Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Those that want him to return wouldn't object much if he's sold, but those who want him sold would obviously object a lot if he returns, which is why SJR's choice of words would be interpreted as more amenable for a return than a sale. In fact, if he wanted to sell the player, he could just as well announce it now without much of a penalty since he won't be faulted for wanting to begin his stint at OT without the controversy.
But then again why would a businessperson devalue an asset by essentially acknowledging that it's up for grabs?
Wasn’t really impressed with SJRs comments about how all teenagers get into “trouble” if that’s what was actually said.
It was and it’s the most disappointing comment made.

However I didn’t interpret his wider comments as anything other than him trying to be diplomatic on a subject he has to be careful on legally.
Nah it’s way less than 50/50, I’d say 90/10 at least who don’t want him back, and most of those 10 are African twitterers.

90% don't want him back hahahaha give me a break.
Every post about Greenwood in facebook and instagram is flooded with "get him back" comments.
Every video on YouTube.
Literally the only place I've seen on the internet with people being 50/50 or maybe 60/40 about him returning is Redcafe.
Everywhere the majority wants him back.
Yeah, I will brush over that comment if he does end up selling in the summer, but if he does come back after saying that - I will not be supporting this club.
90% don't want him back hahahaha give me a break.
Every post about Greenwood in facebook and instagram is flooded with "get him back" comments.
Every video on YouTube.
Literally the only place I've seen on the internet with people being 50/50 or maybe 60/40 about him returning is Redcafe.
Everywhere the majority wants him back.
Online communities like YouTube and Facebook comments from global sources are more likely to contain individuals who hold certain views.

That’s not representative of the matchday fan and those actually working at the club.
I'm actually surprised that he was ready to address the Greenwood situation straight in his first proper interview, certainly sounds like he keeping all options open which is the right way forward IMO

I think he's been prepped to answer any contentious issues in advance.
No way he comes back.

Is he a talented footballer? Yep.
Is he a HR nightmare? Yep.
Would lots of staff feel uncomfortable at work and possibly leave? Yep.
Would lots of fans feel uncomfortable and boycott or protest? Yep.

I think many here really don’t understand how strongly some feel on this topic. If he comes back that’s me done with United until he’s gone.

I’ve got a very young son who likes to play football with his dad. I haven’t yet bought a United shirt for him and while you may think this is melodramatic a large part of that decision has been the uncertainty of Greenwood.

I won’t feel comfortable bringing him to games with me in future if Greenwood is playing, I can’t bring myself to raise a son to support a club that condones that behaviour.

Does seem melodramatic to me but at the same time I do understand many have extreme views on this one.

The thing that is still not clear is exactly what kind of split of opinions we have here and amongst the wider fanbase - while anyone having a casual read of this thread might assume that the majority of RedCafe are against his return, the 2 polls that have taken place suggest the opposite.

In any case I've always said that he cannot return without further explanation, I personally believe that is still possible though so don't think the door is closed.
I think he's been prepped to answer any contentious issues in advance.

Definitely he has, but remember that one of the main interviews is with MUTV so that's essentially Sir Jim getting the exact questions he wants and that means he has decided himself to address the issue of Mason Greenwood when he could quite easily have chosen to ignore it completely at this point.
Does seem melodramatic to me but at the same time I do understand many have extreme views on this one.

The thing that is still not clear is exactly what kind of split of opinions we have here and amongst the wider fanbase - while anyone having a casual read of this thread might assume that the majority of RedCafe are against his return, the 2 polls that have taken place suggest the opposite.

In any case I've always said that he cannot return without further explanation, I personally believe that is still possible though so don't think the door is closed.
My perspective and of course personal and emotional reaction is influenced by having too many female family members and close friends who are victims of DV, rape or sexual assault to be like “yeah he probably did something but he can kick a ball well so…” I’ve seen first hand abusers get away with it in similar situations of coercion.

I also don’t think anyone deep down can say with any sincerity that they think he’s 100% innocent having heard the audio and seen the images.

As for the polls they were anonymous correct? And while a slight majority of this were in favour I’m not sure any business would be happy splitting a fan base on that hard a topic that much down the middle.
My perspective and of course personal and emotional reaction is influenced by having too many female family members and close friends who are victims of DV, rape or sexual assault to be like “yeah he probably did something but he can kick a ball well so…” I’ve seen first hand abusers get away with it in similar situations of coercion.

I also don’t think anyone deep down can say with any sincerity that they think he’s 100% innocent having heard the audio and seen the images.

