It's the Redcafe Nativity Play!

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Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
May 5, 2003
Where Albert Stubbins scored a diving header
The Redcafe Nativity Play

Those of a religious disposition please read no further :nervous:


SCENE 1 – A suburban house in Nurslereth, Southampton
LIVVIE and JOPUB are having breakfast. He reads the paper, she potters about.

LIVVIE: Darling…
JOPUB: Well would you look at that. “Pound falls dramatically”. I mean there is just no call for that kind of cynical playacting in the modern…
LIVVIE: Er, can I have a word?
JOPUB: Have you looked at the mail yet?
LIVVIE: No. Can I speak to you a sec?
JOPUB: Hmmm, something from the Inland Revenue, great…what’s on yer mind luv?
LIVVIE: Well, I know this is going to be a bit of a shock, but... I’m pregnant.
JOPUB: What? But we’ve never even…
LIVVIE: I know. But, well I was visited. By a spirit.
LIVVIE: Well…something like that…
JOPUB: Well where did it come from?
LIVVIE: Salford, I think. Or Galway. Hard to tell, he was a bit worse for wear.
JOPUB: And when’s it due?
LIVVIE: Erm...tomorrow.
JOPUB: TOMORROW? So that isn’t your Complete Tolkien up your jumper after all. Well. This is going to complicate things, cos according to this letter, I have to go back to my place of birth tomorrow. For a census.
LIVVIE: Where were you born then?
JOPUB: Bethnal Green.

Song: Oh Little Town of Bethnal Green

LIVVIE: Great, just what I need, a holiday in Cockney Hell. Why are they making us do that?
JOPUB: Population studies…they want to know why the birth-rate’s falling…so do I for that matter, fecking disgrace, there was no-one near it and it just blatantly dived -
LIVVIE: Yes luv…but how are we going to get there? The car’s knackered after some idiot drove into it just cos it was sunny. Can’t take a coach in my condition and the trains are on strike…
JOPUB: Right then. There’s nothing for it… We’ll have to take the Heskey.

Song: Little Heskey

They pack their provisions onto the Heskey, mount and set off. We can hear their voices as they wobble away:

JOPUB: No Heskey, straight ahead…you can’t just keep heading backwards…move FORWARDS…
LIVVIE: Oh Lord he’s fallen over…
JOPUB: That’s an absolute DISGRACE, he’ll have learnt that from your bloody horse…
LIVVIE: Shush dear, and help me get him up again…come on little Heskey…

They exit

A distant mountainside. Three shepherds tend their flocks by night. They are MARCHING, TRUE WHITE and DAVE 007

MARCHING (wistfully): Look at them all, poor little brutes, running aimlessly around, not realizing every last one of them’s going to be sold to the highest bidder…
TRUE WHITE: And even that won’t save us. Might as well face facts lads: this farm is going under.
DAVE 007: Looks like we counted our chickens before they hatched…
MARCHING: Put all our eggs in one basket…
TRUE WHITE: Mutton dressed up as lamb…
DAVE 007: Lost sheep…
TRUE WHITE: Lambs to the slaughter….
MARCHING: Fleeced, boys, we’ve been fleeced.

Their conversation dies down, giving way to a desolate silence, punctuated by the occasional distressed bleat (and some noises from the sheep too)
Suddenly, a strange light appears in the sky

MARCHING: Hold your horses boys…what’s THAT?
DAVE 007: What?
MARCHING: Up there! In the sky!
MARCHING: There! By the Big Dipper!
DAVO: Did somebody call?
REST OF CAF: Shhh! This is a good bit!
DAVO: Poofs.
MARCHING: ’Tis a Star!
DAVE 007: A Star has come to save us!
TRUE WHITE: A new Star, full of promise of future glory!
JSINGH: wot u think he do a job 4 us?

Song: Hark the Herald Angel, Singh

MARCHING: It is heading West! Come, let us follow it!

The Shepherds follow the star. Other residents also notice the Star, and get into a heated and endless debate about whether it really is a Star, whether it’s right to head West, whether it wanted to go West all along and whether we should have let it go West in the first place. Some opine that without the Star everything is doomed, while others argue that it’s not actually as great a Star as it’s cracked up to be, is a shameless self-publicist and has a talentless slag for a missus.

But let us leave this frank and forthright exchange of views, lest our story become sidetracked and we be forced to top ourselves, and return to our heroic couple, LIVVIE and JOPUB, whom we find trying to get back onto the M3 at Fleet Services near Farnborough

The Heskey has stopped dead at the turning onto the M3

JOPUB: FFS Heskey! How the hell do you expect us to get back onto the motorway if you won’t turn the corner!
LIVVIE: Come on, Little Heskey, you know you can do it!
JOPUB: It’ll take five sodding years at this rate…
PASSING COACH: Zat’s ze plan!

