

Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
It means not demeaning clubs from lower leagues. It means appreciating when you win. It means congratulating opponents when they play well. It means not being entitled to expect perfection or total domination. It means tolerance of mistakes, and supporting the team in good times or bad. Funny little word, humility.
You don’t need to tell me, I’m the most humble person ever. The humility GOAT, if you will.
  1. the state or quality of being humid.
    • a quantity representing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere or in a gas.
      plural noun: humidities
      "the temperature is seventy-seven, the humidity in the low thirties"
    • atmospheric moisture.
      "the humidity should be supplied by regularly spraying the leaves"
Who exactly expects perfection or total domination? Not saying it's the case with this OP specifically, but that's a common straw man that's used here to put down any fans who call for a semblance of basic standards.
From the Latin humilitas -

Lowness, small stature; insignificance; baseness, littleness of mind
It means not demeaning clubs from lower leagues. It means appreciating when you win. It means congratulating opponents when they play well. It means not being entitled to expect perfection or total domination. It means tolerance of mistakes, and supporting the team in good times or bad. Funny little word, humility.

It's a football club that I support, I'm not a fecking player I'm not required to be "humble" or be tolerant of repeated incompetence
Can you do another thread on maintaining standards and excellence?
It means not demeaning clubs from lower leagues. It means appreciating when you win. It means congratulating opponents when they play well. It means not being entitled to expect perfection or total domination. It means tolerance of mistakes, and supporting the team in good times or bad. Funny little word, humility.
Most of us are just watching football, not going to church.

We have one of the biggest wage bill in the world so you should give your advice to players, coaches and directors, so they can give it back and be at the good level of humility.
10 more years of this sort of football and drama and the average United fan will be competing with St Francis of Assisi in terms of humility.