Erik ten Hag vs Sancho | Sancho back in full training

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Its not an opinion when you claim Ten Hag is one of the only managers to do it, when you were quickly sat down with two examples from Pep.

That would actually be more of a cherry picking of history to make Ten Hag's statements sound abnormal.

What IS unprecedented is a manager allowing a top earner 70m+ signing 3 months break midway through the season, unrelated to injury, just to get his headspace together. And then that player returning and still being an unprofessional cnut.

Sat down? Bit of child'ish thing to say? Anyway, its still an opinion even if someone attempts to respond with something thats an opinion too.
Managers critcise players, but this is unprecedented in my opinion when you consider the context.
Nice use of language to make the point but the irony is, thats exactly why I said its unprecedented, you've also kindly shared the same opinion. You really cant make this forum shit up.
I'll leave it there, got grown up things to do....
Lied? So you are making assumptions that I knew it wasnt true? I think it was unprecedented due to a unique set of circumstances, but again thats my opinion. Not sure why you are intent in proofing me wrong, when theres no 'right'.
If it helps, you win todays forum medal for persistence.
No, I'm not making assumptions. I'm stating outright that you know it wasn't unprecedented. It's been pointed out to you with multiple examples, in this very thread, that it's happened before. You lied, and not for the first time.

I'm done discussing anything with a dishonest person.
No, I'm not making assumptions. I'm stating outright that you know it wasn't unprecedented. It's been pointed out to you with multiple examples, in this very thread, that it's happened before. You lied, and not for the first time.

I'm done discussing anything with a dishonest person. The irony, maybe you have more in common with Sancho than you think!!!!!
Sat down? Bit of child'ish thing to say? Anyway, its still an opinion even if someone attempts to respond with something thats an opinion too.
Managers critcise players, but this is unprecedented in my opinion when you consider the context.
Nice use of language to make the point but the irony is, thats exactly why I said its unprecedented, you've also kindly shared the same opinion. You really cant make this forum shit up.
I'll leave it there, got grown up things to do....
It's not an opinion, I'm basing it off facts. The grace ten hag gave to sancho has never been seen (3 month break mid season to set his mentality right).

The open criticism of sancho from ten hag has been seen by other managers with players. In fact if we just expand out of England in Bundasliga, you can find open criticism of sancho from their footballing director. So no, it's not "unprecedented"
Lied? So you are making assumptions that I knew it wasnt true? I think it was unprecedented due to a unique set of circumstances, but again thats my opinion. Not sure why you are intent in proving me wrong, when theres no 'right'.
If it helps, you win todays forum medal for persistence.

Here’s some more harsh criticisms of a footballer by his manager:

“He was not injured, he trained yesterday. I had to go on what I was seeing and, to be honest, it was not good enough,” (after being subbed off after 36 minutes)

“He has a lot to learn, a lot of potential. But for every player who has talent there is no talent without hard work. Hard work is 90 per cent. Talent is 10 percent." (after a poor individual performance in a disappointing result)

'we need players on the pitch who are focused and ready' (explaining why player had been dropped from matchday squad for huge CL fixture at last minute, after turning up late for training)

These are all about the same footballer.

Guess who?!?
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It's gone on too long now and it doesn't reflect well on him as a professional footballer. United don't need players like him, manager sacked or not.
It's gone on too long now and it doesn't reflect well on him as a professional footballer. United don't need players like him, manager sacked or not.
I was also thinking, the length Sancho let this go on for shows what a mug he is.
If he was good enough, none of this would’ve happened, imo. He never really played well for us. His being left out of the squad would be nothing - there’s plenty of guys over the years who’ve not done enough to make a match day squad.