They finally get on the road. Around them lolls the Hampshire countryside

LIVVIE: Hey Jo, look at all these lovely woods…
JOPUB: I’m a bloody carpenter, woman, I get enough of that at home.
LIVVIE: Don’t be grumpy dear. Wow, it reminds me of ancient forests…hey, lets play a game to pass the time! I’ll be Dildo Catflap, and you be Legoland, and we can re-enact the Fall of Saurkraut!
JOPUB: And Fall’s the word! There was absolutely ZERO contact there, he just hit the deck and…
LIVVIE: Oh forget it…

They amble off into the distance, with Heskey showing the following traffic how good he is at holding it up

Far away, three learned kings, King Calspar, King Melvinor and King Blythasar (retd.), sit staring at computer screens

CALSPAR: Hey! Did you guys just see a bright thing go shooting past the window? I bet you can use it to make predictions!
MELVINOR: Shut it, pothead, I’ve got to post 200 more times tonight if I’m going to complete ten million within the month!
BLYTHASAR: Yeah, and it’s not easy designing a ‘Roman Abramovich’ smilie either you know! Now, is the spunk-stain on the right or the left…?
CALSPAR(Adopts Scouse accent): Alright, calm down, calm down. I’ll see if anyone on YAWN saw it…been a while since that lot saw a shooting star…

They go back to their screens

Song: We Three Skills Reorientation Programmes Are Undergoing

MELVINOR: There we go – “:rolleyes:” - there, I’ve done it!

End of Scene 4

The little town of Bethnal Green. Night. LIVVIE and JOPUB dismount the Heskey and enter an Inn.

LIVVIE: …no dear, I agree, it’s a lovely part of the world…those burning cars are very picturesque…and all those nice men who saw the state of our Heskey and asked us if we ‘wanted any pony’.
JOPUB: Ah, yes, a room for two please…
GRINNKEEPER THE GOONER: Sorry mate, all booked up.
JOPUB: What, you too?!! That’s six inns we’ve tried!
GRINNKEEPER THE GOONER: Sorry mate, it’s the Arsenal match – we’ve had a booking of 50 Geordies - lifelong fans since 1996 - down on extended business trips, they say.
LIVVIE: Is there nowhere in this town we can sleep for the night?
GRINNKEEPER THE GOONER: Well, there’s an old manger round the back…

They head round the back, where LIVVIE approaches a bloke standing at the traffic lights wiping car windows for a quid

LIVVIE: Er, can you put us up for the night please?
RAY PARLOUR: Sorry luv?
JOPUB: It’s a Manger we’re looking for dear, not a minger

Song: Away with the Manager (and sell Giggs)

They find the manger and settle down for the night, surrounded by braying donkeys, grunting pigs and a couple of massive cocks from Portugal.

JOPUB(looks around): What a dive!
LIVVIE: Ah it’s comfortable enough…
JOPUB: No, I mean that disgraceful display at OT…
LIVVIE: Sigh. Night then, dear. (goes to sleep)

End of Act 1


Grammar partisan who sleeps with a real life Ryan
May 5, 2003
Where Albert Stubbins scored a diving header


Daybreak in the manger. Amid much squawking, oinking and bellowing (and noises from the animals too), Livvie has given birth to a little boy. There is a knock at the door, and in come the Three Shepherds

LIVVIE: Can we help you?
MARCHING: Was a newbie born to you today Madam?
LIVVIE: Er, yes. Here he is…precocious little fella he is too…
WEASTE: That should be ‘It’s He!’
REST OF CAF: Shut it! Oink! Moo!
MARCHING: Madam, we have been led here by an Angel of good omen! This child has been chosen…to be the Saviour of the Caf!
DJS: Are you sure he’s the One, and not just an ordinary Saint like that James bloke you’re always visiting instead of tending your flock?
MARCHING: Well at least his Park is full of disciples of a Saturday afternoon, which is more than I can say for…
REST OF CAF: Shut up and get back to the story! Ee-aw! Baa, humbug!
MARCHING: Madam, what are you calling him?
LIVVIE: Well Jo wanted to call him ‘Arsene’, but no child of mine’s having ‘arse’ in his name. I wanted ‘Ole’ but apparently it gets confusing if you go to a bullfight. So in the end we decided to keep it simple, and plumped for ‘VanNistlerater’.
MARCHING, TRUE WHITE, DAVE 007: Blessed art thou VanNistlerater, Saviour of the Caf!