As for the polls they were anonymous correct? And while a slight majority of this were in favour I’m not sure any business would be happy splitting a fan base on that hard a topic that much down the middle.
I agree that if he were simply brought back as is, I wouldn't be supporting the club any longer, sad as that is.

If he were to come out in an interview explaining that what he did was disgusting and that he was doing x y and z to change for the better? I don't know, but it'd be a start.
I agree that if he were simply brought back as is, I wouldn't be supporting the club any longer, sad as that is.

If he were to come out in an interview explaining that what he did was disgusting and that he was doing x y and z to change for the better? I don't know, but it'd be a start.
He’s not going to do that though at risk of incriminating himself
90% don't want him back hahahaha give me a break.
Every post about Greenwood in facebook and instagram is flooded with "get him back" comments.
Every video on YouTube.
Literally the only place I've seen on the internet with people being 50/50 or maybe 60/40 about him returning is Redcafe.
Everywhere the majority wants him back.
Ah yes, the internet, where all the credible people who's opinions really matter hang out, clearly. :rolleyes:
I suppose so. I don't think he'll come back all things considered. The upside is just not worth the torrent of shite, whatever your feelings on the matter.
For what it's worth I don't think it is possible he comes back at all. Any comments from the management will probably be purely to try and maximize any income.
My perspective and of course personal and emotional reaction is influenced by having too many female family members and close friends who are victims of DV, rape or sexual assault to be like “yeah he probably did something but he can kick a ball well so…” I’ve seen first hand abusers get away with it in similar situations of coercion.

I also don’t think anyone deep down can say with any sincerity that they think he’s 100% innocent having heard the audio and seen the images.

As for the polls they were anonymous correct? And while a slight majority of this were in favour I’m not sure any business would be happy splitting a fan base on that hard a topic that much down the middle.

As you know, I believe that no one can be 100% sure of anything in this case because there is too much that we don't know.

I've not seen many suggest he's completely innocent anyway, the latest poll question was about whether he should return and that's a very different to question to whether you think he's innocent or guilty.

Like I said, there will have to be some kind of interview/explanation with more details before he can return - if that happens, I expect a much larger majority of the fanbase would accept his return then is the case today.
He won’t be back. I think there will be too many sponsors and aggro and circus around club if he did. Wouldn’t be worth it
Noone wants to say outright that he's not coming back since it would weaken our selling position.
I think the interview was as neutral as it could be really.

It’s no clearer now than it was before, however, what is certain is a decision will be made and communicated much better than it was the first time around.
It was, until he listed the conditions that would need to be met in order for Greenwood to return:
  • Is he a good footballer (check)
  • Is he a good person? (evidence would indicate no)
  • Would the fans be comfortable with it? (evidence would indicate no, at least not broadly)
I'm not an Oracle but i do think I'm right on this front.
I’ve a feeling that Ratcliffe wants to keep Greenwood. However I don’t think he will as he won’t want the backlash from fans. Especially when he’s been getting early decisions correct and he’s getting praised for targeting the right sporting people.
It was, until he listed the conditions that would need to be met in order for Greenwood to return:
  • Is he a good footballer (check)
  • Is he a good person? (evidence would indicate no)
  • Would the fans be comfortable with it? (evidence would indicate no, at least not broadly)
I'm not an Oracle but i do think I'm right on this front.
Totally agree, they will pretend to want to reintegrate him, even extend his contract as they have a +1 year option and look to get Juventus, Athletico Madrid and Barcelona in a three way bidding war, it’s clear that Mason’s best route is in Spain or Italy. He’s not getting a boot sponsorship, he’s on 75k per week, Barca or Athletico will possibly offer him a 3/4 year contract on 100-125k per week.

Sir Jim probably already knows he’s not coming back but wants to generate interest in a potential fee. At best he might go on tour only to be sold but I doubt that he will even go on tour with United.
Yeah, I will brush over that comment if he does end up selling in the summer, but if he does come back after saying that - I will not be supporting this club.

He won't come back because of the backlash. But erm, per your profile, you support Millwall and St Etienne. Of course you wouldn't support this club either way. :smirk:
Totally agree, they will pretend to want to reintegrate him, even extend his contract as they have a +1 year option and look to get Juventus, Athletico Madrid and Barcelona in a three way bidding war, it’s clear that Mason’s best route is in Spain or Italy. He’s not getting a boot sponsorship, he’s on 75k per week, Barca or Athletico will possibly offer him a 3/4 year contract on 100-125k per week.

Sir Jim probably already knows he’s not coming back but wants to generate interest in a potential fee. At best he might go on tour only to be sold but I doubt that he will even go on tour with United.

