Film Is Titanic a Bad Film?

If it was a box office bomb that nobody had seen they'd all be telling us how marvellous it is.
It seems to get a lot of criticism from film snobs.

What? Didn't it get bummed to death when it first came out?

Was absolutely shit though.

Literally just a shit love story on a boat. The sinking was just like an afterthought. Clichéd to shit. Visuals were great for the time though I suppose.
Yeah I wouldn't say it's an amazing film and I couldn't care much for the love story but I do think the depiction of the disaster following the collision with the iceberg is really well done. Must have been beyond terrifying being on board at the time. I first watched the film when I was 8 when it came out on video (2 videos actually I think because it was that long), and I've always had a bit of a fascination with the story of the Titanic ever since.
It’s alright. But nothing too special.
Yeah I wouldn't say it's an amazing film and I couldn't care much for the love story but I do think the depiction of the disaster following the collision with the iceberg is really well done. Must have been beyond terrifying being on board at the time. I first watched the film when I was 8 when it came out on video (2 videos actually I think because it was that long), and I've always had a bit of a fascination with the story of the Titanic ever since.
Same. I had a model titanic I made with my dad (my dad made) and I won an set competition in 2 separate age categories at my local library for titanic-themed drawings. I was so cool as a kid
It was good. I had my first boner over Kate Winslet. I’ll never forget it.
“After he saw the movie Titanic, he started the Billy Zane fan club. Look it up, they’re called The Zaniacs.”
I’ve not watched Avatar since it came out because i fecking hated it. Nothing happens for 90% of the film!

Me neither. In seriousness I prefer Titanic as a piece of entertainment, but for me both these films were lauded for being 'industry moments' rather than for the nuts and bolts of their production; acting, script, narrative etc. Generally I tend to prefer stories set in the real world to fantasy, and much prefer in-camera effects to CGI so Titanic is naturally more my kind of spectacle in its second half (plus Winslet's boobies aren't in Avatar, let's face it).
It was good. I had my first boner over Kate Winslet. I’ll never forget it.

When me and my older brother were little there was a lovely old lady who used to come and baby sit us sometimes. I guess my brother would have been about 10 or 11 and she let him watch Titanic in the evening, I suppose not realising quite how risqué it gets. When he's painting her like his French ladies or whatever, he turned to Freda and said, "Is he going to give her one then?" :lol:
Never watched it, but I feel like I know every scene through years of cross-references.

If you judge art by its long lasting cultural impact, it's difficult to argue against Titanic being a great movie even if you don't personally like it.
I saw it for the first time last year. I thought it would be more of an ensemble movie with multiple stories being told but there was too much focus on the love story. So it felt very underwhelming.
Like pretty much all of Jimbo Cameron's films it's a spectacle and for 1997 was ludicrously good in terms of CGI and production. Nobody talks about it seriously though because it's not the most thought-provoking film. It's perfectly fine if you were entertained by it (I was) but it's difficult to say ot makes you think of much outside of the movie itself.

To add, it's a real cinema film and that's a nice thing. A big screen with full blooded surround sound cranked up to 11 makes it a cracking watch.

You hear every creak as the passengers descend into their watery graves.

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It's not as bad as the critics say and it's not as good as the box-office and the amount of Academy Awards would suggest. This was just... decent, I guess? Visually is was stunning, the plot was very poor, Whinslet was quite good...

I mean, Avatar was a bad movie – just instantly forgettable (a fun fact – there are 4 more Avatar movies coming out :nervous:). With Titanic even after 20 years you still remember some scenes (even though one of those scenes was Kate Whinslet killing Di Caprio because she wouldn't share the door with him) and a general feeling.
I never understood why she couldn't feckin share her icecube with him. There was plenty of space.