They go down on their knees

JOPUB: Look at that! No-one was bloody near them…

Enter three blokes with plastic crowns on

RAMS, STAN, HONEST JOHN: We are Three Kings!
LIVVIE: Are you?
RAMS: We are Three Wise Men! We come to praise the King of the Yids – er, I mean…
LIVVIE: You don’t sound very wise.
HONEST JOHN: We’re not.
STAN: Well alright, no, we’re not wise either. But we do a good line in novelty farts!

They all fart a lot

LIVVIE: Did you bring any presents?
STAN: Unless you count the farts. Which you do.
LIVVIE: Right, off you go then. No presents, no praises.

They exit, farting

THE KING: Well thank you all for this gatherings but I’m afraid you’ll have to submit to Historical Truth now, please allow me to explain, the facts. The manger was not in fact in Bethnalgreen but in Bangalore, and VanNistlerater is Indian and speaks only Punjabi! Sorry dudes but this has been proven by Isaac Newton and me in special tests! Also from Bangalore are all the United Team (the Nevilles are really called the Patels, dudes!), and football was invented by Ghandi in 8 million BC. This theory is an internationally credible historic entity!And you have the audicity to dismiss the gatherings of the worlds brains at conferences? Goose-brains! Please immediately educate yourselves by reading the following globally famous superstellar relevant papers:

Ink-blots: the use of the felt-tip pen in Eskimo felching ceremonies

Annals of the 5th Bi-Annual Pontipridd Aardvark-Fanciers’ Society (Chairman Davo)

Sayings of Guru Watthanuttha, head of the Death to the Infidel Society of Great Yarmouth

JOPUB: What a tool.

JOPUB ejects THE KING from the manger to much cheering and gnashing of teeth
Enter Three Relatively Wise Men

WIBBLE, BURY RED, OLD RED: We are Three Relatively Wise Men.
LIVVIE: How wise, exactly?
WIBBLE: Not that wise, but wiser than the rest of these cnuts
LIVVIE: That’s not saying much.
BURY RED: Wise enough to bring presents.
LIVVIE: That’ll do. What you got?
OLD RED: We bring the Saviour gifts: Golden, Shankincense and Murt.
LIVVIE: Hmmm…I was rather hoping for chocolates, but under the circumstances it’ll have to do.

They hand the gifts over

WIBBLE: He can speak already!
LIVVIE: Oh yes, he’s very talkative…
VANNISTLERATER: Still working on the spelling though ;)
Basically, be nice, give to charity, turn the other cheek if a load of baboons start pushing you round the pitch, and generally let all men cease from violence and love one another.
NATE: Poof.
VANNISTLERATER: And, er, that’s it. Consider yourselves saved.

Cheers and insane howls of rapture from THE CAF

Sudden whiff of sulphur

DEVILISH: Not such fast! I am The Devilish. You are sprutting these shites about Love, but I can show you a better path to progress young Saviolour… remember, I am a red-blooded and have groomed young talent before! I can groom also you!
VAN: That’s alright thanks…
DEVILISH: Then I shall not taking no answer, but will mush your skull feckwad!
VAN: Yuck…
REDEUS EX MACHINA: Never fear, good Christian Western East Londoners. I have returned from my sojourn in the Orient and will now rid you of this troublesome Devilish, in the process finally certifying my status as a Bringer of Enlightenment to poor Mancs everywhere, thus saith Redeus, he is the Lord.

There is an almighty crash in the upper firmament and a large stick comes roaring out the sky

NIALL: We’ll have none of that now, or you’ll get a taste of me banning stick again. But if youse all is good, you’ll one day go up to the other place, which is all white and peaceful and where sometimes not a word is spoken for a hundred years, except maybe in Italian about a 1976 vintage Burgundy or something, like.

Now all sing a song, like nice children!

Song: Lord of the Caf

I came in the morning when the place was dead
I posted a sequence of Keane-related threads
I came to the General and I took the piss
It can’t believe half you cnuts exist

Post then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Caf, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Caf, said He!

I fished with the fishermen, BusbyReds,
UKBob a-and O-other Red,
The fish got caught, there was no escape
When Dans found out, boy did he go ape

Post then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Caf, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Caf, said He!

So endeth another year on the Caf
We’ve had a row and we’ve ha-ad a-a laff,
So thank you, rival fans and thank you, Reds -
And next year, please, no more Beckham threads!

Post then, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Caf, said He!
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the Caf, said He!

The End.

Happy Christmas Everybody!

