Politics of the Extremely Online


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013
A tangential point relating to Trump being banned from Twitter and other platforms like Facebook taking a tougher stance is it could mark the turning of the page after global political talking points since 2015 has been dominated by previously fringe voices suddenly growing exponentially off the back of lies, disinformation, and divide and conquer messaging. It is the same narrow talking points being echoed in bubbles whereby people of little to no expertise have become popular and wealthy by easy-sounding soundbites, clickbait, and a platform that rewards it because lengthy details and nuances require more attention span and a willingness to learn. You saw it with the issue of climate change where experts who spend years researching, analysing and producing peer-reviewed papers are being "exposed" by a bloke on facebook who flunked his GCSEs but saw a youtube video saying scientists are in the pocket of George Soros and the evil NWO. Given how Soros is allegedly responsible for any and every popular demonstration in the west I'm amazed he still has money for grocery.

We also see it with clips being deceptively edited and spread to act as confirmation bias (a politician or public figure gives a speech for 30 minutes but a 6 second clip goes viral and all people see), or to reverse the narrative of a major event and make the victims of an incident out to be the villains and vice versa.

This kind of echo chamber of only being fed what you want to hear and what you want to hear being simplistic 'blame the other' for all your problems is undoubtedly going to take a long time to recover from, if it ever happens. Will Qanon addicts ever admit they bought into a hoax that fed on their insecurities and resentment that grew the deeper they went in and festered paranoia and conspiracies that led to reckless real life consequences? Will people who peddle anti-immigration hatred targetting communities and individuals realise the real life consequences of their behaviour including a rise in violence and animosity? The extremely online people of politics like to think they are not sheep like the rest of us mere mortals who have lives that don't revolve around devotion to a political figure and/or a deranged political cause. Yet they are the biggest sheep of them all.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
It may be the 21st century and all that but unfortunately there's still plenty of nutters around. And they're easy to be influenced and deceived.

These QAnon folks will never admit wrongdoing.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure an online forum is the best place to discuss such a thing.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Not sure where to put this, and why I'm putting it, but this account has given me so much joy and I want to share it.

Anyway, there was a niche-famous twitter account called @wasbappin. It became niche-famous because there was a split on the online western left about the Syrian civil war. bappin was on the rebels' side (the mater to his antimatter is @partisangirl). He was prolific - I'd estimate 100-200 tweets (including replies and retweets) a day.
Positions hardened over the decades, influenced by events in Syria but much more by events in domestic US politics. Trump's perceived support for Russian foreign policy, Bernie's 2016 run and his anti-interventionist position, Hillary's open hawkishness.
The result was that wasbappin had made a couple of theories, that the fascist Assad regime is supported by a fascist Russian regime, and that Bernie supporters who opposed intervention are this fascist collaborators. Turkey with its open support for Islamst rebels was the bulwark against fascism, as were the rebels themselves.
Now, fascism must be opposed.

He has been lost to the twitter mod gods, but he gained a few dedicated followers who carry on his great work

(if you like reading insane people, the entire thread is fun)