Absolutely this. Selling a player declared to be unwanted by United drives the fee down unnecessarily. Let's sit pretty and wait for the transfer war to happen. At least we will get a proper fee for him instead of being done by ingrates leaving on a free after lying to the club and fans about staying.
I’ve a feeling that Ratcliffe wants to keep Greenwood. However I don’t think he will as he won’t want the backlash from fans. Especially when he’s been getting early decisions correct and he’s getting praised for targeting the right sporting people.
I don't think so. But probably his lawyers have told him that it's best not to take any legal risks by saying that MG will not play for the club again, since the criminal charges were eventually not proceeded with.
90% don't want him back hahahaha give me a break.
Every post about Greenwood in facebook and instagram is flooded with "get him back" comments.
Every video on YouTube.
Literally the only place I've seen on the internet with people being 50/50 or maybe 60/40 about him returning is Redcafe.
Everywhere the majority wants him back.

I'd guess Bandy knows far more United fans in person than you do.

I know quite a few and not one wants Greenwood anywhere near the club.
I think he's been prepped to answer any contentious issues in advance.
It's bizarre to think otherwise. It was pretty obvious to of the most contentious issues he would face questions about were ETH and Greenwood's futures, so no way he'd walk into that blind.
It is refreshing to see an apparent air of professionalism about the club's approach for the first time in so many years though.
He won’t be back. I think there will be too many sponsors and aggro and circus around club if he did. Wouldn’t be worth it

that’s what is disappointing. The hype and circus around the topic and not rational, fact based decisions. That’s been a major issue in general for us over the last 10 years. Media influence.

based on the facts available at the beginning of the issue, the club correctly suspended him. New facts came to the clubs attention which seem to put things in a different context as per the club statement. But these won’t be good enough for him to come back. This is not 1998. Back then we were mentally strong as a football team to protect players (david beckham back then). Now we are not that club anymore.
It's bizarre to think otherwise. It was pretty obvious to of the most contentious issues he would face questions about were ETH and Greenwood's futures, so no way he'd walk into that blind.
It is refreshing to see an apparent air of professionalism about the club's approach for the first time in so many years though.

Agreed. He obviously also had his own opinions on both and is holding them close to the vest. The way his Greenwood statement was worded made it sound like he may be leaning towards a return, but one never knows. He was also a bit oddly cagey about ETH, which was probably because one doesn't want to publicly commit to his long term future before knowing how we finish the season.
Agreed. He obviously also had his own opinions on both and is holding them close to the vest. The way his Greenwood statement was worded made it sound like he may be leaning towards a return, but one never knows. He was also a bit oddly cagey about ETH, which was probably because one doesn't want to publicly commit to his long term future before the results of this season are available.
It seemed that way isn't it he had no reason to add lot of things which he mentioned in regard to Greenwood but its most likely Savvy businessman keeping all his options open .

Other thing I 'll like to add maybe I am reading more into it but media hasn't made a more of these Quotes by him on Greenwood at least yet .
Personally I wouldn't want him back until het gets on Dr. Phil, cries his heart out kneeling in front of his gf/wife while Dr. Phil confronts him about how stupid he was and to 'do one'. Greenwood then proceeds to kneel in front of Dr. Phil saying "I was an idiot, I was an idiot" over and over then to the audience (all while his tears are flowing down nonstop). Then they bring the judge into the show (real one who handled the case, not a paid actor) who explains in details convincingly that he is not guilty. Then Greenwood signs a contract live in front of an audience that says "Cut my bollox if I ever do such a thing of such nature ever again". The show should end with him signing "Glory Glory ManUnited" while still crying. And all the court documents should be made public.
No way he comes back.

Is he a talented footballer? Yep.
Is he a HR nightmare? Yep.
Would lots of staff feel uncomfortable at work and possibly leave? Yep.
Would lots of fans feel uncomfortable and boycott or protest? Yep.

I think many here really don’t understand how strongly some feel on this topic. If he comes back that’s me done with United until he’s gone.

I’ve got a very young son who likes to play football with his dad. I haven’t yet bought a United shirt for him and while you may think this is melodramatic a large part of that decision has been the uncertainty of Greenwood.

I won’t feel comfortable bringing him to games with me in future if Greenwood is playing, I can’t bring myself to raise a son to support a club that condones that behaviour.
What “behaviour”?
Fairly self-explanatory. The audio is still there on the internet.
So you’re completely ignoring the statements by the CPS, Police and club, all of whom have heard the full 15 minute conversation, that the few seconds on the internet don’t represent the full conversation. “It’s on the internet so it must be true”.
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