Sport Witness: Man United row between Bruno Fernandes and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer dismissed as 'lies'

This club and fan base is absolutely toxic after a couple of defeats.

I don;'t think it is about the the last couple of defeats , it is more about the last 8 years of mediocrity and shambles that have engulfed the club. People are rightfully upset with how the club has been performing oven these years considering the obscene amount of money that has been invested. And it is not an Ole specific thing either , every manager who manages us is going to have to deal with this pressure. W e have become a basket case club , like a bigger version of Newcastle United.
And so what if Bruno and Ole had a row , I would be far more worried if everyone in the dressing room was ok with what is going on now out on the pitch.

Interesting that the English media has missed out the quotes where Bruno thanks Ole and says his tactics are perfect for him.

Possibly cos they want to keep the argument going in some shape or form e.g. insinuating Bruno's issue is about Ole's tactics not Ole as a person?

...I prefer not to speak... ;)
Sad state of affairs. Journalists are falling further down the pecking order, finding themselves somewhere between sewage rats and ticket scalps. In fact, I would not classify these as journalists, they are not distributing news to the masses. Shame on them! However, it says everything about the club at the moment still. Laughing stock, underperformance, lack of control, uncertainty, incompetence, there are many negative words to mention.
This. As do our own fanbase.

The club needs to call out the bullsh*t reporters/articles. Poor water on these lowlife jobsworth journo’s.

Start acting like a top club and demanding some respect, we’ve made a rod for our own back with the summer window shambles but enough is enough.

Fergie would have these idiots back in the box one by one.

The thing is fans believe in everything negative that comes out in the media.
Surprise surprise it comes after a heavy defeat and yet everything think its true.

They are trying to create a divide and obviously all the Ole outers will latch onto it. We really need to start acting like a top club like you said.
The thing is fans believe in everything negative that comes out in the media.
Surprise surprise it comes after a heavy defeat and yet everything think its true.

They are trying to create a divide and obviously all the Ole outers will latch onto it. We really need to start acting like a top club like you said.
It is not just they believe the news, some want it to be true so that they can be proven right even if it comes at the club's cost. We lost 6-1 to spurs and all the news . It seems no backlash on Liverpool losing 7-2 to last season's relegation contentders.
The thing is fans believe in everything negative that comes out in the media.
Surprise surprise it comes after a heavy defeat and yet everything think its true.

They are trying to create a divide and obviously all the Ole outers will latch onto it. We really need to start acting like a top club like you said.
Yeah exactly. It's depressing.
It is not just they believe the news, some want it to be true so that they can be proven right even if it comes at the club's cost. We lost 6-1 to spurs and all the news . It seems no backlash on Liverpool losing 7-2 to last season's relegation contentders.

Exactly, with 10 men may I add. Liverpool had their their full quota and yet its just a blip and we have not heard anything about it.

It is clear that the media have picked up on the United fan group divide on Ole and are playing on it. A week on and it the concentration has already shifted from the board to the manager.

This is why we hired a PR from the sun, to shift all blame from Woodward and the Glazers to the playing 11 and manager.

Just this week we have had reports from journalists and even former players like Scholes questioning everything but the ownership.

Scholes having a dig at Martial
Pogba coming out doing what he normally does when the results are not going our way
Fake reports of Bruno and Ole row
Maguire issues
Poch being lined up

Ed Woodward has just got away with yet another poor window and its all forgotten.
Exactly, with 10 men may I add. Liverpool had their their full quota and yet its just a blip and we have not heard anything about it.

It is clear that the media have picked up on the United fan group divide on Ole and are playing on it. A week on and it the concentration has already shifted from the board to the manager.

This is why we hired a PR from the sun, to shift all blame from Woodward and the Glazers to the playing 11 and manager.

Just this week we have had reports from journalists and even former players like Scholes questioning everything but the ownership.

Scholes having a dig at Martial
Pogba coming out doing what he normally does when the results are not going our way
Fake reports of Bruno and Ole row
Maguire issues
Poch being lined up

Ed Woodward has just got away with yet another poor window and its all forgotten.
This is why I always say Woodward and Glazers apologists are the worst.

Anyways not deviating from the original post, the sooner fans realize that some journalists just try to mock the club and fans should not blindly buy anything they write.

Interesting that the English media has missed out the quotes where Bruno thanks Ole and says his tactics are perfect for him.

Possibly cos they want to keep the argument going in some shape or form e.g. insinuating Bruno's issue is about Ole's tactics not Ole as a person?

