Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

Think the message of 'don't trust Corporations' was delivered loud and clear, they really went all out to deliver that :drool:

In all seriousness, just gets worse for them. It was pretty obvious on release how dodgy some of it was and just how bad the console versions were. Jeez, PUGB was better on release on the standard xbox ffs.

Ruined their reputation for what?

Well, the money I guess. They made enough money to cover their development costs in the first few days. The money they made from this game in the first few days is up there with Red Dead Redemption 2. Something like 13 or more million copies sold, and that's taking into consideration refunds.

Whether it's worth it or not is another question. There's no doubt they torched their reputation.
In conclusion: Cyberpunk was announced eight years ago, but development didn't really start until 2016.

What I keep telling people who think game starts development the moment it was announced.

Unchecked ambition mixed with ridiculous deadlines. Management are fecking stupid. Surely someone understood if you want to be amibitious you need to give it the right time?

Also, sick of hearing about the crunch now. Especially when that guy describes it as a 13 hour day being his record. Is that supposed to be mad? I was doing 13 hour days all the time last year. It was shit but I don't have Twitter harping on about it.
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They really need to tell us what they have planned for improvements, but I'm guessing they're terrified of doing so now. Wish I hadn't fecking bought a hard copy.
Bugs aside, the game is pretty pedestrian. You can't just "patch" that.
Storyline is really enjoyable. Everything then outside of that is disappointing. But I’m getting my money’s worth, butt can see why people are also rightly unhappy
Storyline is really enjoyable. Everything then outside of that is disappointing. But I’m getting my money’s worth, butt can see why people are also rightly unhappy

In a nutshell. Really thought it'd have a ridiculous amount of depth to it, seeing as TW3 was littered with detail outside the main quest. If that was the case it'd be an incredible game, maybe they'll flesh it out a bit through DLC. Currently it's a solid 8/10 game for me.
Is this game just too buggy or just a bad game or what? I was pretty excited about the game a year or so ago but kinda lost interest as it came closer to the release date and haven't followed up with it since.
Is this game just too buggy or just a bad game or what? I was pretty excited about the game a year or so ago but kinda lost interest as it came closer to the release date and haven't followed up with it since.

I have the ‘optimised/One X’ version for Series X - it fell short on the open world experience they pitched. A hell of a lot of bugs, some game breaking ones on last gen, but storyline is what has kept me playing.

It’s a decent game, not a game changer or a must play.
Is this game just too buggy or just a bad game or what? I was pretty excited about the game a year or so ago but kinda lost interest as it came closer to the release date and haven't followed up with it since.
If you focus on the story and primary side quests, fast travel everywhere, and have a Netrunner build then the game is absolutely bloody fantastic.

Otherwise you'll notice that there's a load missing from it.
18:50 :lol:

When Lego games are putting you to shame.

Yeah I was watching this earlier. The fact people buy into the apologies is disappointing.

As I said from release it's obvious so much is placeholder and nowhere near ready, every element of the game is basic and worst of all they are now standing by the "Pc version" as if people are stupid enough to think that version is actually the game they pushed over and over to us...
Oh and it reminds me of how many of these "content creators" sold out.

For those who still think reviews were never paid for, well, it's not only always been a thing but it's even easier to do now. I mean you don't think content creator programs, partnerships, codes at purchase and all that good stuff really comes free do you?
Oh and it reminds me of how many of these "content creators" sold out.

For those who still think reviews were never paid for, well, it's not only always been a thing but it's even easier to do now. I mean you don't think content creator programs, partnerships, codes at purchase and all that good stuff really comes free do you?
When the folk reviewing this were giving it high scores and failing to mention the missing content they were one of two things;

1) complicit in the bullshit from CDPR
2) incompetent and unable to notice the problems

Either way they aren't what you'd call "critic" material.
Oh and it reminds me of how many of these "content creators" sold out.

For those who still think reviews were never paid for, well, it's not only always been a thing but it's even easier to do now. I mean you don't think content creator programs, partnerships, codes at purchase and all that good stuff really comes free do you?

Yeah but video gamer geeks get blindsided by pretty colours and shit so the fact that somebody is obviously paying for a favourable review gets lost.

Remember GT5. Got good reviews, but the game wasn't finished. Same with MGS5. They were solid games, but half baked and at best should have got 7.5. GT Sport and GT6 were far better itterations of GT5.
Oh and it reminds me of how many of these "content creators" sold out.

For those who still think reviews were never paid for, well, it's not only always been a thing but it's even easier to do now. I mean you don't think content creator programs, partnerships, codes at purchase and all that good stuff really comes free do you?
I would blame them but I'd probably be the exact same corporate slut if I were in their shoes.

Being flown around the world to parties, put up in hotels, getting free goodies and then they give you the game to review. Not many will end that gravy train for a little "gaming integrity."
When the folk reviewing this were giving it high scores and failing to mention the missing content they were one of two things;

1) complicit in the bullshit from CDPR
2) incompetent and unable to notice the problems

Either way they aren't what you'd call "critic" material.

