If there are no transfers this month...

DADDY! Daddy!... Want! Want! NOW! NOW!

Only the Prem. League and Ligue 1 opened their transfer windows on June 10, everyone else's transfer windows open on July 1st. And all close on Monday 1st Sept... that's 70 days ffs.

So maybe things are just simmering on low heat or taken off the stove for a bit while while most of Europe is on holiday.

I'm sure things will start cooking soon, yes we are all hungry but stop acting like we are actually starving!

Although I can understand fans frustrations as it does seem like our club likes to go to a 5* michelin restaurant then dither for ages over whether to order the best, but most expensive dish, which they had their heart set upon, before finally deciding to order it just as kitchen closes only to be told either, it's still available but at extra cost due to having to pay chef overtime ...or off the menu, in which case we then hurriedly leg it down to the kebab shop at 2 am ending up with a few slices of shawarma and some chips.

I'm hoping, we will see a new and improved approach to transfers as well as all other aspects of running a proper football club following all the recent restructuring. So more a case of diligence rather than dithering, fingers crossed.

Give it a minute will ya!?

T minus 70 and counting...........!
DADDY! Daddy!... Want! Want! NOW! NOW!

Only the Prem. League and Ligue 1 opened their transfer windows on June 10, everyone else's transfer windows open on July 1st. And all close on Monday 1st Sept... that's 70 days ffs.

So maybe things are just simmering on low heat or taken off the stove for a bit while while most of Europe is on holiday.

I'm sure things will start cooking soon, yes we are all hungry but stop acting like we are actually starving!

Although I can understand fans frustrations as it does seem like our club likes to go to a 5* michelin restaurant then dither for ages over whether to order the best, but most expensive dish, which they had their heart set upon, before finally deciding to order it just as kitchen closes only to be told either, it's still available but at extra cost due to having to pay chef overtime ...or off the menu, in which case we then hurriedly leg it down to the kebab shop at 2 am ending up with a few slices of shawarma and some chips.

I'm hoping, we will see a new and improved approach to transfers as well as all other aspects of running a proper football club following all the recent restructuring. So more a case of diligence rather than dithering, fingers crossed.

Give it a minute will ya!?

T minus 70 and counting...........!
What on Earth have I just read