Problem was, every time he got left out the press banged on about it like it was some kind of shock and it never was. He’s in the same bracket as Donny but because he cost us twice as much the journos pretended it was news because what they really wanted was exactly what happened - a scandal, more chaos at this once great club. They are happy as could be with this farce.
There was a YouTube video about 4 years ago showing footballers who are in it just for the money, not because they also love playing as well. Ter Stergen was the highest profile, I can recall. Perhaps Sancho is in this bracket. He’s got it made. Getting 375k a week and doesn’t have to do feck all.
It’s baffling to me how many people still defend Sancho, despite him being so obviously in the wrong and behaving so incredibly childish. Especially when those people are United fans, as he has done nothing of note for your club. I kind of get Dortmund fans taking his side. But United fans defending him is really strange.

Same mate. Sancho has done far less in a United shirt than every "failed" transfer that people moan about. I genuinely cannot wrap my mind around it. The only United fans I can see defending him are people who want to use it as a stick to beat the manager with (As if we need this particular one as there are plenty available) because otherwise I cannot see what a United fan would have seen in this waste of space to think that he is what we are missing right now, or that he could be useful in the future after floundering around like a Magikarp under 3 different managers.
Something has to be happening in January, he can't just pick up £300 k per week and sit football out until the summer.
I noticed Shaw and Rashford have both been commenting on Sancho’s recent posts.

By all means wish him luck but why in front of the eyes of the world when he’s had a very public falling out with your manager? At best it’s tone deaf.
I noticed Shaw and Rashford have both been commenting on Sancho’s recent posts.

By all means wish him luck but why in front of the eyes of the world when he’s had a very public falling out with your manager? At best it’s tone deaf.
Those two don’t seem the sharpest knives in the draw that’s for sure.
I noticed Shaw and Rashford have both been commenting on Sancho’s recent posts.

By all means wish him luck but why in front of the eyes of the world when he’s had a very public falling out with your manager? At best it’s tone deaf.

Or they both know exactly what they're doing in the context of the existing culture at United.
Liking a insta post is now a headline worthy story...modern football at its finest!

Stop repeating social media shite it means absolutely nothing.
Ten Hag making it harder to get any kind of fee for him with comments like this
Ten Hag making it harder to get any kind of fee for him with comments like this

Feels like he's just pointing out the obvious. He fecked off to Holland for most of last season! His issues at both City, Dortmund, end even with England, are well known.

If he does well back at Dortmund it won't matter what EtH says. What will really reduce the fee is the fact we so obviously want rid of him, and he seems to want to go.

Even if he plays a blinder for 6 months in Germany we'll be lucky to get £40m for him.
It’s near impossible to sell him for any sort of sensible fee because of his wages (unless he agrees to take a significant cut). Best case has to be that he remembers his love of football, tears it up in Germany and returns determined to succeed in the big leagues. If he can have a decent season in 24-25 for us, even if as a rotation option, we might find someone willing to pay decent monies thereafter.

If we sell him this summer, it feels like a situation where we end up accepting £10-£15m in real terms to subsidise his wages. We are then left still without RW cover and no monies to spend to cover it.
Why did you think that? Not even EtH claimed that. He suspended Rashford for a match for being late, he never did that with Sancho.
No? At least that's how his comment were interpreted, given the context (scroll up three posts).
Its quite obvious ETH is the problem. Ronaldo's drama queenish exit aside, it seems the manager lacks the basic people skills to keep his key players on board, which is only reinforced by Wesley Sneijders recent comments about ETH. When you combine both situations its clear to see they both have the same common denominator.

No? At least that's how his comment were interpreted, given the context (scroll up three posts).
I know. And lots of people think that. But it was never confirmed that there have been such issues and everything EtH said was just about performance, not about discipline.

Confirmed stories like oversleeping exist from his Dortmund spell and apparently from England, but even then in Dortmund they dealt with that and didn't see it as a real issue.
I know. And lots of people think that. But it was never confirmed that there have been such issues and everything EtH said was just about performance, not about discipline.

Confirmed stories like oversleeping exist from his Dortmund spell and apparently from England, but even then in Dortmund they dealt with that and didn't see it as a real issue.
Still, it was a bit strange to refer to bad performances as "issues". Sancho was not setting the world on fire with his performances at United, but he wasn't just terrible either.

