"There’s nothing I like about this United team at all"

Every season I recognise the team a little less. Hopefully in 5 years time. It wont be like that.
I echo Gary's sentiments but im inclined to also throw Ole into that exact conversation. Seems we've got a typical yes man in charge, all this reckless talk about axing players after we ended the season with a dreadful run, yet the reality we've seen is dross be awarded new contracts and targets who can improve the starting 11 improve rivals while they already possess stregnthened areas where most of our weaknesses reside.
I’ve spent the last 2/3 seasons coming to terms with the fact that I am a fan/supporter/member of the club - I can write as many rants on forums, social media etc. as I want but the truth is, I have 0 impact on who we sign, who we sell & how this club is run.

I’ve just stopped caring for these players, they’ll excite me one week only to let me down for the following month. I have responsibilities in life that mean I can’t sulk for a week when United lose anymore as I used to.

A lot of it has to do with expectations, I’ve lowered mine considerably so I’m whilst gutted when things don’t go our way, I’m no longer surprised & I can’t be down for too long about something that is inevitable.
700m spent and here we are. Wasnt Ed working as an investment banker? There are some terrible investments there.
I echo Gary's sentiments but im inclined to also throw Ole into that exact conversation. Seems we've got a typical yes man in charge, all this reckless talk about axing players after we ended the season with a dreadful run, yet the reality we've seen is dross be awarded new contracts and targets who can improve the starting 11 improve rivals while they already possess stregnthened areas where most of our weaknesses reside.
Maybe he's a yes man, but just because he didn't "fire" everyone, does that mean he's a yes man? What kind of rhetoric is that? If he fires everyone, how is he going to play?
Maybe he's a yes man, but just because he didn't "fire" everyone, does that mean he's a yes man? What kind of rhetoric is that? If he fires everyone, how is he going to play?

Given that Woody and Judge appear to be the men responsible for player contracts ( what a good job they are doing ), perhaps Ole has to sit back and wait for them to act . Certainly that seems to be the case, players have contracts extended on crazy wages as they try to get money in for the transfer out to show they didn't make a mistake signing them in the first place.

That's how crazy our admin on the football side seems to act, it is not a good look or one that makes any of The support base feel good about the clubs direction while these clowns and the absent owners are in charge of the club.
Having supported United since 1963 (yes,a 9 year old glory hunter after we won the FA Cup) I dont think I have ever felt so bereft of feelings for any of our current players and more so the Club in general.Ed has had 6 seasons to perfect his transfer talents and would suggest most supporters couldn't do worse.
No vision,foresight,planning or strategy is woeful for a once great Club,maybe I'll go back to my roots and follow Orient next season doing battle with Salford City but I know I'll still tune in every week to watch our continued decline,depressing thought!
Other than this forum to catch up on United news I've switched off.

Haven't renewed my membership eirher (and keep ignoring the emails and calls). Club is a shitshow from top to bottom and feel like I'm watching through my fingers like a horror movie.

Come to think of it i only have sky and BT to watch United so may as well cancel them as well.

Our club is being flushed down the pan by money men with bo love of or knowledge of MUFC or even football in general. F##ked if I'll be bothered if they aren't.

I don't feel it's not supporting United. Rather I feel it's as though the United I know and have grown up with for the past thirty years or so is taking a break from football (and competing). One of the biggest clubs in the world on name only at the moment.
This is the only kind of protest the Glazers will understand.
I like Scott, Rashford, Lindelof and that’s about it.
Getting worse each season.Top players don't want to come here anymore, and we have got to accept it.
The like of Gomes, Garner, Chong and Greenwood will need a settled side with good role models to develop into the players the club believe they can become. Unfortunately there won't be massive changes at Utd anytime soon. You'll have good pro's like Smalling, Young, De Gea and Mata to help them along. The problem players at the club won't be around long, so this team that we all don't like won't be together more than this season. It's imperative that any further signings this summer are proper pro's that those players can look up to.
It seems therefore everyone from club legends to your everyday fan have contempt for the current squad. It's a sad indictment. Where do we go from here?

Continue to watch the clubs downward spiral season after season until the fans or the Owners had enough and the club is sold. Only thing we can hope for is that the next owners are are not Glazers 2.0 or the Saudis.
The club needs a restructure from the top to the bottom, a lot of things need to change but it will take time.

I am hoping Ole gets in a core of good young players that know what it means to play for this club.