:drunk: :drunk: :drunk:


I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002
Far away, three learned kings, King Calspar, King Melvinor and King Blythasar (retd.), sit staring at computer screens

CALSPAR: Hey! Did you guys just see a bright thing go shooting past the window? I bet you can use it to make predictions!
MELVINOR: Shut it, pothead, I’ve got to post 200 more times tonight if I’m going to complete ten million within the month!And that feckng twat with an unpronouceble name is here for only five minutes and he has already amassed over 4000 posts.He's more obsesssed than me,that twat
BLYTHASAR: Yeah, and it’s not easy designing a ‘Roman Abramovich’ smilie either you know! Now, is the spunk-stain on the right or the left…?
CALSPAR(Adopts Scouse accent): Alright, calm down, calm down. I’ll see if anyone on YAWN saw it…been a while since that lot saw a shooting star…

They go back to their screens



I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002
Plechazunga said:
There's no pleasing some people!

"That's just what Jesus said Sir!"

Theres some twat obsessed with posts who amassed 4000 poists in five minutes!

"That's just what King Melvinor said Sir!"


Mr. Wood

Circle Jerkin' Wannabe
Apr 6, 2002
:lol: :lol: Genius!

The highlight:

Not such fast! I am The Devilish. You are sprutting these shites about Love, but I can show you a better path to progress young Saviour… remember, I am a red-blooded and have groomed young talent before! I can groom also you!


I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002
Add to Devs part.

I also can manage Milan and/or Juve if they come for me.Look,what a great coach I am.AEBM and Davo knows nothing about coaching as they dont have a coaching liecense and likes to sprut shite about me not being able to manage Milan and/or Juve.I mean,look at me,I am the best manager in the world tm



Executive Manager being kept sane only by her madn
Jun 5, 2000
Melvinyeo said:
Why did I have such asmall part? :mad: :mad: :mad:
It's in the genes I'm afraid.

Plech - you really are wasted on here. :lol:

Mind you, I'm a bit confused as to where DJS and Weaste suddenly appeared from and who they are meant to be.

Tho I haven't read it properly yet. I will inwardly digest it later after my brekkie has gone down.


Alex's Dad
Aug 19, 2003
Melvinyeo said:
Why did I have such asmall part? :mad: :mad: :mad:
would'nt worry about it Melvin, twas a badly written really poofy take on the Nativity play, you'd have been typecast for life had your role been bigger and Directors would have totally shunned you. ;)


:lol: :lol: :lol: Truly Awesome!!! What a talent. I haven't laughed so much in years....this must have taken ages Plech?

Well done...thanks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002
Nialler said:
would'nt worry about it Melvin, twas a badly written really poofy take on the Nativity play, you'd have been typecast for life had your role been bigger and Directors would have totally shunned you. ;)


forum totty
Sep 30, 1999
Only read part of it as Im at work, till the Heskey parts :lol: Had been smiling till then but had to laugh out loud there :lol:

Can't wait to read it all at home when I've got all the time :)


Poncey film buff
Jul 19, 2002
MUFC Champions 2006/2007: Where will the goals com
Plechazunga said:
Enter three blokes with plastic crowns on

RAMS. STAN, HONEST JOHN: We are Three Kings!
LIVVIE: Are you?
RAMS: We are Three Wise Men! We come to praise the King of the Yids – er, I mean…
LIVVIE: You don’t sound very wise.
HONEST JOHN: We’re not.
STAN: Well alright, no, we’re not wise either. But we do a good line in novelty farts!

They all fart a lot
:lol: :lol: :lol:

That bits great also.

I could have done better, obviously. But it's still genius :D


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Plechazunga said:
Good call Wibbs...the Nativity Play oddly coincided with my having my first spliff for 2 years, and washing it down with quite a lot of whisky... :drunk:
I couldn't tell :angel:

Honest John

Full Member
Dec 15, 2002
VanNistlerater said:
Thats not very nice, is it?

Have a little faith Van. Always look on the bright side of life. :)

You get to rise again on the Sunday mate. How cool is that?


I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002
Wibble said:
Never mind m8. SIze doesn't matter.

Allegedly ;)
It does matter.


Do you have a source to back you up?



aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Plech, I hope I dont have to wear one of them poofy King's outfit which were all the rage in the first century????



In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Melvinyeo said:
It does matter.


Do you have a source to back you up?


My wife says that she won't shag me despite me being hung like a horse.


I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002

You also had a bigger part then me Wibble




Retired Dictator
Jul 27, 1999
Cod Island
Melvinyeo said:

You also had a bigger part then me Wibble


well that's better than me who has no part.. unless that's supposed to me playing those tunes in the interludes :(


I'm only here for the post count
Dec 19, 2002
Kristjan said:
well that's better than me who has no part.. unless that's supposed to me playing those tunes in the interludes :(
THere's always next year!

And you know your job of being a DJ!

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