Gary Neville

Giving Noble MOM...fecking wanker.

he is MotM?

47 years old average as it gets dominating our midfield.

Everything he’s said is right today. Squad isn’t good enough and questioning where the 900m has been spent.

You wanna get worried if he says nothing and acts like this is all alright.
Giving Noble MOM...fecking wanker.

Honestly, I can't think of anyone else. Rice probably second choice but that's only cos he hasn't stood out or done anything actively shit. Cresswell and Yarmalenko scored but not much else. Noble was the one spreading the ball around the pitch.

But yes, he should have been off
He keeps saying Ole needs 3-4 more windows. He is mad.
Every time we change managers they get 1 or 2 transfer windows to implement there plan, but with woody that's impossible to implement, we'll be back here in 2 years saying the same shit about whoever takes over, "he's not good enough" even though none of them have really been backed.

For feck sake we lost Herrera, Lukaku and Sanchez, only James to replace them, a blind man could see this coming.
We are not brave enough to debate about Manchester United with him. Gary Nevile is best right back to ever grace the Premier League. The only man, who's got a birth certificate which is a letter of acceptance to Manchester United academy. He's a local lad, a true Mancunian, a legend and have more info + analytical skills about ManUnited management more than anyone on the planet, despite his failings as a manager and struggles to count to cuatro.
Not sure why he is on tv spouting his opinion if he can't be objective about Ole or the club. Nepotism is going to be the downfall of the club through indulging the selfish class of 92.
Like LVG and Mourinho?
Arsenal got rid of Wenger and bought in a REAL manager. They are flying away of course.

When Sir Alex took over he reformed the club from up to bottom, removing the pub club mentality and turning it into a proper powerhouse. We need to so the same as the system we're using had past its time. The club needs A CEO who knows about football, a top DOF, a top technical director and a top manager. The only good thing about Ole's appointment is that this nostalgia surrounding the United way and this romantic view of hungry local lads who'll take us to success will hopefully tank with him
So you think we should sack Ole and hire someone else? Now I presume? Who Do we hire?
Literally any other manager who's had any success at a big club in the past ten years would make more sense than Ole, so the question of who is moot. I don't think a poster should have to mention anyone specific, such as Allegri, and have it result in argument of whether Allegri would actually do a better job than Ole when the obvious answer as of right now is that he probably would.

But there's something massively wrong with this fan base. They love making arguments such as "we've spent loads of money and that hasn't worked so we should try buying players on the cheap". Insanity. Just because our two previous "top level" managers were crap (neither of whom had done particularly well at club level immediately before becoming our managers), doesn't mean we should start handing the job to managers who got sacked at the likes of Cardiff.
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He’s right. What’s the alternative?

You surely can't expect him to say otherwise?

Anyone would need 3-4 windows to sort this shit out

He is defending Ole, I get it. He is a former team mate. I think he believe's Ole understands the club and has the best intentions.

But that doesn't mean he is right for the job, or that he is the right man to be trusted with a 3-4 window rebuild. Sure his signings thus far have been good.

But the lack of a defined identity/ style, lack of tactical nous and a distinct lack of attacking ideas (movement and patterns) is obvious.

We are in deep trouble.
OGS could have you 10 pts adrift at the bottom and Neville will still back him. He will not rock the boat, ex team mate, friends etc.
So you think we should sack Ole and hire someone else? Now I presume? Who Do we hire?

Look its evident that the guy is ridiculously out of depth. No manager with some football IQ who have accepted to start the season with a non existent midfield AND forward line. That's a recipe to disaster of epic proportions. So yes, Ole needs to go. Hopefully this yet stupid appointment will trigger a chain reaction which will see many heads being removed at OT. That includes Woodward and Judge. We need top football people with experience in the role given. That exclude former players who are now pundits whose only good at tapping at ipads and saying stupid things.
Literally any other manager who's had any success at a big club in the past ten years would make more sense than Ole, so the question of who is moot. I don't think a poster should have to mention anyone specific, such as Allegri, and have it result in whether Allegri would actually do a better job than Ole when the obvious answer as of right now is that he probably would.

Do you think it would make sense to sack Ole now is the main question though?
When Sir Alex took over he reformed the club from up to bottom, removing the pub club mentality and turning it into a proper powerhouse. We need to so the same as the system we're using had past its time. The club needs A CEO who knows about football, a top DOF, a top technical director and a top manager. The only good thing about Ole's appointment is that this nostalgia surrounding the United way and this romantic view of hungry local lads who'll take us to success will hopefully tank with him

Who would you bring in?
Look its evident that the guy is ridiculously out of depth. No manager with some football IQ who have accepted to start the season with no midfield and no forward line. That's a recipe to disaster of epic proportions. So yes, Ole needs to go. Hopefully this yet stupid appointment will trigger a chain reaction which will see many heads being removed at OT. That includes Woodward and Judge. We need top football people with experience in the role given. That exclude former players who are now pundits whose only good at tapping at ipads and saying stupid things.

I don’t necessarily disagree that he’s out of his depth but sacking him now would be stupid.

Whoever replaced him would have to be desperate for a job to take over this squad in its current state.
Getting real players would be better. No manager is gonna do something with this championship level players.. 2 good players of 25 players squad is terrible.

That will need to be done as well of course. But first things first. CEO-> DOF -> Technical Director -> Manager -> players. Also lets stop with these managers building teams according to their philosophy. The club should have a philosophy (in my opinion built around young top quality players irrespective of nationality) and managers should stick to it. No more old players BS, no more British only BS etc. The aim is for United to win. Its not to give the manager's former soldiers their last paycheck or to strengthen the UK/England's national team.
He was in full agreement with our transfers and transfer policy. Will he throw Ole under the bus? He doesn’t need to do it, Ole will get sacked anyway.
Who would you bring in?


1. Beppe Marotta
2. VDS

- Wenger or Sir Alex are appointed at board level. Once this guy retire then Ole or Giggs can take his place.


1. Campos
2. Paratici
3. Zorc

Head of recruitment

1. Mitchell

Temporary Manager



1. Pochs
2. Howe
3. Nagelsmann
He was in full agreement with our transfers and transfer policy. Will he throw Ole under the bus? He doesn’t need to do it, Ole will get sacked anyway.

The transfer policy this Summer was not about success this season, it was about starting a process that allows Utd to compete when Liverpool and City start to drop off. What did fans seriously expect this season? Our transfer window, outs as much as ins told a story of the short term not being the focus.