Television Masterchef


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Nov 30, 2006
Hunting The Hunter !
Do they have to fecking lear over the side and watch and judge them as theyr'e cooking. So off putting.

And that fat cnut isn't a good judge at all. All he does is agree with the other guy, and just eat up the food.

What a job.
there was a guy on there today who managed at the second attempt to poach an egg, burn his risotto and served raw runner beans...

he lost to a bird who cookes some mashed and some roast tatties

tbh i think "master chef" might be stretching it a bit
And that fat cnut isn't a good judge at all. All he does is agree with the other guy, and just eat up the food.

Agreed. It seems his main role on the show is to get the contestants to crap themselves as he booms out how few minutes remaining they have.

Although, much love for the way he piles on a little bit of everything on to his fork and shoves it into his big fat mouth
Did you see that chilli chocolate dish today?

I like chilli, and I like chocolate but I just can't imagine the two working together.

I liked the look of that custard though.

I've tried the crisps, they taste absolutely horrid.

I like how one of the competitors threw in the fact that it was his birthday today.
Look at how much that fat cnut gets on his fork !

Its a fork, not a spoon !

and once again, he just agrees with the other guy.
I thought this was about that odd looking geezer in Halo...
Yeah, the guy who won was the best one. Why did they have to do that pathetic sob-story bit towards they end. What a load of rubbish. Luckily I'd Sky+'d it so I was spared all the shite

Yeh. They could have fitted those two programmes into one and cut out all the shite
Bump! Final tonight! Anyone been watching? I was hoping they'd just put all 4 in the final.
I'd consider entering the Peruvian version of this if there was one.
Would be funny with my broken Spanish.
Come over here and enter the British one! What would you cook at your audition?
Yeah I've been watching. I thought all four would give through too.
A bit rough on Geoff, who had been a star performer until then.
The copper has been lucky in a number of rounds.
Yeah, I felt for Geoff. Pretty much everything he did looked beautiful. Even John looked upset saying bye to him. I'd be a terrible judge just putting them all through.

You reckon Deliah's been lucky? I think she and Irini have had the most trouble in the later challenges but I still think they've both been impressive. To me, all 4 felt pretty even in terms of talent, with maybe Geoff and G/Jilly edging it.
Come over here and enter the British one! What would you cook at your audition?
If I was back in the UK, I'd likely do a fish dish.
Like this.

In Peru, I'd probably opt for Peruvian fusion of sorts, like this vegan dish.
Lemon and turmeric infused crisp cauliflower with chifi rice.
Could have made a new thread instead of bumping one that's 10 years old.
@Rahul's thread was too good. I wouldn't be able to live up to his standards. Plus there's only one episode left until next year.

You watching tonight? Well, in 25 mins
Come over here and enter the British one! What would you cook at your audition?

Yeah, I felt for Geoff. Pretty much everything he did looked beautiful. Even John looked upset saying bye to him. I'd be a terrible judge just putting them all through.

You reckon Deliah's been lucky? I think she and Irini have had the most trouble in the later challenges but I still think they've both been impressive. To me, all 4 felt pretty even in terms of talent, with maybe Geoff and G/Jilly edging it.
Deliah has been in the last two, more than anyone. When it came to her or Geoff, with similar concerns of being dry, I think that should have counted.
New season!

Anyone else miss when they'd show the rubbish auditioners first? Not that it matters much. This show is just so easy to watch.
New season!

Anyone else miss when they'd show the rubbish auditioners first? Not that it matters much. This show is just so easy to watch.

Yeah, I used to like watching the shit ones at the start.

Glad it’s back on, don’t watch much normal tv but love Masterchef.
@OP The food is usually cold by the time they get filmed tasting it so they do most of the tasting as it is being cooked.

Read one of them say that in an interview somewhere.
Greg Wallace is a cnut!

He used to be my boss’s Fruit and Veg vendor when my boss had a place in London and Gregg used to take all his chefs out partying every now and again and by all accounts was an absolute legend. I think he used to do it for a lot of the kitchens he supplied which goes a long way towards explaining why he’s such a jittery pickled mess now.
He used to be my boss’s Fruit and Veg vendor when my boss had a place in London and Gregg used to take all his chefs out partying every now and again and by all accounts was an absolute legend. I think he used to do it for a lot of the kitchens he supplied which goes a long way towards explaining why he’s such a jittery pickled mess now.
I’m sure he’s lovely in real life in fairness. You never considered master chef ? Or any cookery show?
I’m sure he’s lovely in real life in fairness. You never considered master chef ? Or any cookery show?

Haha god no. I'm an introvert, the idea of doing something like that makes my spine recoil. I did a 15 minute demo at a food festival about 10 years ago and it was absolutely horrendous.

Having to talk while cooking is hard enough, having to talk continuously switching from answering small talk questions from the host to providing a detailed description of what I'm doing and trying to explain anything technical or anything interesting about ingredients (local suppliers, what season and when ect) is even harder.

Put the two together and it's an absolute impossibility. It gave me real respect for people like James Martin. Not only does he cook and talk to guests, he has a producer in his ear talking over them and has to time everything perfectly for TV scheduling. I have no idea how he does it.

I know a couple of chefs who have been on Masterchef: The Professionals, one a very good chef who fell to pieces and did some really dumb stuff (started prepping veg on the board he'd just prepped fish), the second without doubt the best chef I've ever worked with and he fell to pieces too. It's another ball game doing it on TV.
Haha god no. I'm an introvert, the idea of doing something like that makes my spine recoil. I did a 15 minute demo at a food festival about 10 years ago and it was absolutely horrendous.

Having to talk while cooking is hard enough, having to talk continuously switching from answering small talk questions from the host to providing a detailed description of what I'm doing and trying to explain anything technical or anything interesting about ingredients (local suppliers, what season and when ect) is even harder.

Put the two together and it's an absolute impossibility. It gave me real respect for people like James Martin. Not only does he cook and talk to guests, he has a producer in his ear talking over them and has to time everything perfectly for TV scheduling. I have no idea how he does it.

I know a couple of chefs who have been on Masterchef: The Professionals, one a very good chef who fell to pieces and did some really dumb stuff (started prepping veg on the board he'd just prepped fish), the second without doubt the best chef I've ever worked with and he fell to pieces too. It's another ball game doing it on TV.

Ah that does sound stressful. So much more going on than you think! I still think you should go on though so we can laugh at you.
Just catching up on this series. I always love when Elizabeth Haigh comes back. She's so dreamy.
Damn BBC for rescheduling the final! I'm rooting for Alexzina (spelling?).

I loved the reference to Spirited Away Tom made with that dessert. I love that film and the dish did look worthy to be associated with such a classic!
Final airs tonight. It's surely Tom's competition to lose at this point.
Just came to post this. 8 if anyone cares.

I think it's between Tom and the other guy whose name I can never seem to remember, though I'm rooting for Alexzina!
The right person won.
Yep, but it was an underwhelming final, tbh. No one really WOWED, imo.

It probably didn't help that this years contestants didn't get to do the challenges where they go off to different countries to experience different food cultures, and where they split into teams to cook for employees of some job.

It all felt rushed this year. Understandably so.