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2016-17 Performances

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Nov 27, 2014
Player Performance Threads

Morgan Schneiderlin
Nov 8, 1989 (26)
1.86 m

Having previously been instrumental in helping former club Southampton get the better of the Reds on more than one occasion in the Premier League, the technically-astute midfielder was brought in last summer to help bolster the United ranks.

Schneiderlin made his debut in the opening game of the season, making enough of an impression for him to start the subsequent three matches. October saw him open his goalscoring account, as the Frenchman slotted home United’s first in an assured win against Everton on Merseyside.

As the season progressed, Schneiderlin perhaps didn’t quite have the impact that was hoped when he moved north from St Mary’s, but his qualities – physicality, intelligence and a keen eye for a pass – were on display enough to suggest there is much more to come from Morgan.

Big season. In the right system with the right manager, he can shine through as one of the best midfielders in the league.
I saw him talking about the China tour.. He did not play for France in the EUROs, but surely he needs some rest so why is he traveling?
I saw him talking about the China tour.. He did not play for France in the EUROs, but surely he needs some rest so why is he traveling?

He didn't play at all, so he needs match fitness.
Can he manage the CDM role well?
He can play there to a reasonable level but he's definitely better suited to playing as a defensive box-to-box player alongside a holding player, as he did with Wanyama at Southampton.

That said, I could see Mourinho playing Schneiderlin as the holding player to prevent the midfield becoming too imbalanced (especially if we sign Pogba) and because I think he typically wants more attacking contribution from his box-to-box players.
Majority of posters see him as a holding midfielder. I don't know why.
Last year he was all over the place. His reading of the game was very poor. That's the most important part of being a holding midfielder.

I hope he proves me wrong and shows his worth this season.
Majority of posters see him as a holding midfielder. I don't know why.
Last year he was all over the place. His reading of the game was very poor. That's the most important part of being a holding midfielder.

I hope he proves me wrong and shows his worth this season.

He is not a holding midfielder and won't succeed in that position. His performances ranged from okay to downright pathetic last year, and it'll be the same this season if he is played in that role. He is a box to box midfielder who needs the freedom to run up and down the length of the pitch. He can defend and attack in good measure. Someone else will have to do the holding.
He is not a holding midfielder and won't succeed in that position. His performances ranged from okay to downright pathetic last year, and it'll be the same this season if he is played in that role. He is a box to box midfielder who needs the freedom to run up and down the length of the pitch. He can defend and attack in good measure. Someone else will have to do the holding.
Exactly. Lineups with him as a CDM was doing my head in.
Exactly. Lineups with him as a CDM was doing my head in.
Unfortunately he just doesn't have the attacking ability to play in a box to box role at a club like Utd. I'm pretty sure Mourinho will use him as the deepest midfielder alongside Pogba next year in a 4-2-3-1. I think if we play a more intense style of play overall compared to LVG then that will suit Morgan more
He is not a holding midfielder and won't succeed in that position. His performances ranged from okay to downright pathetic last year, and it'll be the same this season if he is played in that role. He is a box to box midfielder who needs the freedom to run up and down the length of the pitch. He can defend and attack in good measure. Someone else will have to do the holding.

He is not a holding midfielder but a defensive midfielder. CDM is what he played at Southampton most games.
I loved this signing, I am convinced that Mourinho will get the best of him.
He is not a holding midfielder but a defensive midfielder. CDM is what he played at Southampton most games.

Yeah this debate seems to have gone on since he joined. A lot of people say he's a box to box but he doesn't drive with the ball and isn't a great passer. He specialises in tackling and intercepting which is more the skillset of a CDM to me.
Yeah this debate seems to have gone on since he joined. A lot of people say he's a box to box but he doesn't drive with the ball and isn't a great passer. He specialises in tackling and intercepting which is more the skillset of a CDM to me.

He just used to foray a bit forward when they have possession and are up against teams sitting back but that didn't happen a lot. It's like Matic goes forward sometimes but he isn't box to box.

What was Wanyama then?

Wanyama also played as a DM.
No idea what he was like at Southampton. If the French posters say he's best suited as a B2B I'd rather believe them.

If he's a DM then what does it say about him when France opted to play Pogba instead in his position.
No idea what he was like at Southampton. If the French posters say he's best suited as a B2B I'd rather believe them.

If he's a DM then what does it say about him when France opted to play Pogba instead in his position.