...I prefer not to speak... ;)

Looks like certain agenda driven posters in this thread have just had all their hopes and dreams destroyed.
Sad state of affairs. Journalists are falling further down the pecking order, finding themselves somewhere between sewage rats and ticket scalps. In fact, I would not classify these as journalists, they are not distributing news to the masses. Shame on them! However, it says everything about the club at the moment still. Laughing stock, underperformance, lack of control, uncertainty, incompetence, there are many negative words to mention.
Toxic fans are just as much to blame.
Some have deeply rooted agenda's and will gleefully share fake news media reports as evidence and to legitimise their views.
This thread is a prime example of that.
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As it has been debated over and over by Ole ins and Ole outs here that third place could have very easily been 5th. Lets not pretend we were confortable the third best team in the league, any way I highly doubt ending up with that few points will get us third anytime soon. My main point was with people comparing Ole with the top managers saying the classic "we are 1st place from January to today" bullshit argument.
Let me get this straight. You think getting third is no outlay on how the team was progressing or even played?
And further more, when looking at the progress some of us believe the club and Ole has been making, being the number one team in form the last 9 months doesn’t count either? What can we judge it on then? The patterns of play which the highly educated right corner of the fans can’t see? Where can I find an argument to support my view then? It’s just dismissed as “it dosent count”

Regarding the op. If Fernandez accuse some people for shit stirring and spreading lies to hurt the club and the group. What does that say about fans jumping on it?
Looks like certain agenda driven posters in this thread have just had all their hopes and dreams destroyed.

Its rather depressing how easily so many of our fans are manipulated by the media. 100% of those people will all be certain that they are far too smart for that.
Let me get this straight. You think getting third is no outlay on how the team was progressing or even played? And further more, when looking at the progress some of us believe the club and Ole has been making, being the number one team in form the last 9 months doesn’t count either? What can we judge it on then? The patterns of play which the highly educated right corner of the fans can’t see? Where can I find an argument to support my view then? It’s just dismissed as “it dosent count”
Regarding the op. If Fernandez accuse some people for shit stirring and spreading lies to hurt the club and the group. What does that say about fans jumping on it?
Those revelling in this thread as OleOUTers, who will hijack even the tiniest crumb of fiction to further their agenda. They probably don't even realise that they are becoming fundamentalist in their behaviours.
Its really sad that hurling insults and attempting to destroy our manager is the only way they feel they can 'support' our club right now.
Still remember that sinking feeling after our 6-1 defeat against City in 2011. The difference then however was that it was almost certain we would see a response in the next game. With the current crop of players, we would do well just showing up.
Sh*t like this used to rejuvenate the team. So, hopefully we see the same response from this lot.
They need to show something !
How about we stop making it Ole Out vs Ole In? Sick of people almost revelling in creating a division between the fanbase.

While I do agree with the sentiment, I do wonder why this opinion is always posted right after a bunch of Ole-outers were seemingly proven wrong about their latest arguments that went on as "solid proof" for 5-20 pages depending on the thread.
Sadly this looks like damage control orchestrated by the clubs top management.

Player having a go at each other is perfectly ok and if a group of senior squad members are worried is also a good sign. We want our player to have commitment.
The club can’t let this circus continue so now two senior members of the squad is out to support the manager. What a coincidence. Why didn’t they say anything a couple of days after the game? Why now and why mention support to the manager?

United’s spin doctor is out in full force?

Off course not only United supporters are worried about our results and the way we play. Players aren’t stupid.

Those who don’t see that our matches is poorly managed are probably living in denial.

Ole should stay until the end of the season because the club need stability, not because of our results. But if we continue to lose another five or six games before the end of the year then the change probably come in January.
Sadly this looks like damage control orchestrated by the clubs top management.

Player having a go at each other is perfectly ok and if a group of senior squad members are worried is also a good sign. We want our player to have commitment.
The club can’t let this circus continue so now two senior members of the squad is out to support the manager. What a coincidence. Why didn’t they say anything a couple of days after the game? Why now and why mention support to the manager?

United’s spin doctor is out in full force?

Off course not only United supporters are worried about our results and the way we play. Players aren’t stupid.

Those who don’t see that our matches is poorly managed are probably living in denial.

Ole should stay until the end of the season because the club need stability, not because of our results. But if we continue to lose another five or six games before the end of the year then the change probably come in January.
Why would they dismiss a rumour that hadn't been spread at that point? They are responding to the gutter press rubbish that has been started in the last few days, they shouldn't have to but unfortunately people including our own fans lap up their utter horse sh*t.

I'd ban every journo who makes up a single nonsense rumour, permanently. Every club should do the same, at least the fans would be left with reliable journalists who actually have real information.

Right now fans are keeping these jokers in the media in jobs by lapping up this rubbish. In turn it adds unnecessary pressure on the club, but some fans seem to want that so...
Sadly this looks like damage control orchestrated by the clubs top management.