It's the third option nowadays:

3) Normal people with no clue of the industry but make money off games, so they only care about getting first looks and feeling special so they can make their videos/streams on it for the numbers.

I mean it's even easier for the devs/publishers to get away with it now, you don't even have to pay :lol:
I would blame them but I'd probably be the exact same corporate slut if I were in their shoes.

Being flown around the world to parties, put up in hotels, getting free goodies and then they give you the game to review. Not many will end that gravy train for a little "gaming integrity."

Yeah but you are not. The problem is down here where *people like you buy into it.

Ironically, that's the whole thing Cyberpunk is supposed to be rebelling against :lol:

(*And I'm talking the hypothetical you here too mate, I've no idea if you actually do or not! But you get the point)
Yeah but you are not. The problem is down here where *people like you buy into it.

Ironically, that's the whole thing Cyberpunk is supposed to be rebelling against :lol:

(*And I'm talking the hypothetical you here too mate, I've no idea if you actually do or not! But you get the point)
I know, no worries.

I don't buy into it either, I'm cynical as feck when it comes to Youtubers/Influencers!
Yeah but video gamer geeks get blindsided by pretty colours and shit so the fact that somebody is obviously paying for a favourable review gets lost.

Remember GT5. Got good reviews, but the game wasn't finished. Same with MGS5. They were solid games, but half baked and at best should have got 7.5. GT Sport and GT6 were far better itterations of GT5.
Wasn't that just rumours.

I've never seen anything from Kojima or Konami about the game been half baked. Also I agree that it seems half finished but in a weird(A very Kojima)way thats sort of the point.

Phantom pain is pain that feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there. Doctors once believed this post-amputation phenomenon was a psychological problem, but experts now recognize that these real sensations originate in the spinal cord and brain
I know, no worries.

I don't buy into it either, I'm cynical as feck when it comes to Youtubers/Influencers!

I respect them for what they do. I'm a big defender of the streamers for what they do and how it's relevant.

It's the fact bullshots and fake videos and utter feckery has been in the gaming industry for years and people still try to argue against that fact. That latest rebuttal is pure bullshit especially about the fake videos, they all do it anyone who has ever worked in the industry knows that and has seen that at trade shows at least, most have even been part of them. Sure we aren't going to change it ever, but when something like Cyberpunk comes along we should all at least be on the same side and aware of the bullshit fake preservation mode that these guys are now in.

I mean, they continue to say they are proud of the "PC version" :lol: It has the same dead ends, shit ai, monotone story and absolutely no creativity from the player what-so-ever (not to mention the content they "chose" to cut, you know all the stuff that would actually set it apart!). But hey, you can choose your dick so "best character creator ever!!!" :lol:

Remember GT5. Got good reviews, but the game wasn't finished.

I've said it numerous times, look at the GT5 thread on here (if it still exists). I called that exact thing out over and over especially the "prologue" bullshite and not a single person believed me :lol:
Wasn't that just rumours.

I've never seen anything from Kojima or Konami about the game been half baked. Also I agree that it seems half finished but in a weird(A very Kojima)way thats sort of the point.
Nah, they didn't finish it and the concept artwork says as much. It was the reason I beleive Kojima pulled up Stumps and left.
It's the third option nowadays:

3) Normal people with no clue of the industry but make money off games, so they only care about getting first looks and feeling special so they can make their videos/streams on it for the numbers.

I mean it's even easier for the devs/publishers to get away with it now, you don't even have to pay :lol:
Oh, yeah, there's always an option three.

I miss the good old days where GameSpot would have a massive scandal over poor review scores.
18:50 :lol:

When Lego games are putting you to shame.

exploitation of workers to release a game they were never even trying to make. I never even realised the twitter bio change to highlight "this isn't an RPG"...feckers.

This is Ubisoft levels of BS, the Anthem of CDPR. Just another game to add to the boycott list :(
exploitation of workers to release a game they were never even trying to make. I never even realised the twitter bio change to highlight "this isn't an RPG"...feckers.

This is Ubisoft levels of BS, the Anthem of CDPR. Just another game to add to the boycott list :(

I wouldn't go that far. Crunch time is shit, it's shit that it's expected in the industry and it's especially shit that people simply don't get how mentally draining working on a project like this is. But they weren't exploited, I'm willing to bet there's way more people there who wanted to release a better game and work on it even more than not. In fact, not one of them will be happy with this game even by the time it ends.

I've said it before, so I'll say it again, this is exactly like Bioshock:Infinite. A real grandiose plan designed by genuinely brilliant creators but funded by people who simply don't understand the time and investment it takes to make something like this. It's not about the man power, it's about the vision and keeping it.

