Jose is making a squad of warriors!


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
Jose needs them. I found this article online when I google 'Luke Shaw fat' as you suggested.

I'm quite surprised by it but it's there and clearly supports you argument so I'm glad to help.
An internet forum shouldn't wind you up this much, take a deep breath and a time out.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
Why do you think I'm wound up? Did you do a google search to find out?
I think its best to stop now before you pop an artery.

We've derailed this carcrash of a thread more than enough. I'm out.


Full Member
Jul 27, 2015
An internet forum shouldn't wind you up this much, take a deep breath and a time out.
It winds me up like hell, it probably winds up most highly educated and intelligent people. Especially when you are not used to dumb, uneducated people in your everyday life. Then seeing how some people think, act and work (in their head), it deeply saddens me. It also explains a lot of the problems in the worlds democracies


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
I think its best to stop now before you pop an artery.

We've derailed this carcrash of a thread more than enough. I'm out.
Yes, I think you should move on. There's plenty of other threads to make yourself look silly in.


Mediocre Horse Whisperer, s'up wid chew?
Nov 15, 2012
It winds me up like hell, it probably winds up most highly educated and intelligent people. Especially when you are not used to dumb, uneducated people in your everyday life. Then seeing how some people think, act and work (in their head), it deeply saddens me. It also explains a lot of the problems in the worlds democracies
No 'highly educated and intelligent' person spams laughing faces as some kind of attempt at a conversation ender or indeed feels the needs to tell the world they are highly educated or intelligent.


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
No 'highly educated and intelligent' person spams laughing faces as some kind of attempt at a conversation ender or indeed feels the needs to tell the world they are highly educated or intelligent.
Have you not told us that you're out twice already? Is everything ok with you?


Full Member
Nov 26, 2015
But, we are not really a young team at all.
Our starting 11 (minus Shaw as he hasn't really played) has 4 players uder 25 years old:

Starting 11 players under 25:
Chelsea: 1 (Courtois)
Tottenham: 4 (Ali, Dier, Kane, Son)
LPool: 2 (Coutinho, Can)
City: 4 (Jesus, Sterling, Stones, Sane)
Man Utd: 4 (Lingard, Rashford, Martial, Bailly) EDIT: Pogba

Crucially, the young players at our rivals are some of their best players (Ali, Kane, Coutinho, Jesus, Sane) whereas ours have significantly under-performed except Bailly IMO
Last edited:


Full Member
Feb 14, 2016
Jacksonville, FL. USA

Jose Mourinho displayed his psychological genius today by calling Shaw a “fat ugly twat”.

Utilising the full armoury of psychological take downs at his disposal, master of mind games Jose Mourinho today launched a stunning and witty motivational attack at Luke Shaw by calling him a “fat ugly twat”.

Speaking ahead of the weekend’s football, the Manchester United manager – famed for his ability to bring the best out of his players by zoning in on and targeting subconscious stimuli – labelled his left-back “oafish” and “as big as a house”.

“He’s a fat ugly twat. To look at him, it makes my stomach sick and my eyes bleed. My skin crawls when I look at him and he also smells,” said the psychological sage of Shaw earlier this morning, in yet another masterful move of intellectual chess from the Portuguese genius.

“I cannot even bear to be around him when I eat. Not only because, of course, he will try to eat my food, but the odour from his pores spoils my appetite. He is truly a horrible creature, and the world would be better off without him.”

Continuing his near-hour-long exercise in expert man management, Mourinho revealed that if Shaw has ever appeared presentable, it was because of his own intervention.

“You may see him sometimes wearing nice clothes and not smelling like death. But that is only because I have dressed him, and washed his body, myself. I have gone to his house and scrubbed him down like an elephant at the zoo. It is all me,” he said.

Mourinho later added in private that if this most recent round of cognitive assault failed to motivate “the hefty boy”, he’s almost certainly not cut out for top flight football.

I found this article online - it seems credible.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2015
Our starting 11 (minus Shaw as he hasn't really played) has 4 players uder 25 years old:

Starting 11 players under 25:
Chelsea: 1 (Courtois)
Tottenham: 4 (Ali, Dier, Kane, Son)
LPool: 2 (Coutinho, Can)
City: 4 (Jesus, Sterling, Stones, Sane)
Man Utd: 4 (Lingard, Rashford, Martial, Bailly)

Crucially, the young players at our rivals are some of their best players (Ali, Kane, Coutinho, Jesus, Sane) whereas ours have significantly under-performed except Bailly IMO
You forgot Pogba


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
It winds me up like hell, it probably winds up most highly educated and intelligent people. Especially when you are not used to dumb, uneducated people in your everyday life. Then seeing how some people think, act and work (in their head), it deeply saddens me. It also explains a lot of the problems in the worlds democracies


New Member
Mar 9, 2013
Warriors? I think Stroke city is a club of warriors. As a matter of fact, many of English clubs are made of warriors. English players are distinguished by their grit and fighting spirit on the pitch.

SAF's teams are all warriors. They are not only warriors, but also honest human-beings.

I imagine mentality is always important for players who desire to win a game. I respect all players of warriors. Manchester United dominated PL partially because of that.

But quality is most important thing if you want to win.