Not much when they even played him ahead of Kante
Not much when they even played him ahead of Kante
Kante was tactically naive. So Pogba was preferred to maintain positional discipline. Again what does that say about Schneiderlin as a DM.
No idea what he was like at Southampton. If the French posters say he's best suited as a B2B I'd rather believe them.

If he's a DM then what does it say about him when France opted to play Pogba instead in his position.

Because they wanted to put Pogba in the team and wanted to play 4-2-3-1 to accommodate greizman and needed matuidi in the team all at the same time. Which is why they played sissoko even though sissoko isn't even as good as Schneiderlin.

For Southampton he was a defensive midfielder of the makalele ilk. He was just behind Matic in that position that season.
He was ordinary last season but imo, it wasn't all down to him. He never played twice in a row. Even after a good game, he was on the bench for the next.
I believe he will have a very good season.
With Schneiderlin, it is best to use him in situations where we press too win the ball back. Not really effective when we sit back.
Starting to wonder if he's got enough quality to be here. What is he good at exactly?
I thought we'd signed him to develop into competition/possible replacement for Carrick. If he can't play that role I don't see his place in the midfield.
Must admit he's not impressed me once since joining us. I'm not sure what he brings to the team that hundreds of other players can't give us. We could do with a specialised defensive midfielder instead of him.
It was an ok 45 minutes for him, I don't think his game is suited to partnering Pogba in the double pivot.
Because they wanted to put Pogba in the team and wanted to play 4-2-3-1 to accommodate greizman and needed matuidi in the team all at the same time. Which is why they played sissoko even though sissoko isn't even as good as Schneiderlin.

For Southampton he was a defensive midfielder of the makalele ilk. He was just behind Matic in that position that season.

He has never been a defenisve midfielder of the Makelele ilk, Wanyama was that player.
He has never been a defenisve midfielder of the Makelele ilk, Wanyama was that player.

Both were DMs. Schneiderlin was the superior player so of the two he was better at doing something attacking wise but he did that only while Southampton were facing a team who sat back
Jose said he only trained for two days. Fitness is massively important for his game so not surprising he looked a bit of the pace.
For Southampton he was a defensive midfielder of the makalele ilk. He was just behind Matic in that position that season.
No he wasn't. He was their box to box player, a very good one as well. Nice little run out for him yesterday, extensive passing range has never been his strong suit. When we get a bit more cohesion in the quick transitions I think he will win a lot of ball in the center of the park and transition it forward well. He's a smart presser and a very good go-forward player. A bit like Herrera in that sense.
It was the first match for him this pre-season and he has trained with us for only 2 days. Obviously he looked a bit off the pace but he would do wonders for us as he gets more game time under his belt.
No he wasn't. He was their box to box player, a very good one as well. Nice little run out for him yesterday, extensive passing range has never been his strong suit. When we get a bit more cohesion in the quick transitions I think he will win a lot of ball in the center of the park and transition it forward well. He's a smart presser and a very good go-forward player. A bit like Herrera in that sense.

Not at Southampton. He was never an attacking point there. He scored 4 goals 3 of which were through set pieces. He was almost always a DM. Especially when played alongside ward prowse davis and all. Koeman at the time played an extremely defensive formation which resulted in them having the second best defence in the league (33 goals conceded vs 32 by Chelsea). They scored only 54 goals though of which 14 were in 2 games (8-0 vs Sunderland and 6-1 vs Aston villa). They essentially defended with 2 CBs and 2 DMs.
He's going to be an important player for us in time, poor first season under the fraud but he's quality and Mou will get it out of him I sure.
Both were DMs. Schneiderlin was the superior player so of the two he was better at doing something attacking wise but he did that only while Southampton were facing a team who sat back

None of them were DMs, they were both b2b, Wanyama being the most defensive. He played the same role than Fletcher.
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He's going to be an important player for us in time, poor first season under the fraud but he's quality and Mou will get it out of him I sure.
I think it could work if he allowed to venture forward more, perhaps playing the Fletcher role alongside a more disciplined holding player like Carrick or Blind who certainly has the potential. He has a lot of work to do because his troubles can't be down to an unfavorable system leaving the player blameless, he has to step it up a notch imo.
He's going to be an important player for us in time, poor first season under the fraud but he's quality and Mou will get it out of him I sure.

No he isn't. He's nowhere near United standard. People keep trying to convince themselves that he is and I don't get why. If Everton do come in for him as was rumoured months ago, he should go as that's his level.
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