Scottish FA to ban U12s from heading footballs in training.


"Full Member"
Nov 21, 2014
Chelsea and AFC Wimbledon
A ban on children heading the ball in Scotland could be in place in a matter of weeks due to fears over the links between football and dementia.

BBC Scotland has learned the Scottish FA wants to lead the way on the issue after a report found former players are more at risk of dying from the disease.

The governing body is expected to announce a ban on under-12s heading the ball in training later this month.

A similar ban has been in place in the US since 2015.

What say the caf.. yay or nay?
It's like the American football debate. At the end of the day, if we can prevent long term affect of injuries such as dementia or other brain damage, then im all for it.

I mean, look at @Mr Pigeon as an example of this. He use to head the ball more than anybody back in his hometown in Scotland.The affects are there for everybody to see.
It's like the American football debate. At the end of the day, if we can prevent long term affect of injuries such as dementia or other brain damage, then im all for it.

I mean, look at @Mr Pigeon as an example of this. He use to head the ball more than anybody back in his hometown in Scotland.The affects are there for everybody to see.
I was a goalkeeper you stupid arse.

My brain damage is from alcoholism.
Might encourage better football in the long run.
Think this is a good idea. There is very strong evidence that all players need to be protected. You can't take heading out of the senior game so this sounds like it might help in their long term welfare. At that age they should be concentrating on other skills anyway.
We've already seen the effect this ban had on Matic so it doesn't look promising for the Jocks. If it goes tits up for them at least it won't really dent their chances in qualifying for major tournaments.
A mere halfmeasure by the highlanders as always. If they want to improve their results they should ban being fecking shite instead et voila.
I don't think it will help to improve the game technically at all. In what way is it beneficial for young centre backs to not practice properly defending corners, free kicks and throw-ins until you're 12? The debate is whether it will have a positive impact on player's health after football, not if it will improve young players which it almost certainly won't.
Sensible if the evidence is there to supoprt it and it is. Its a very important stage of development and adding some protection at that age is just sensible.

They'll get battered as soon as they reach an age where headers are allowed and the opponents have been practicing them for years.
It won't be long before its the same in most european countries I don't think.

How many older players have had issues due to head trauma? I know about Jeff Astle, anyone else?
Becase of the issues surounding it, it may be the case that a lot have had issues but have been put down to other things or they passed before more was known. Shearer for one is well aware that due to his style of play he needs to be more aware as he ages. Same will be true of players like Vida or Terry etc.
This is inevitably going to reach all levels of football. Maybe not for a long time but eventually headers will be outlawed even at professional level.
So will this lead in a few years to heading being banned in football altogether? If the reason is for health reasons then why stop at 12?
Unless they are to ban other things like boxing for under 12s, then what relevance will stopping youngsters heading a football have. Football is just an easy target. Won't be long until football has to be simulated.
I don't think it will help to improve the game technically at all. In what way is it beneficial for young centre backs to not practice properly defending corners, free kicks and throw-ins until you're 12? The debate is whether it will have a positive impact on player's health after football, not if it will improve young players which it almost certainly won't.
In the way that all top academies agree that there is little reason for 6-12 years olds to be worrying about heading. It is an aspect that is given very little importance in academies, especially at such a young age.
In the way that all top academies agree that there is little reason for 6-12 years olds to be worrying about heading
Can you point me in the direction of where all (...or any) of the top academies have said this. Thanks.
Think this is a good idea. There is very strong evidence that all players need to be protected. You can't take heading out of the senior game so this sounds like it might help in their long term welfare. At that age they should be concentrating on other skills anyway.
Completely agree with this.

If the scientific evidence is there, then that's the way to go. And as has been said, it encourages the development of more useful skills.
Just make kids mostly play futsal until they're twelve. Almost zero heading and will generally make you more comfortable with the ball.
This is inevitably going to reach all levels of football. Maybe not for a long time but eventually headers will be outlawed even at professional level.

So we're going to get VAR headballs on top of handballs?
Can you point me in the direction of where all (...or any) of the top academies have said this. Thanks.
Use your eyes and watch youth football or go speak to an academy coach. What exactly are you expecting, screenshots of my personal conversations with academy coaches?
Finally. Obviously not good for such young people to head a football. Especially after the goalkeeper kicks a high ball over the halfline. Its hard to study and prove relation between heading and dementia but for me its pretty obvious and we should protect the kids.
Use your eyes and watch youth football or go speak to an academy coach. What exactly are you expecting, screenshots of my personal conversations with academy coaches?
I was expecting you to not be able to back up your bullshit claims with any evidence. And you haven't.
Don't think it will make much difference really. Kids will still be heading the ball every time they're down the park with their mates having a kick about. Probably even end up doing their own heading sessions so they don't miss out.
Heading isn't really that important at that point anyways. The skill can be learned later on in life.
I can see heading being banned in a few years. Will make things interesting for defenders especially.
Header goals usually look shite anyway unless if you're SuperVan.
Not sure how much heading even takes place before 12 tbh. At youth level it is rare to see heading as most games you don’t even see the ball kicked that high to begin with. Teen years is where this type of stuff needs to be looked at and perhaps special headgear can be used instead of banning altogether... the sport will be a lot poorer if heading is taken out of it.
Header goals usually look shite anyway unless if you're SuperVan.