Rashford out partying at nightclub hours before reporting as too ill to attend training

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He’s gone off the rails after his little pal Sancho got into bother.
Thompsons Garage where he was on Thursday night doesn't open until 9pm
Being generous
If he stayed an hour and left at 10
Give him half an hour to get to Belfast airport
Allowing for a chartered flight to Manchester allow 2 hrs.
Another him an hour to get home "In Cheshire" and have a drink before turning in.
At the earliest he would have been back home at around 1:30am
Getting embarrassing now...

I agree. I’ve seen people calling for him to be sold over this anddemoted to the reserves, despite not actually seeming to be very clear on what actually happened.

Of course, if he missed training because he decided to stay out to 2am he should obviously be fined. We should also ensure we have someone speaking to him to understand whether there’s any root cause unhappiness. However, it’s obviously important the club confirms the exact sequence of events before deciding on what action to take.
Thompsons Garage where he was on Thursday night doesn't open until 9pm
Being generous
If he stayed an hour and left at 10
Give him half an hour to get to Belfast airport
Allowing for a chartered flight to Manchester allow 2 hrs.
Another him an hour to get home "In Cheshire" and have a drink before turning in.
At the earliest he would have been back home at around 1:30am
Supposedly he didn't even arrive at the club until 11.30, whether that's true or not I don't know.
Thompsons Garage where he was on Thursday night doesn't open until 9pm
Being generous
If he stayed an hour and left at 10
Give him half an hour to get to Belfast airport
Allowing for a chartered flight to Manchester allow 2 hrs.
Another him an hour to get home "In Cheshire" and have a drink before turning in.
At the earliest he would have been back home at around 1:30am

His flight was in the morning wasn’t it?
His flight was in the morning wasn’t it?
No, supposedly he was in this club until the early hours Friday morning, and then only a few hours later he was supposed back in Manchester for training, he should've known better.
No, supposedly he was in this club until the early hours Friday morning, and then only a few hours later he was supposed back in Manchester for training, he should've known better.

Can you post a link to something that says he got to the club at 11.30pm? Just did a Google search but the only thing that comes up is your post earlier today.

As I understand it, he was always due to stay in Belfast overnight and catch an early morning flight (which he did). If that’s not correct, then that would make it more serious.
Can you post a link to something that says he got to the club at 11.30pm? Just did a Google search but the only thing that comes up is your post earlier today.

As I understand it, he was always due to stay in Belfast overnight and catch an early morning flight (which he did). If that’s not correct, then that would make it more serious.
Somebody mentioned it earlier in the thread I think? Some newbie that works there? I could be wrong. He was due to stay in Belfast overnight the night before, Wednesday night, but wasn't supposed to the Thursday night as they had training Friday morning. To be fair if he'd just flown back late Thursday night and got back at a reasonable enough time and got sleep and didn't call in sick for training I don't think anyone would really give a shit.

It's the staying out until the early hours in the club when your due for training a few hours later that's the big deal, how can you not see this??
looking forward to defences like "Come on Rashy is a young man in the end, a young man is supposed to have fun, and we are not robots...." blah blah blah

They have everything for young men to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boys.
Somebody mentioned it earlier in the thread I think? Some newbie that works there? I could be wrong. He was due to stay in Belfast overnight the night before, Wednesday night, but wasn't supposed to the Thursday night as they had training Friday morning. To be fair if he'd just flown back late Thursday night and got back at a reasonable enough time and got sleep and didn't call in sick for training I don't think anyone would really give a shit.

It's the staying out until the early hours in the club when your due for training a few hours later that's the big deal, how can you not see this??
In the video of him arriving he's trying to cover his head and hide.
That to me says that he isn't supposed to be there, and s been caught out, he knows there will be shit storm.
I'm also suspicious because Evans was supposed to have the same illness, but he has managed to recover and make the bench for Newport.
If that's you and your life, and I can relate to a degree... Directing your anger at Rashford, and this issue, is probably a waste of your time and energy....
I imagine it's not just 'this issue' that people are having an issue with though is it? This is a culmination of things that people have probably taken offence with along with his poor form and shitty attitude that is evidenced on the pitch, I am very much part of this group.

I guess this is another issue that you will be sitting on the fence over and have no real opinion on?
In the video of him arriving he's trying to cover his head and hide.
That to me says that he isn't supposed to be there, and s been caught out, he knows there will be shit storm.
I'm also suspicious because Evans was supposed to have the same illness, but he has managed to recover and make the bench for Newport.
Yeh your probably right. The video is probably where it was worked what time he arrived at the club aswell.
Let him sit out for next 2 weeks, should not even be part of first team training.... we need to show the other players that no matter what your name is this is not acceptable... Come summer, do whatever is possible to sell him...
I'm no fan of Ten Hag as a manager, but he is a good man, and to watch that interview and him being grilled about something outside his control was tough. He looked on the verge of exploding at that journalist.

Rashford has finally overstepped the line this season and it's probably better for us to support him publically, give him games to keep him in the picture, and then look towards selling him in the summer.

He's thrown Ten Hag under the bus with his behaviour. He goes and does what he wants, knowing that he shouldn't, and then his manager and by extension the club has to take the flak for him. And he will do that for every other manager he plays under.
If Ineos have this right idea to turn us into a world power then Rashford should be sold imo. His inconsistency shouldnt be a part of the club moving forward. Saying that who would buy him for a decent (over 60 mill) amount really? He hasnt put up any figures, apart from last season, and with his attitude as well, for a RM PSG to come in. Utd are stuck with him unless they accept a low figure for him.
Somebody mentioned it earlier in the thread I think? Some newbie that works there? I could be wrong. He was due to stay in Belfast overnight the night before, Wednesday night, but wasn't supposed to the Thursday night as they had training Friday morning. To be fair if he'd just flown back late Thursday night and got back at a reasonable enough time and got sleep and didn't call in sick for training I don't think anyone would really give a shit.

