The NFL Survivor/Losers/Eliminator pool 2018 v2.0 | And the winner is.....


Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
Since around 25 of us got eliminated leaving @Hephaestus as the winner of the Losers pool in just 4 weeks, I present to you the second version of the pool. If you don't know the drill yet, here's how to play (blatantly copied from the previous thread):
Each week, you pick one team to lose their game. You can only pick a team once per season. If the team you pick wins or ties, you are eliminated.

If you want to pick a team from the Thursday or Saturday game, the deadline is the kickoff of that game. If you're picking a team from Sunday or Monday games, the deadline for picks is the first kickoff on Sunday, no exceptions.

If you miss a week, you are eliminated
May we have better predicting fortune. Am tagging everyone who played from the previous thread to get this started.