poor form is everyone elses fault

But going to some two bit league is a no win surely.
Score loads and it's a two bit league. Don't score goals...unthinkable.
Once again, we finished 5th before we bought Zlatan. We finished 2nd before we bought Ronaldo.
I don’t need to justify anything, it’s black & white, both sides were shite. But Zlatan came in, scored more goals, scored more important goals, scored better goals AND won us trophies. And it certainly appears he was a much better influence on his teammates.

But hey, you said he did better than Zlatan…. And have yet to explain how on Earth you came to that conclusion when Zlatan beats him in every metric.

PLease, now you are comparing the sides they played in by the sides the season before not the season we are talking about. He scored more goals, he scored more decisive goals so he won mroe games. im not down playing Ibrahimovic, he was excellent here. The point I made originally before you started waffling on with your twaddle was he was a veteran striker that got highly praised as a veteran....Ronaldo was slated last season too, despite the fact I thought he was better. That is an opinion, if you think Ibrahimovic was better that is fair enough, not much in it....but you went on with the "he was miles better" as if ROnaldo has been crap, justifying the whole point i was making as you are slating him. The fact you are saying there was little between the performance levels of the sides in the season we are talking about of each tells me you are either stupid or just have a vendetta on Ronaldo
PLease, now you are comparing the sides they played in by the sides the season before not the season we are talking about.

I think Zlatan was miles better because of his influence on that team, because of how he improved and elevated them.
One certainly appeared to make his side much better, the other appeared to do the opposite.

That’s the entire point.
I think Zlatan was miles better because of his influence on that team, because of how he improved and elevated them.
One certainly appeared to make his side much better, the other appeared to do the opposite.

That’s the entire point.

His influence in the dressing room seemed miles better yes, dont disagree with that, I thought we were talkign about performances as a veteran though
His influence in the dressing room seemed miles better yes, dont disagree with that, I thought we were talkign about performances as a veteran though

Outscored him, scored better goals, more important goals, was a better influence, improved the team more.
In every metric Zlatan did better in his full veteran season here than Ronaldo did.
It's typical that Ronaldo tried to win penalties by doing similar dives all season for Utd and we didn't get any.

He does it for the first time at the World Cup and immediately it's given.
Haven’t read the whole thread but do want to comment.
An honourable person would see out his contract and plan a move after completion. The alternative would be to put in a transfer request. When all was settled he could do any interviews he liked, write a book and that would be fine.
Only a back-stabbing ego-maniac behaves he way this person (I can’t call him a man) has behaved.
I can’t wish any harm on him but I hope he fails in his future plans.
It's typical that Ronaldo tried to win penalties by doing similar dives all season for Utd and we didn't get any.

He does it for the first time at the World Cup and immediately it's given.
I think all this was a plan to get more penalties at the WC. Ingenious.

Oh no. No Bayern? We were the biggest club that wanted him yet constantly told we were just a nuisance to his legacy. Our so called club legends even backed this stupidity. The whole mates thing from the last couple years have been a huge eye opener. That idiot Woodward actually wanted to make Rio our technical director,
Some good things came out of his interview - showed how useless the fecking Glazers are. The infrastructure at Carrington is apparently shit. Not a fan of how Ronaldo went about it but he did what a serial winner would do.
He'll get to play in the Champions League. Asian Champons League that is
If he does end up in Saudi, it’ll be an embarrassing and humbling ending considering he was pushing for a move as he felt Utd was beneath him now and he wanted to play champions league football. He’s played this whole season completely wrong since the summer.
Absolute right the club sacked him, too much circus for a past it player. Glad he's no more our problem.
Some good things came out of his interview - showed how useless the fecking Glazers are. The infrastructure at Carrington is apparently shit. Not a fan of how Ronaldo went about it but he did what a serial winner would do.
I bet those parts don't even clock up to 2% of the total run time. That wasn't even close to the theme or motive.
Piers’ obsession with Ronaldo is super weird. Regardless of where people stand on the “is Ronaldo a United legend?” argument - I can’t fathom having this much passion for a player, let alone one that never played for United and is arguably an Arsenal legend. Crazy.
Piers’ sudden obsession with Ronaldo is super weird. Regardless of where people stand on the “is Ronaldo a United legend?” argument - I can’t fathom having this much passion for a player, let alone one that never played for United and is arguably an Arsenal legend. Crazy.

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