Old story about Gazza


Full Member
Nov 7, 2020
I just remembered an old anecdote I heard years ago about Gazza. It's nothing big, just a fun little story. It never made the papers to my knowledge so I think it's quite obscure. I can attest this is not an urban legend. I heard it from my father who was told by Viking players he knew. It's sad that the most famous incident between Gazza and Norway is when he told us to feck off, because this paints him in a much better light and reminds you of all the fun times he gave us.

It was the early 90s. I wasn't told the exact date or year but it surely must have been the match between Tottenham and Viking in 1991 when they played in the city of Stavanger.

Stavanger is this nice little oil city. Pretty, clean and uptight. The Tottenham players probably stayed in the SAS hotel you see in the background of this picture.

That's a lake. You see maybe 20-25% of it in this picture. It contains ducks and a boat.

As you can see this boat has been there a long time. It was still there when I lived in the city 15 years ago. It is a real boat but it's just for show so they have fastened it at the one side. With oars too, because it has to look authentic. This place is right next to down town and the waiting line for late night taxis, so we can assume lots of young men in their better state of mind fancied a glorious lake voyage as a defiant act of rebellion, but it's not easy to get that boat loose. Many a sea leg have tried.

Now cute as they are those ducks are also numerous because a significant sum from the nearby pensioners service goes directly in their mouths. Especially during morning time there can be quite a bit of ruckus when they are fed. They might cause you to lose sleep if your bedroom is in a prime location. And on this particular morning one man would indeed not show up for breakfast. That man was Paul Gascoigne.

After a little while the other players started wondering where he was. "Anybody seen Gazza?". Turns out they didn't have to look far. When they peaked out the window they saw a man in a row boat with a frantic and determined look on his face, attempting to chase down every duck in sight.

Dave Smith

Full Member
Oct 14, 2019
Anything anti-Dipper
Best one for me that I heard is the story he got hook on Wii Sports and Red Bull and ended up playing for 40+ hours straight without sleeping.


Full Member
Sep 11, 2004
Early '80s Stretty
He once put a live snake in Roberto Di Matteo's coat pocket, and then asked him for change, and when Di Matteo went to his pocket, he pulled out the snake and nearly passed out. :lol: