Ole Gunnar Solskjær | 2021/22 Discussion

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My tagline should be changed to anti Norwegian now I guess, 6 years ago posting how shit Moyes was earned me my anti Scottish tagline.
I think Ole is a level below Moyes to be honest.

Like thats gonna change shit. Maybe you should consider changing it to Anti Woodward or anti Glazers instead?? But no its all the managers fault isnt it, gimme a break!
I'd back any manager against the wankers in our squad, so of course I think we should back Ole.
Can't really sack him now can we? We're already a laughing stock as things are. That would be a new nadir. We know the squad is terrible. Logic dictates we rebuild heavily this summer then see how he gets on. It should be obvious by Christmas if we need a new manager. You do get the sneaky suspicion he may be out of his depth but you can't make a proper judgement till we rebuild that squad...
Sack him, although it's not gonna happen until next season has been thrown away.

He should never have been hired in the first place.
To be fair, the medical staff insisted on Jones's contract. They want to experiment on him.

They are one step away from making him into superman that can't be stopped. Soon he will be like Messi/Van Dijk hybrid 3.0 and the quadruple is ours.
Can't really sack him now can we? We're already a laughing stock as things are. That would be a new nadir. We know the squad is terrible. Logic dictates we rebuild heavily this summer then see how he gets on. It should be obvious by Christmas if we need a new manager. You do get the sneaky suspicion he may be out of his depth but you can't make a proper judgement till we rebuild that squad...

We can sack him now.

The big risk is giving him £200m to spend and being more of a laughing stock.
True, though Woodward is a more appropriate target IMO, and he's gone for him on a few occasions this season. The Glazers are generally hands-off, and if the club is running smoothly then that is not a bad thing. Do we want them more involved and to turnover staff more rapidly like Abramovich has done at Chelsea? Personally, I'd rather they remained distant as they're not really football people, they're just investors. Neville should definitely keep jabbing the wound in regards to Woodward's 6 years of failure and turmoil. Woodward wanted a technical structure around Mourinho but reportedly Mourinho didn't want it, so it's bizarre that it hasn't happened since Mourinho's exit.

If Neville goes after the Glazers, what can change there? All we can hope is that the club is sold, but that's is unlikely any time soon. Change at Woodward's level is much more plausible. If the club has listened to what Neville has said, then Woodward will take a lateral step to the commercial side and leave the football operations to a technical structure, which has yet to materialise. To me, that is all within the realms of possibility, and would be a positive step forwards.
Indeed. It’s all very well sticking the boot into the loathsome Glazers but they aren’t going anywhere. And if they did sell up, there’s absolutely no guarantee the new owners would be any better.
Like thats gonna change shit. Maybe you should consider changing it to Anti Woodward or anti Glazers instead?? But no its all the managers fault isnt it, gimme a break!
Of course I want the Glazers gone, and Woodward. They are destroying our club. With wrong choices over and over again. The latest one is Ole.
We got Ian Ure :lol:

Between Morgan in summer 69 and Buchan in spring 72 we signed NO first team players AT ALL other than the aforementioned clumsy oaf. And people moan about Jose not being backed...

Morgan arrived and soon after Busby dropped him. It took him a while to get back in the team. O'Farrell signed Buchan and I remember his debut at Tottenham. He came out with a short back and sides, shirt neatly tucked into his shorts and looked for all the world like the captain of the school 1st XI.

As for Ian Ure, my abiding memory of him (well two actually) is the fight with Denis Law on the pitch and his goal at Anfield in a 4-1 win.
If that's true he's on about 150,000 a week.

Kind of like a lesser Utd player's level wages...

Weird having a number of players earning that much more than the manager.

Managers aren't worth anything. They're a liability (as you pay them off to dismiss them), you can at least usually recover some part of a players transfer fee and usually don't have to keep paying them once sold (I know this isn't always true - but it's usually the case).
People still blaming the manager and not accepting the truth that their beloved Paul Pogba and company are nothing a bunch of overrated flops who would down tools for any manager?

Funny how Ole could do no wrong winning game after game at one point - a much better run of form and feeling than any of our post-Fergie managers managed, managers who had all the credentials you could want. But now he’s no better than Moyes. Football fans are so fickle.

Wouldn’t have been my first choice but at least give him the Summer where he can get rid of some of the clowns we have disgracing the club.
We have to back him. Let’s see who he ships out first and who he manages to get in.

If he has a decent transfer window, ie gets rid of several players and brings in several and then at Christmas Utd are doing reasonably well, ie top four, and the style is there well then obviously we keep hold and hopefully we finish in the top four.

However he gets rid of a few, buys a few and we are shite and at Christmas are struggling for top 6 or worse and there is a crap style to our play then it’s pretty obvious he will go.

I’m hoping for the former but and it’s a big but I haven’t liked the way he has spoken recently, ie very tough sound bites just to find on match day that the usual suspects once again take to the field or are on the bench. Today was awful, after last week I was expecting a good big send off, but oh no, nothing. Ole has just failed to get them playing these past few months and no matter which way you look at it it’s worrying.

I think we just have to wait and see what happens and hope for the best.
It is so bl**dy obvious what has happened. The majority of the first team squad just were not going to perform for Jose for whatever reason and basically got him the sack, which he happily accepted under the circumstances. The when OGS came in as a stop gap the same players started to put in some effort and the performances and results reflected this. However this improvement was for the benefit of the prospective permanent manager, possibly Poch. or some other high profile coach who they were expecting would be appointed at the end of the season. Once Ole was given a full time contract that was it, back to the load of crap they served up under Jose. So who's to blame ? Yes most of the overpaid lazy b*****ds in the red shirts but surely the board and Woodward are the ones who really are the culprits. Since SAF just how many crap decisions have they made and continue to make, bringing in OGS as temporary coach to see the season out was probably the only sound decision they've made yet they then listened to the pundits and the national press and gave him the job. How naïve, didn't they ask themselves why players who grossly underperformed the first half of the season suddenly started putting in some real effort, had OGS made such an impact, even if it had been all down to his coaching methods and man management what was the rush to give him a permanent contract there was absolutely no need. Yet another ruddy great hole they have dug for themselves, they are making the greatest club in the world a laughing stock!
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Another great move by Ed. Lets say that he was on one mil contract in Molde. So why to give him 7 times that? Why?!? Because he had offers from other big clubs?:lol:
You don't remember that win streak? Our board were convinced Ole is our Pep so they couldn't risk Barca coming with a massive offer hence why we started negotiations from £7m.
Right, except the time he won the World Cup...

Or the multiple Serie As...
It’s completely irrelevant what he’s done for other teams. The fact he’s been successful is partly my point. He’s scored a few goals at United and is nowhere near the worst of the lot, but he’s let Man United down far too often with his abject performances. He’s taking the piss.
What the hell are you on about?
So going on a 15 game domestic unbeaten run with not a single one of his own players and then losing away to the 5th and 7th placed teams are "the signs being there" ffs, I depair with our fanbase on here sometimes :wenger:
The only goalposts moved are the ones you move to suit your agenda
You said we could have continued our good run if he was not confirmed as the permanent manager. But our unconvincing form was so obvious even before he was confirmed. We were scraping wins and lost two consecutive games, so I don't think our poor run had anything to do with him getting the permanent gig. The new manager bounce waned, we had some tough fixtures and we were showed up for the clueless team we are.
Is he? Christ.

He must not have been on much more than a £1m a year at Molde.

In 2017 he earned £1.5m through various businesses but his annual salary from Molde was only about £500k (below £10k p/w).
You said we could have continued our good run if he was not confirmed as the permanent manager. But our unconvincing form was so obvious even before he was confirmed. We were scraping wins and lost two consecutive games, so I don't think our poor run had anything to do with him getting the permanent gig. The new manager bounce waned, and we were showed up for the clueless manager we have.
As for Ian Ure, my abiding memory of him (well two actually) is the fight with Denis Law on the pitch and his goal at Anfield in a 4-1 win.
The first happened even before my time. The Anfield one was 69/70; I only started going to matches and taking a serious interest in 70/71. I’ve just looked at the Wikipedia summary of the 69/70 season and it confirmed my memories of the Wilf era; we were either great or awful. 5-1 defeat at Newcastle followed by 7-0 hammering of West Brom. Generally decent attacking play but awful defending. Not just Ure; Edwards and James were terrible also.

Back to the present: I think it’s fair to say that Wilf was given no chance at all to succeed, but despite it all managed to produce a fair number of excellent performances. I’d be more confident backing Ole if we were inconsistent. But we’ve been consistently shite for a while now.
You said we could have continued our good run if he was not confirmed as the permanent manager. But our unconvincing form was so obvious even before he was confirmed. We were scraping wins and lost two consecutive games, so I don't think our poor run had anything to do with him getting the permanent gig. The new manager bounce waned, we had some tough fixtures and we were showed up for the clueless team we are.

Pulls off one of the great European come backs and then loses to the 5th and 7th teams away from home and you say "those were the signs". Yup let's get ready to print off the p45 for any manager that loses those such games, irrespect of whats happened previously

You can keep going on about it being unconvincing, because we have been so convincing the last 7 years, haven't we. S.m.h
It is soo disappointing to see Ole has no discernable playing style/identity that he is trying to implement. The team look lost and strong favoritism of certain players seems to have added to the shit show. Mike Phelan just got confirmed as assisstant. Wishful thinking to those saying sack him. The suits at the top have not an ounce of ambition to make strong decisions. In this light, they should back him 100% since they won't fire him as it is.
Everyone is saying get Poch in. Why would he come here?

Need to at least give Ole a chance with a pre-season and hopefully a few new players. Sacking yet another manager isn’t going to fix the club.
Yikes, I thought Ole was the cheap option. It was a lot easier for Scholes to walk away from his Oldham wages and go back to the telly.
Everyone is saying get Poch in. Why would he come here?

Need to at least give Ole a chance with a pre-season and hopefully a few new players. Sacking yet another manager isn’t going to fix the club.
Nor is wasting another transfer kitty and another champions league spot just to sack him next year
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