The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
Said it before, I'll say it again: Trump is winning.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
he's been winning and by and large his supporters are thrilled
And he's proven once and for all that the American democracy is deeply flawed and fragile. How anyone could ever think this was the greatest democracy in the world, is beyond me.

Red Viking

Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
What have he won so far ? All he does is brag and he have achieved nothing of note politically that he can write down as his.


CR7 fan
Mar 18, 2002
Unemployment was at an all time high before Trump came along and fixed it, the economy was in the gutter before Trump came along and fixed that too. Violent immigrant crime was rampant in the streets and Oceania was at war with Eastasia.
The big beautiful wall too.



Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
What have he won so far ? All he does is brag and he have achieved nothing of note politically that he can write down as his.
He is systematically destroying the government, openly embracing racism and creating an environment where he and his fellow thugs can flourish.
Once this is over, America will be as racist as it was decades ago, minorities will be further disenfranchised, violence will be on the rise, and he and his friends will be as free as ever, and richer than ever before.

People still don't understand what this is about. It's not about a stupid wall or something like this. This is about ideology.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2013
And you can bet that if the Republicans still have a Senate majority and a vacancy comes up in early or mid-2020 they'd still go ahead with the appointment, anyway.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
feck. This. Shit.

Seriously someone convince me now it's worth staying in this country and that things won't be so bad.
It's not worth it and things will only go downhill from here.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
What have he won so far ? All he does is brag and he have achieved nothing of note politically that he can write down as his.
Have you not been paying attention?

He's systematically destroying everything Obama and many other Presidents before him took years to achieve.

He's removed important environmental regulations and safety regulations. Removed the USA from the Paris agreement and the UN human rights council. He's alienating the USA from its allies and the rest of the world. He's just got his travel ban passed. Tax cuts to himself and his wealthy mates. Sorted business deals for his daughter overseas and secured new hotel rights.

He has destroyed the credibility of the press, now he has another Supreme Court pick that could radically change the USA for years. I could go on and on for hours here.

Saying he hasn't won anything or achieved anything is exactly what he wants you to think. Don't fall for his distractions.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
feck. This. Shit.

Seriously someone convince me now it's worth staying in this country and that things won't be so bad.
I'm definitely not staying to raise a family here, that's for sure. Not all completely related to politics, mind.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
I wouldn't be that upset with the US losing its role in the world if some other western country was ready to step up. But none are, China will the fill the void. That's pretty scary stuff.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
Ginsburg is 84. It can get alot worse if she retires or kicks the can before 2020
If Trump does not get reelected. Which is a big "if", if you ask me. Politically, he has at least two more years to further undermine democracy, the law and to strengthen his powers. The US will take decades to recover.

By the way, the scariest thing until now is ICE. He already has a group of people on his payroll willing to commit terrible atrocities for him. Next he will look to radicalize the police or the military for his cause. I think he'll go for the police. He will systematically try to rid the police of black and other minority officers and then things will get really dark.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2011
What have he won so far ? All he does is brag and he have achieved nothing of note politically that he can write down as his.

Dismantled the Epa
Appointed a fleet of conservative judges to the federal courts
Gave big business a huge tax cut
Cut the obamacare mandate
pulled out of paris accord
removed dozens of obama EO's
travel ban
uprooted imigration policy

the list goes on. his base loves him. the party is his. he has every republican by the balls


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
If Trump does not get reelected. Which is a big "if", if you ask me. Politically, he has at least two more years to further undermine democracy, the law and to strengthen his powers. The US will take decades to recover.
The fact that the SC (including Kennedy) effectively incentivised gerrymandering means that the undermining of democracy is going to accelerate.


( . Y . ) planned for Christmas
Sep 4, 2013
The Royal Kingdom of Trumpistan
Yep I'm just at the point of no return. I'm exhausted seeing everything unfold. I've been angry, irritable, desperate, etc. My wife just tells me: just stop paying attention to it all. How does it affect you? I just often shoot back : how can you not pay attention?

I have 2 young kids that at least I feel happy about are still too young to see or understand what all is happening. But I see no reason for them to grow up here anymore. It's a sad state of affairs when you almost don't care anymore if the country just collapses.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Why are people so confident Trump will be re-elected? Surely a boring centre-right candidate will wipe the floor with him?


