Red Sox

Take me out to the ball game take me out to the park, buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks I dont care if we ever get back.

C'mon the Yankees(do United still have the merchandising deal with them?)
It's very funny - the Yankees are beating them with half their team injured. Looks like Sox fans will have to wait another 87 years for another championship.
Roy Smithers said:
Take me out to the ball game take me out to the park, buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks I dont care if we ever get back.

C'mon the Yankees(do United still have the merchandising deal with them?)

In the song, "Crackerjack" is singular. Don't sound like the average no-nothing SF Giants fan.
FresnoBob said:
In the song, "Crackerjack" is singular. Don't sound like the average no-nothing SF Giants fan.

I happen to think americans and american sports are gay to be honest. I heared that song on barney I thought it was crackerjacks sorry. Mozambiqueian americans are ok though.
Roy Smithers said:
I happen to think americans and american sports are gay to be honest. I heared that song on barney I thought it was crackerjacks sorry. Mozambiqueian americans are ok though.

The word comes from one of our snack foods, consisting primarily of carmel corn and peanuts. At many baseball stadia (or stadiums, for the announcers) the words appear on the scoreboard screen during the seventh inning stretch and, invariably, say "crackerjackS." Stupidity remains a growth industry.

Sorry you don't like American sports--even ones that are played better by the Japanese and Dominicans.
Watching a recording of last nights game. Pedro vs Beckett. Tomorrow it`s Glavine against Schilling. Awesome match-ups.
I see A-Rod had a nice walk of HR the other day. Pity he cant be fecked to do that in the post-season. Twat.
no, i miss Canada a lot.

evantually we will catch up with the sox. Hope the Yankees will smoke them.
I agree with the anti-Yankee sentiments.

Me? Well, I might be an Aussie but I love my baseball. Seattle Mariners fan, actually. Got up at 4am on Sunday morning to watch them -their games are only televised once or twice a year here, so have to make the most of it. It's usually Yankees/White Sox/Red Sox/Astros/Cubs games that get shown on pay TV here.

Ichiro is a genius, IMO. So much talent in that tiny man. Paid a ridiculous amount of money for a Mariners shirt bearing 'Ichiro 51' on the back- but it was worth every cent! :D