Not letting the specialist free kick taker find his range

I remember when John O’Shea used to stand over free kicks like he was an option haha
One of the consistent themes of Mata's time here has been other players randomly taking set pieces in positions where he's by far the best option. I suppose there's no reason that stupidity should stop now that Bruno has arrived to take up the mantle.
No idea why Mata took it, he is good for the odd go when it's of limited distance, and on for a left footer, but he runs and shoots like he has lead in his boots nowadays, so he never had prayer with that one last night.
Why isn't there a thread about the weather last night as well just to have something more to complain about that we have little knowledge or control over.
It's a fair question. It annoyed me that Fred took it off Mata, and when Mata took it off Fernandes. Said in one of these threads that I don't really care about who is a superstar in training, Bruno should be taking the free kicks as he's a specialist.
It’s lazy management. Set pieces are a key method of winning football matches, it shouldn’t be left to chance.
Thank you.

When we hear talk of or see 'training ground routines' in action it's almost never to do with United. I don't even remember it going back to Fergie days to be honest. Beckham/Scholes corner....that's about it!

The second the other day was so obviously Fernandes' range wise. The 5/10 yards makes all the difference. I could understand it if they gave it Mata when a few yards outside the box and Fernandes further back, but even that will, as the OP rightly says, mentally and technically affect the rhythm of either taker.

No matter the BS Ole says on this, there should be a designated free kick taker/penalty taker/corner taker for either or both sides. End of. He who fails to plan, plans to fail.

That Pogba/Rashford penalty debacle was a joke and a news story we didn't need to contend with. We've enough uncertainties as it is; preventing those we can is good practice. Inviting our own players to jostle over things is not good practice.
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