The only differences between this and Infinite are the latter had the basic gameplay and story down, they just missed the bigger target. Oh and they had Troy Baker and Courtnee Draper.
Just completed the game on the Xbox one S,
Not a single crash, game breaking glitch or bug in sight.
Played beautiful all the way through.
Not normally a gamer but got caught by the hype and glad I did, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Will be playing through again most definitely.
woooo just finished the fight with Oda and damn that shit is intense on hard mode! Lots of double jump dodging, running away to create distance and attempted headshots with the sniper rifle. Threw loads of flashbangs but only about one or two caught him. Let the fecker live after a bit of consideration.


The Aldecaldos ending, leaving Night City with the wifey

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This is a fairly good review of the game if you have a couple of hours to watch it.

Finished it last night, this is pretty much exactly how I feel. Could have been much better with less feature creep and fewer bugs, but still a very solid game with some outstanding peaks.

Look forward to playing it again in a couple years as a smoother experience and with all the fancy graphical stuff.
"it was over hyped and now over hated"

Yeah. Duh.

It's not the worst game of all time, but it's one of the worst launches. It's depressing as we all wanted that game they promised, but it not only isn't but it falls so far short it has to go down as one of the biggest disappointments. My problem now though is the dogshit excuses coming from the people in charge and that some are lapping it up. I mean they know it's fecked, they know they had to remove features because they simply weren't ready, and yet we get soundbites like "we are proud of the PC version" and "all games have features stripped" whilst everyone can see the problem right there is that those "features" were the exact things that set this game apart and the PC version is still mediocre at best.

I still haven't refunded and I still want this to at least be half the game it could be, but the latest press releases show exactly what they think. Nothing against people who enjoyed it anyway, that's great, but let's not go thinking CDPR will actually recover from this in terms of reputation because they clearly don't know how. The money has been made, and all we will get down the line is soundbites about TW3 upgrades and about how great they are to fans.
I just activated the point of no return even though I still had a few question marks and side shit to do. Just want it to be over at this stage.

Says a lot that it feels like the game is too short (I actually couldn't believe it was already the point of no return when it was!) yet I still want it to be over. Aside from the main story (which feels like it only just got going and is now about to end) and missions with some good side characters, it's so lacking. The world itself sucks, the combat is average, driving is shite.

A real shame as I do think night city itself is stunning and I love how multi-layered it is but there's no doubt that CDPR released a half finished game in pretty much every aspect and it feels like it, because when I play it all I think is how good it could have been and not how good it is.
"it was over hyped and now over hated"

Yeah. Duh.

It's not the worst game of all time, but it's one of the worst launches. It's depressing as we all wanted that game they promised, but it not only isn't but it falls so far short it has to go down as one of the biggest disappointments. My problem now though is the dogshit excuses coming from the people in charge and that some are lapping it up. I mean they know it's fecked, they know they had to remove features because they simply weren't ready, and yet we get soundbites like "we are proud of the PC version" and "all games have features stripped" whilst everyone can see the problem right there is that those "features" were the exact things that set this game apart and the PC version is still mediocre at best.

I still haven't refunded and I still want this to at least be half the game it could be, but the latest press releases show exactly what they think. Nothing against people who enjoyed it anyway, that's great, but let's not go thinking CDPR will actually recover from this in terms of reputation because they clearly don't know how. The money has been made, and all we will get down the line is soundbites about TW3 upgrades and about how great they are to fans.

The “it was too hyped” line is annoying too considering the part the studio play in over hyping it :lol:

Honestly there’s a lot wrong with Nintendo which I’m happy to admit as a Nintendo fan but I do like how in recent years you might see a 20 second announcement clip and then you don’t see anything until there’s some solid gameplay to show that actually resembles the product you’re going to get.
Getting a fall damage bug since new patch on series X, just die at the end of a double jump. feck sake.
I just activated the point of no return even though I still had a few question marks and side shit to do. Just want it to be over at this stage.

Says a lot that it feels like the game is too short (I actually couldn't believe it was already the point of no return when it was!) yet I still want it to be over. Aside from the main story (which feels like it only just got going and is now about to end) and missions with some good side characters, it's so lacking. The world itself sucks, the combat is average, driving is shite.

A real shame as I do think night city itself is stunning and I love how multi-layered it is but there's no doubt that CDPR released a half finished game in pretty much every aspect and it feels like it, because when I play it all I think is how good it could have been and not how good it is.

just finished this. I done every side quest in the build up. That was the long grind. The main mission alright in comparison felt short - but the side quest, especially interacting with Johnny along the way as he talks about Mikoshi - make it much more of a storyline and build up to your choices. I think I ended up having all options open to me in the end so it felt more of a slog. In the end I just powered through then as I wanted to go onto Hitman 3.

I was going to do the other endings to see how it panned out - but not arsed right now as I had 159 hours in already. As I done the Panam side quests, I called her in. Was a fun ending. That choice before the epilogue - makes it clear enough all roads navigate to that choice when you talk to Alt - another reason I am in no rush to see the other endings.

enjoyed it overall though. Just not at all groundbreaking.