I wonder if the whole thing about Sancho's disiplin issues has been blown out of proportions, tbh, and I include myself in that.
Its quite obvious ETH is the problem. Ronaldo's drama queenish exit aside, it seems the manager lacks the basic people skills to keep his key players on board, which is only reinforced by Wesley Sneijders recent comments about ETH. When you combine both situations its clear to see they both have the same common denominator.

To quote David Winner in ‘Brillian Orange - The Neurotic Genious of Dutch Football (on the WC final between Netherlands and Spain):

‘You can explain the whole thing in one word: Stupidity. It was stupidity to give the most stupid player, Wesley Sneijder, the central place in the team.’
Still, it was a bit strange to refer to bad performances as "issues". Sancho was not setting the world on fire with his performances at United, but he wasn't just terrible either.

I wonder if the whole thing about Sancho's disiplin issues has been blown out of proportions, tbh, and I include myself in that.
I'm quite sure it was. Whatever "issues" he had likely were another kind of issue - likely reasons why he didn't appear fully focused or concentrated etc (and therefore reasons to exclude him from the matchday squad for performance reasons).
ETH is the problem when Sancho has been average (at best) under three different managers? He’s not been worth the outlay for him, and he’s not worth all the fussing about either. He hasn’t exactly been blowing up the Bundesliga. Just had a decent game against PSG (which was ridiculously overhyped) against a young fullback and a poor entire left flank. If he’s that good, he would be doing it week in week out in the Premiership.

I don’t even understand the context of Sneijder’s and (especially) Rangnick’s quotes. Is being calm, pleasant and having no discipline issues in SIX MONTHS, all whilst giving bang average performances on the field, what we want in a United player? Feck that.

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Its quite obvious ETH is the problem. Ronaldo's drama queenish exit aside, it seems the manager lacks the basic people skills to keep his key players on board, which is only reinforced by Wesley Sneijders recent comments about ETH. When you combine both situations its clear to see they both have the same common denominator.

Well if Wesley says it case closed
Not every player must be managed the same way. Sancho was rumoured to be having mental health/confidence issues. Look at how Dortmund manage him and suddenly a player playing with full confidence and produced one of the best performance at highest stage of football.
While I gave him support and want him to succeed, Sancho hasn't impressed so far in United shirt. I liked his performance vs Chelsea at home last season, also Leeds away in 21/22 but there weren't many more. It's similar to Antony - they don't excite you that many times and then there's Garnacho (different player no doubt) who actually does excite you often with his performances from the wing.

Also, didn't he get few months to train alone and get into shape (physically and/or mentally) and great ovation coming back? Didn't do great since that. I'm not writing him off and could still be a success for us or other club but don't believe this "It was all ten Hag's fault" narrative that gets popular now with Sancho being decent for Dortmund and ten Hag possibly losing his job in few weeks. It's like choosing to believe it was all just Mourinho's fault when Ole just got to United and Pogba was in good form.
As always seemed the most likely scenario, I think he'll get a fresh start under the new manager next season.

Disgusting if so. We must rid this squad of its unprofessional characters - their mentality is a chronic infection in the dressing room. Sancho is exhibit A, but there are certainly others.
There are plenty of things I think Ten Hag has got wrong but blaming him for ONE OF our spoiled man childs (and one who’s a repeat offender) is just an agenda. He’ll be blamed for the start of WWII soon

Two things can be true at the same time… the manager has made mistakes AND Sancho is an idiot who needs selling.

(Wesley Sneidjer??!:rolleyes:)
Football is something that speaks with result. When someone does well outside of the Team, and your Team drowning, you know who is right.

KDB and Salah speak for the Chelsea Youth program as well. The Club itself may or may not be successful, but their Youth Program / Academy is definitely not. May be successful from a buying and selling (trading) perspective, but from Youth development perspective, a failure.
Rangnick and Dortmund found no issues working with Sancho. In fact, Rangnick stated that Sancho is a calm and pleasant guy. Sometime things are not black and white.
So how did Sancho perform on the field with Rangnick as the manager?
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