Player having a go at each other is perfectly ok and if a group of senior squad members are worried is also a good sign. We want our player to have commitment.
The club can’t let this circus continue so now two senior members of the squad is out to support the manager. What a coincidence. Why didn’t they say anything a couple of days after the game? Why now and why mention support to the manager?

United’s spin doctor is out in full force?

Off course not only United supporters are worried about our results and the way we play. Players aren’t stupid.

Those who don’t see that our matches is poorly managed are probably living in denial.

Ole should stay until the end of the season because the club need stability, not because of our results. But if we continue to lose another five or six games before the end of the year then the change probably come in January.

Sorry what? So how do journalists get information that Bruno has lost confidence in Ole when he left for international duty the day after the game?

So you would rather believe a quote from a journalist over a players direct quotes?
:lol: unlucky Castles and McGarry. No doubt they'll just say "of course he'd say that to the media".
Why would they dismiss a rumour that hadn't been spread at that point? They are responding to the gutter press rubbish that has been started in the last few days, they shouldn't have to but unfortunately people including our own fans lap up their utter horse sh*t.

I'd ban every journo who makes up a single nonsense rumour, permanently. Every club should do the same, at least the fans would be left with reliable journalists who actually have real information.

Right now fans are keeping these jokers in the media in jobs by lapping up this rubbish. In turn it adds unnecessary pressure on the club, but some fans seem to want that so...

agreed. The toxic part of our fanbase jump all over this type of crap as it supports their view.

that’s why this sort of crap gets made up.

unfortunately so many people can’t think for themselves, and will seek out tweets and unreliable sources as ‘social proof’ of their own view and continue this cycle.

it’s not just a football thing, so many people can’t think critically anymore.
Exactly, with 10 men may I add. Liverpool had their their full quota and yet its just a blip and we have not heard anything about it.

It is clear that the media have picked up on the United fan group divide on Ole and are playing on it. A week on and it the concentration has already shifted from the board to the manager.
Of course their result was worse if you take into account oppenent and the red card but if you look at bigger picture this was one bad result whereas United continuously struggles. Liverpool dominated the League last year, they won the champions league and they won their first 3 games - so for now you can call it an accident. United on the other hand had a already a bad period under Solskjaer, came back and had now 3 really bad games. So it's not the one game they compare.

And the bigger a club is the more he gets attention.
Good for Bruno to call them out - he has displayed a healthy dose of leadership on and off the pitch. The yellow press is out to get us - I hope this galvanizes the team from strength to strength, like how adversity pushed United under SAF.
Guys! See the big picture.

Mourinho divided our fan base. Our results was shite. Players rightly or wrongly was directly or indirectly complaining. Media was all over United and just waited to Titanic to sink.

Fast forward almost two years.

Better results? More trophies? Less media circus? Less scapegoats? Less divided fan base?

Ole is a really good man. Honest with the best of intentions. It’s difficult to not like him.

Unfortunately our results is the same,or worse. The media circus continue. The fan base is still divided and some players by the look of it aren’t happy.

I saw the game against Spurs and before the end more then a few United players had give up.
Let's put his whole exact quote here, shall we?

I believe it is a way to destabilise the group. What was said is in no way true. I was replaced, it is true, by technical option. The coach told me that the game was almost over & that we would have a lot of games ahead of us. Got it.
I was not satisfied but said nothing that could harm the group. At the end of the game, Ole sent me a message to wish the team good luck. We spoke at the end by message & I just have to be grateful to the coach who bet on me, his tactics are perfect for me.
Do not use my name, my colleagues or the coach to make trouble at Manchester United. The atmosphere is good and the team is ready to give an answer in the next game.

Yes, some were even saying Bruno is losing faith in Ole's tactics. This is like a volleyball set. If we lost it, we lost it. We have to win the remaining 35 games, we need to focus on that right now. Fitness will come back, and with that, it will be easier for us to perform physically. With a bit of luck, our physical peak might even be later than others, and that should help to end the season on a high note.

Someone is butthurt :lol:

I am not following. This is the guy who said Bruno was losing faith in Ole and all of that, no? What is he trying to say with his winks? That United is forcing Bruno to get in line or something?
Guys! See the big picture.

Mourinho divided our fan base. Our results was shite. Players rightly or wrongly was directly or indirectly complaining. Media was all over United and just waited to Titanic to sink.

Fast forward almost two years.

Better results? More trophies? Less media circus? Less scapegoats? Less divided fan base?

Ole is a really good man. Honest with the best of intentions. It’s difficult to not like him.

Unfortunately our results is the same,or worse. The media circus continue. The fan base is still divided and some players by the look of it aren’t happy.

