Film Great films that you could only watch one time

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Maybe it’s too intense, too heavy, or too much of something that discourages you from watching it twice. But you will still consider it a great film.

For me:

Requiem for a Dream
Enter the Void
Schindler's List.
Schindler's List.
I was thinking about that the other day. Over the years I’ve seen clips from it here or there multiple times, but strangely never feel inclined to sit through another watch, while I’ve watched The Pianist at least 3 times.

There’s something very much disconcerting being confronted visually about the depth we could sink to, even if we have no problem soaking that in through another medium.

Your two choices are also perfect
Still Alice - Too sad
Whiplash - Too uncomfortable
You gotta be kidding :lol:

I never tire of the scene where Michael Caine is hitting Steve Martins leg with that cane.

Oh I can watch scenes ok Ruprecht was hilarious but I can't watch the whole film already knowing the ending.
Requiem For A Dream
Son Of Saul

Probably a few others i can't think of
I've never had this to be honest. If I feel profoundly about a film I want to watch a second time to see how differently I react, and if my initial emotional reactions led me to miss any interesting things the first time.

Thought it was a brilliant, super unnerving horror which kept me creeped out and on edge the entire time, possibly making it my favourite horror movie ever. Watching it in the cinema was a real experience.

But I have no real desire to watch it again, certainly not ever alone. Same with Hereditary actually, they’re just not the kind of film that I feel have that much rewatch value. Knowing everything that happens beforehand in that kind of film which rely heavily on shocks to the senses kinda spoils it a little for me.
  • Eraser Head
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Requiem for a dream
  • Boyhood
  • Schindlers List

I agree with the others but Mulholland Drive is the perfect film to repeat view. There's so much to see and contemplate.
I agree with the others but Mulholland Drive is the perfect film to repeat view. There's so much to see and contemplate.

Hi Eckers99, I tried, I'm a huge Lynch fan but I just didn't really enjoy repeat viewings. Same with his recent Twin Peaks. The original series has withstood 3 - 4 viewings but that last one just gave me a headache :lol:
Martyrs (The original French version, not the shitty American, sugar-coated, remake from a couple of years ago)

Extremely violent & brutal movie, but it keeps you wondering right up the end as to why. Would be hard to sit through all that violence & brutality again, especially knowing the reasoning behind it.
Hi Eckers99, I tried, I'm a huge Lynch fan but I just didn't really enjoy repeat viewings. Same with his recent Twin Peaks. The original series has withstood 3 - 4 viewings but that last one just gave me a headache :lol:
Fair enough. I've found myself looking for logic where there probably isn't any, tbf :lol: Hard to say whether Lynch is being abstract or just fecking with the audience at times. Sometimes I just have to force myself to stop analysing everything on screen and just enjoy it as an experience. That's the beauty of his work though isn't it? No easy answers.
Martyrs (The original French version, not the shitty American, sugar-coated, remake from a couple of years ago)

Extremely violent & brutal movie, but it keeps you wondering right up the end as to why. Would be hard to sit through all that violence & brutality again, especially knowing the reasoning behind it.
It's about as unwatchable as Liverpool's current season for a Utd fan. It's that bad.