It's the staying out until the early hours in the club when your due for training a few hours later that's the big deal, how can you not see this??

I’m trying to establish whether he was there “until the early hours” or not. I’m surprised that the time he arrived and left is not mentioned by the press as that’s the type of detail that they’d love to include. Probably suggests that he wasn’t actually there that late. Couldn’t obviously spot any post either here or on the other thread about him arriving at 11.30pm (and are you sure that was Thursday not Wednesday anyway)?

The key questions are what time he was back in his hotel, whether he was drinking and whether he delayed his flight to go out. Oh, and whether he was actually ill or just tired/hungover. I haven’t seen those details anywhere yet.
I'm no fan of Ten Hag as a manager, but he is a good man, and to watch that interview and him being grilled about something outside his control was tough. He looked on the verge of exploding at that journalist.

Rashford has finally overstepped the line this season and it's probably better for us to support him publically, give him games to keep him in the picture, and then look towards selling him in the summer.

He's thrown Ten Hag under the bus with his behaviour. He goes and does what he wants, knowing that he shouldn't, and then his manager and by extension the club has to take the flak for him. And he will do that for every other manager he plays under.
He has to be careful what he says after the Sancho debacle. But yeah after going out after the derby defeat and being told its not acceptable, to do this a few months later is pretty snide.

What can you do? Ralph was strict with him and told him to shape up, went into a sulk. ETH sticks by him makes him the main man and still throws him under the bus. The guy is uncoachable
I’m trying to establish whether he was there “until the early hours” or not. I’m surprised that the time he arrived and left is not mentioned by the press as that’s the type of detail that they’d love to include. Probably suggests that he wasn’t actually there that late. Couldn’t obviously spot any post either here or on the other thread about him arriving at 11.30pm (and are you sure that was Thursday not Wednesday anyway)?

The key questions are what time he was back in his hotel, whether he was drinking and whether he delayed his flight to go out. Oh, and whether he was actually ill or just tired/hungover. I haven’t seen those details anywhere yet.
It was definitely the Thursday night, that's in the athletic article, as to the times, I'm only going off what I read in this thread earlier on, you'd have to go searching for the posts because I can't remember who said it.

And I don't think he even went back to the hotel supposedly, straight from the club to the airport and then reported for training but then had to go home sick.
I’m trying to establish whether he was there “until the early hours” or not. I’m surprised that the time he arrived and left is not mentioned by the press as that’s the type of detail that they’d love to include. Probably suggests that he wasn’t actually there that late. Couldn’t obviously spot any post either here or on the other thread about him arriving at 11.30pm (and are you sure that was Thursday not Wednesday anyway)?

The key questions are what time he was back in his hotel, whether he was drinking and whether he delayed his flight to go out. Oh, and whether he was actually ill or just tired/hungover. I haven’t seen those details anywhere yet.
Ok, calm down DS Arnott fella.
Marcus knows he has United over a barrel. Impunity is his game now. Ridiculous how we hand out these generous contracts after one season of top performances.
Honestly, just get rid of the fecking waster at this point. Anywhere will do. Doesn't have to be a big fee either if clubs are worried about his wages.
You could tell Erik was getting proper fecked off answering questions about it in post match presser
Very annoying questions and you can see Ten Hag was really frustrated. He knows he has to be careful or else we'll have a similar situation like Sancho.

True but honestly I respect him for the Sancho situation. EtH's best work has been pushing out some of the wasters. That's the reason I still like him.
The Rashford defenders in this thread are just comedy at this point, some of you have no shame. There’s not even straws left to clutch, it’s pitiful :lol:. Rashford could gob in your tea, piss in your cheerios and shart at point blank range in your face, but it would still somehow be the ‘toxic fans’ fault,
Someone really needs to get through to him about wasting his talent. Can't believe I'm saying this but needs to heed Shearer's words
The Rashford defenders in this thread are just comedy at this point, some of you have no shame. There’s not even straws left to clutch, it’s pitiful :lol:. Rashford could gob in your tea, piss in your cheerios and shart at point blank range in your face, but it would still somehow be the ‘toxic fans’ fault,
:lol: :lol:
Thing is we've had a 2 week break aswell, he's either incredibly thick or just likes being written about
He knows what he is doing. Acting up and challenging Ten Hag when he is at his weakest. Did the same under Rangnick and will continue to do so to whoever manages us unless we start acting like a serious club again.
The Rashford defenders in this thread are just comedy at this point, some of you have no shame. There’s not even straws left to clutch, it’s pitiful :lol:. Rashford could gob in your tea, piss in your cheerios and shart at point blank range in your face, but it would still somehow be the ‘toxic fans’ fault,
They are a pathetic bunch at this point.
We really do have some of the stupidest players don't we. Hopefully a fine and possible a week out of the team makes him fix his attitude and we don't have another repeat.
We really do have some of the stupidest players don't we. Hopefully a fine and possible a week out of the team makes him fix his attitude and we don't have another repeat.
He was out of the team for quite a while and even that didn't make him fight harder to win his place back. Why do you think keeping him out for 1 week is gonna change anything? Clearly, he thinks he is bigger than the club.
Brailsford alluded to the fact that’s he’s good friends with Fergie from the past. I wonder what the great man would advise at this point? I think I know but I don’t think he would have let things ever get this bad either. His arrogance outweighs his talent.
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