I saw the game against Spurs and before the end more then a few United players had give up.
Fan base will always be divided and there will always be media circus. Do you think all fans will be in unison when Poch or some other manager take over! Our fan base in social media is toxic. There are still Jose fan boys roaming who are more interested in proving their point than club's growth. Now we will have Ole fan boys added to the mix.

As for the results, it will go up and down and media will pounce on it the moment we slip. I remember under Jose im his first season. We lost to city at home then Watford away and media started writing shit about Jose and the club and the negativity started. Then enter second season, we were joint top with City till October and we drew at anfield and city thrashed stoke at home and negativity started and media started questioning Jose and his tactics.

Same thing happening now. If you don’t follow football closely one will think Lampard and Arteta are doing a genius job according to the press. Imagine Arteta playing similar brand of football here and us scrapping past West ham at home after they dominate us, do you think he will get the same praise. Or us spending 250m and drawing to westbrom and losing to Liverpool at home, do you think our manager will get a preferential treatment.

I always believe managing Manchester united is one of the hardest job because of the media circus and how toxic our fan base (especially in social media) have become since SAF left.
I am not following. This is the guy who said Bruno was losing faith in Ole and all of that, no? What is he trying to say with his winks? That United is forcing Bruno to get in line or something?
That united PR is trying to save the face by forcing Bruno to speak up
That united PR is trying to save the face by forcing Bruno to speak up
We must be very good at our job, being able to force a player to speak like that during an international game on a Portuguese TV? Wth...
Let's put his whole exact quote here, shall we?

I believe it is a way to destabilise the group. What was said is in no way true. I was replaced, it is true, by technical option. The coach told me that the game was almost over & that we would have a lot of games ahead of us. Got it.
I was not satisfied but said nothing that could harm the group. At the end of the game, Ole sent me a message to wish the team good luck. We spoke at the end by message & I just have to be grateful to the coach who bet on me, his tactics are perfect for me.
Do not use my name, my colleagues or the coach to make trouble at Manchester United. The atmosphere is good and the team is ready to give an answer in the next game.

Yes, some were even saying Bruno is losing faith in Ole's tactics. This is like a volleyball set. If we lost it, we lost it. We have to win the remaining 35 games, we need to focus on that right now. Fitness will come back, and with that, it will be easier for us to perform physically. With a bit of luck, our physical peak might even be later than others, and that should help to end the season on a high note.
Some sadly want that to be the case. I never believed that for a second. No way he would turn like that after the start he's had here and the way this manager has made him the main man. It stank of bullsh*t from the outset.

Prime example of United being used for headlines and clicks.

In some regard it will be a sad day when the press stop doing this in relation to United, we are the biggest name in the league and we are here to be hit at, our board and owners have provided the press with a stick to beat us with. That said, enough is enough, the club have to take a stance against this nonsense and put these rodents of the industry back in their place.
This is getting ridiculous now. Just a week ago Castles was proven definitively wrong when he claimed Dembele to us was a done deal. Also, he's been wrong innumerable times in the past couple of years and people are still believing his nonsense.

And Bruno has supposedly lost confidence in the tactics and manager after 2 losses? He feels lied to because we didn't get big name players in 1 window? I mean if someone who's been here 2-3 years said it, it would probably make sense, but Bruno has been here 5 minutes and he's supposedly harping about broken promises after a pandemic affected transfer window!! C'mon people, doesn't take a genius to realize all this doesn't even remotely make sense.
It's errant nonsense. That he is dissatisfied with the transfers is the least plausible of the many loony claims there, but of course that's probably the most resonating bit if you are a disgruntled transfer enthusiast, and to one such, the idea that players are just vicars of transfer muppets never seems too fanciful.
Let me get this straight. You think getting third is no outlay on how the team was progressing or even played?

Looking just at the position on the table we could be fooled into thinking that, but same as when we ended second under Mourinho it just doesnt click. We ended 3rd but with the same amount of points than the season before, thats the season where the squad gave up on Mourinho.

If we lost that game against Leicester we would had end up 5th, would that change the whole narrative in your perspective? Is progress only defined by the table position?

And further more, when looking at the progress some of us believe the club and Ole has been making, being the number one team in form the last 9 months doesn’t count either? What can we judge it on then? The patterns of play which the highly educated right corner of the fans can’t see? Where can I find an argument to support my view then? It’s just dismissed as “it dosent count”
As I said before counting the last 9 months or so is cherrypicking, why not count the last 4 months? Or the last 12 or 18 months? This team is highly impacted by either great patches or purple patches, thats not progress at least not steady progress.

If we were seriously the best team as you say would there be any debate about Ole at all?

Regarding the op. If Fernandez accuse some people for shit stirring and spreading lies to hurt the club and the group. What does that say about fans jumping on it?

Not even going to answer this, are we supposed to not comment at all?