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Dismantled the Epa
Appointed a fleet of conservative judges to the federal courts
Gave big business a huge tax cut
Cut the obamacare mandate
pulled out of paris accord
removed dozens of obama EO's
travel ban
uprooted imigration policy

the list goes on. his base loves him. the party is his. he has every republican by the balls
Also - Iran deal.
Outside trade tariffs and North Korea, this the GOP platform. He doesn't have them "by the balls" - they are largely happy with his work because he is behaving as any Republican would.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
Why are people so confident Trump will be re-elected? Surely a boring centre-right candidate will wipe the floor with him?
I'm not sure, but I think it's not as unlikely as many others seem to think. Personally, I believe he will cheat his way to a second term. It's what dictators usually do. I expect them to manipulate the next election. There is nobody to stop them. Before America understands what happened, it'll be too late. I really don't think the resistance is forming fast enough. Most people still don't understand what's at stake.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013

He's won against centre, centre-right, and hard-right candidates.
Hillary would have smothered him had she been semi-competent. A candidate with a bit less baggage, plus the fact that Bernie bros won't risk not voting/voting green, surely all adds up to a dem win?


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Hillary would have smothered him had she been semi-competent. A candidate with a bit less baggage, plus the fact that Bernie bros won't risk not voting/voting green, surely all adds up to a dem win?
I think it depends on turnout. His base is loyal and dedicated. Can the Democrat excite their own base, and enough independents?
Depending on which poll you look at, the economy and healthcare are the top issues for voters (not Trump). There are winnable messages for the Dems on both.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2011
Also - Iran deal.
Outside trade tariffs and North Korea, this the GOP platform. He doesn't have them "by the balls" - they are largely happy with his work because he is behaving as any Republican would.
didnt even remember that

he has republicans by the balls because he has largely made the base happy. Its why if anyone speaks out against him they get primaried

Red Viking

Full Member
Aug 3, 2014
Have you not been paying attention?

He's systematically destroying everything Obama and many other Presidents before him took years to achieve.

He's removed important environmental regulations and safety regulations. Removed the USA from the Paris agreement and the UN human rights council. He's alienating the USA from its allies and the rest of the world. He's just got his travel ban passed. Tax cuts to himself and his wealthy mates. Sorted business deals for his daughter overseas and secured new hotel rights.

He has destroyed the credibility of the press, now he has another Supreme Court pick that could radically change the USA for years. I could go on and on for hours here.

Saying he hasn't won anything or achieved anything is exactly what he wants you to think. Don't fall for his distractions.
I was merely curious as to what he know in detail and if you have read some of my recent posts then you´d realize that i am very much in the know on a lot of the things going on behind the scenes. The EPA has not been completely destroyed as of yet though much of the work done by Obama is being removed for sure by Scott Pruitt. The United States of America are not out of the Paris agreement until near the end of his first 4 years as president as it takes nearly 4 years to pull out of it thanks to Obama. Him alienating the U.S.A from it´s natural allies are by no means a win by him or the Republicans as the current trade war will end up destroying him self on the economic issue if he goes too far so this is merely a seriously inept endeavour at the moment. People need to realize that it takes months or even a year or more before you see the full effects of these tariffs. The Travel Ban is a minor win of all things that is merely a distraction rather than something of major importance in political terms as it dosn´t hurt the country nor benefits from it in any meaningful way. He got the tax legislation through and that has been his biggest victory so far for sure but it has been received very poorly even in the red States otherwise he would be bragging about it non stop but he isn´t for a reason.

If the Republican had worked together more efficiently they could have gotten a lot more done but so far they have failed to destroy the Affordable Care Act completely. They have failed to make a immigration reform and the child jails at the border have been a fail for him right now as it has provoked a strong reaction from some of his Christian base which could end up doing a lot of damage to him if he is not careful as Jeff Sessions have been an tool by using the bible to justify the policy to separate parents and children at the border.

Him cancelling the Iran deal is more of a failure at this point as the EU have refused to follow him and this has made him look stupid and weak as the president of the United States of America more than anything else really on the global scene and i would classify it as half win and half failure because of it to his base.

The most damage he is truly doing is the totally inept judges him and the Republicans are getting into the federal courts / SCOTUS for sure while he is doing great dmg to the EPA and the Department of Education. He is doing terrible damage to workers right and consumers right at the Consumers Federal Protection Bureau.

Him ending the DACA program have not been a win at all as it has made a fractions within the GoP to fight between them selves over the future of these children as many Republicans do not want to see these kids deported as they are a major economic gain to U.S.A. This infight within the GoP is currently stopping his effort to reform the immigration system thankfully.

I could mention a lot more than this but will keep it at this to avoid spamming this forum.
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Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Man from Florida, USA with liberal view? you just got yourself a negative rating on the social credit score so no, you can't take those chances even if you want to.
The cities here are fairly liberal to be honest. Maybe not Jacksonville, but no one cares about that place.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
didnt even remember that

he has republicans by the balls because he has largely made the base happy. Its why if anyone speaks out against him they get primaried
This is what I mean - he's made the base happy, but also the donors, and the reps and senators (in material ways):

Mitch McConnell says 2017 was 'the best year' for conservatives
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