Donkai Havertz | Arsenal Watch

3 games in and hes being slated already, maybe just maybe give players some time to settle in and adapt to a new team at least. This is just slander for the sake of slander.
3 games in and hes being slated already, maybe just maybe give players some time to settle in and adapt to a new team at least. This is just slander for the sake of slander.
Are we meant to just ignore the dross he’s served up at Chelsea ever since he’s arrived in premier league?
the kind of fancy watch that is expensive but it's better to put in a drawer?
3 games in and hes being slated already, maybe just maybe give players some time to settle in and adapt to a new team at least. This is just slander for the sake of slander.

He is playing the same way he played for Chelsea for the previous 3 seasons.
Not a bad player, just absolutely not an Arsenal player or even a PL player. He needs a slower league and more space than he can get here.
Such a shame we got a terrible contract back on our books after working so hard to clean up our finances.
Arguably one of the reasons why the game was so 'competitive' for us. Whatever issues we have with Casemiro, Eriksen and Bruno was sort of negated of him being on their team.
Any reason why he hasn’t made his debut for Arsenal yet? Such an expensive signing surely has to play now.
At least we're not stuck with him.

Never a midfielder in a million years.
As good as Rice has been and Timber was looking...this one continues to be a bit of a mystery signing. Not a bad player but he just doesn't seem to be fitting in so far. Early going still.
He has been really bad so far every game for arsenal. If he doesn't improve then ESR and other players should deserve a chance in a starting spot.
He’s actually playing worse than what I’ve seen of him at Chelsea. But still, it’s only been a couple of games. He needs time.
"To conquer her"

Getting strong Conan The Barbarian vibes from that.


:lol: perhaps Tuchel’s approach works better in theory but not in practice? He was taking about Werner here staying back after training to work on his finishing.

French TV commentary on the tentative penalty (then disallowed) : "Good strategy to deceive the defenders, he's been invisible so long they forgot him."

Ouch :lol:
He looks a terrible signing. Ruins our build up play completely, doesn’t fit in that role at all. I don’t see how he fits except as back up centre forward, a role we don’t really need. I really hope there’s another level to his performances (likely as/when/if his confidence recovers), but I’m not expecting it.
Chelsea pulled a blinder getting Arsenal to pay what they did.
I do hope Lego Pep stays true to his words and try to ‘conquer’ with him.

It feels bizarre to say that Arsenal is a better team with Fabio Viera in the side.
Chelsea pulled a blinder getting Arsenal to pay what they did.
It's an incredible transfer. Arsenal are crying out for a goalscorer to be able to properly go toe to toe with City and they splash £65m on Havertz.

They'll bask in the win this week, but £170m for Rice and Havertz was poor business in my views.
It's an incredible transfer. Arsenal are crying out for a goalscorer to be able to properly go toe to toe with City and they splash £65m on Havertz.

They'll bask in the win this week, but £170m for Rice and Havertz was poor business in my views.
Just out of interest what's your views on how much United spent on Sancho and Antony?
I don’t know what it is that he’s supposed to do well. Arsenal aren’t winning the league any time soon with signings of this standard.
One of those players that doesn't seem to have a defined position, or at least needs extremely specific conditions to look good. Doesn't have the pace to play wide, the strength or finishing to play forward, the mobility and positioning to play midfield.
Just out of interest what's your views on how much United spent on Sancho and Antony?
What on earth has that got to do with anything? You’ll see plenty of threads slagging off the quality and signings of those 2, this is the Havertz thread, where we’re discussing how poor he is. If you’re that thin skinned you can’t bear to read the criticism go into another thread, or forum.
What on earth has that got to do with anything? You’ll see plenty of threads slagging off the quality and signings of those 2, this is the Havertz thread, where we’re discussing how poor he is. If you’re that thin skinned you can’t bear to read the criticism go into another thread, or forum.
Why has my question offended you so much :lol: I don't rate Havertz at all so I don't really give a shit what criticism United fans have for him

I don't think I'm the thin skinned one here