Rashford out partying at nightclub hours before reporting as too ill to attend training

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Off to Dortmund to hang with Sancho I guess.

Soooo down to just the one striker for the foreseeable future :lol: :nervous:
Waiting for the excuses or the “he’s allowed to have a life” comments……
The guy has developed into an egotistical unprofessional wanker, the sooner he fecks off the better.
Remember when he was benched for punctuality too last season :lol:

He's not a kid anymore, this stuff cant fly.
Out celebrating the Klopp news like the proper Red that he is.
If this is true, why and how is he still at the club if he is continuing to do unprofessional things that he was reprimanded for by the club last year?

Interested to see how new ownership will approach these matters.
Yeah it’s time to bench him until he runs 14km per game.

I used to defend him but if it’s true then he should be sanctioned. He needs to wake up really
A lot of illness going round. Half my squad is off with it. We had a match cancelled at 10pm Saturday the night before a 10am kick off because they didn't have enough players.

Lots of illness.

You can go out think you're fine and it turns out you're not.

The witch-hunt against Rashford is embarrassing. He's not playing amazing. Let the club deal with it.
Thankfully he’s not on a huge contract which means it’ll be easier to shift him. (Oh no, we actually gave him a bumper deal on the back of one good season).
feck him off. Unprofessional far too often.

See how much we can get for him this week or in the summer.

Garnacho can have the left wing starting position and we can reuse the funds on another winger. This guy doesn't want to be here so move him on. Plenty of footballers would want his position in our squad going forwards.
Come on Marcus lad, we all want to get behind you. Stuff like this & the shite being served up week on week it making is fecking impossible to justify.
Guys, guys... leave the poor kid alone he's only 19 yrs old, MU academy kid. Players are obviously allowed to have a life outside football, leave him alone he's obviously struggling with something. We've all seen how he gives it all on the field and runs his socks off and always in a great mood on the field as well.... it's just a phase, not like people have been calling him out for being in poor form for a long time and looking uninterested and lazy on the field for 90% of the matches this season. He's our best player for goodness sake.
Nice bunch we have here

Edit: The comment was obviously meant for the player(s) and not any posters
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Basically what needs to happen is to sell all the players who were at the club when Mourinho was fired (cant be too many remaining) bring back Mourinho, publically apologize and give him free reign to do anything.

There is zero chance of this happening but I am pretty certain it would solve the footballing problems within a year.
Hopefully wont be suffering him in the team ever again after this.

Just another snapshot at what his priorities are.
How much do we need to pay these fools before they cut this nonsense out?

Is he doing it to rebel, or just too dim to realise you can't be as high profile and get away with it these days.
Didn't have a problem with him going out after the City game, think players are entitled to have a life out of football.

But missing training because you've been on the piss two nights in a row is a joke. Needs dropping.
How much do we need to pay these fools before they cut this nonsense out?

How little you mean.

Paying feckless idiot manchildren £300, 400, 500k a week is never going to turn them into functioning adults.
A lot of illness going round. Half my squad is off with it. We had a match cancelled at 10pm Saturday the night before a 10am kick off because they didn't have enough players.

Lots of illness.

You can go out think you're fine and it turns out you're not.

The witch-hunt against Rashford is embarrassing. He's not playing amazing. Let the club deal with it.

If you know that there's a lot of illness going round, then you don't go out partying the day before a workday, solely because the optics would look extremely bad regardless of how you contracted the illness or not. Especially if you are well-known everywhere (ie your boss will know your whereabouts the previous night) and already has been reprimanded for the same thing before. Then it has crossed the border of being unprofessional. The celebration he made his trademark after the Wolves match looks more and more ridiculous by the day.
Basically what needs to happen is to sell all the players who were at the club when Mourinho was fired (cant be too many remaining) bring back Mourinho, publically apologize and give him free reign to do anything.

There is zero chance of this happening but I am pretty certain it would solve the footballing problems within a year.
Is this a serious post?
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