If Pogba wants out let him go, we need less negative energy and it won't do our team well going in to the season.
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Nothing much against Ole but I've decided it's the next manager that's going to be one. Ole will do some of the essential groundwork if he gets two windows to move on at least 5 more of the current squad. But he'll be found out very soon among Klopp, Pep, Poch etc. More patience required.
It needs a major major refresh, that's been obvious for years now. We thought they may finally realise it this summer, but it doesn't seem that way yet. If it doesn't happen it's just more of the same. Those expecting Martial, Pogba, Lingard etc. to suddenly turn it on without major changes around them are kidding themselves.
Think a lot of it simply comes down to they just aren’t good at football. Imagine this lot playing futsal. We play like an MLS team compared to the big boys of England and Europe.

Neville, because he won’t point out how bad the managers have been or how bad our homegrown lot is, just resorts to attacking the flare players with a bit of attitude. Go figure.
It needs a major major refresh, that's been obvious for years now. We thought they may finally realise it this summer, but it doesn't seem that way yet. If it doesn't happen it's just more of the same. Those expecting Martial, Pogba, Lingard etc. to suddenly turn it on without major changes around them are kidding themselves.

We haven't fallen far enough yet for a major change to happen. The sponsors are still there, money is pouring in, and I imagine the ground will be full for home games.
Our current squad is not very good
but its still manchester united and we still support them

in the first 20 years I supported united we won very little, still loved them.
will still love these even if we get relegated
We haven't fallen far enough yet for a major change to happen. The sponsors are still there, money is pouring in, and I imagine the ground will be full for home games.

If it's anything like last time it'll only be full on Europa nights because of discount and free tickets given to schools.

You'd think they'd want to preempt things getting worse by getting the team really sorted now. That they don't tells us all we need to know about their ambition I guess.
I echo Gary's sentiments but im inclined to also throw Ole into that exact conversation. Seems we've got a typical yes man in charge, all this reckless talk about axing players after we ended the season with a dreadful run, yet the reality we've seen is dross be awarded new contracts and targets who can improve the starting 11 improve rivals while they already possess stregnthened areas where most of our weaknesses reside.

If you keep saying something over and over again people start to believe it but when you say Ole is a 'typical yes man' on what are you basing this? Maybe he is maybe he isn't but I can't see how you can make that deduction half way through the first transfer window.

The transfer window has 5 weeks to run and I would imagine the priority is to being players in before you ship players out! It hardly helps negotiations over signing players if you have already got rid of existing players.

I am sure Ole has held discussions and provided his desire/ambition in terms of players to bring and players to ship out just as Mourinho did. Ole is not personally doing the contracts/deals just as Mourinho wasn't. You have no idea if Ole is happy/unhappy with progress so far, but just for arguments sake, if he isn't happy, in order to prove to you that he is not a 'yes man' what do you propose he does?
a. Throw his toys out of the pram like Mourinho did and mess with the team to prove a point (despite impact on team)?
b. Resign
c. Make his dissatisfaction in the squad publically well known so that he loses the dressing room
d. Act professionally, work with what he has, publically back the club and make any frustrations known privately so that they can be resolved
The like of Gomes, Garner, Chong and Greenwood will need a settled side with good role models to develop into the players the club believe they can become. Unfortunately there won't be massive changes at Utd anytime soon. You'll have good pro's like Smalling, Young, De Gea and Mata to help them along. The problem players at the club won't be around long, so this team that we all don't like won't be together more than this season. It's imperative that any further signings this summer are proper pro's that those players can look up to.
Agree. Those kids need good guidance and they won't get it from this lot. I would only trust Mata in that aspect.
I was browsing through Facebook "on this day" this morning and it showed a photo of our 2008 CL winning team. Practically every single one of those players would walk into our team now

The photo showed: Hargreaves, VDS, Vidic, Rio, Brown, Ronaldo, Tevez, Rooney, Scholes, Carrick and Evra

Yes we were incredibly spoilt with that team however we had more excellent players than average players and also players with all round qualities who would also work hard plus we had several leaders

Now we seem to have players who either understand United, are excellent on their day or work hard, hardly anyone meets all the qualities the above players met. Yes Ronaldo was a bit of a poser but who cared when he was doing what he did that season. We certainly dont have any leaders unless its who organises the next type of dance they will do

Out of our current squad, who would replace any of the above listed players?
If it's anything like last time it'll only be full on Europa nights because of discount and free tickets given to schools.

You'd think they'd want to preempt things getting worse by getting the team really sorted now. That they don't tells us all we need to know about their ambition I guess.

I'm not sure they know how to turn things around. I accept that football is cyclical and that no team dominates (at least in England) indefinitely. But the sheer size of United, and the club's vast financial wealth should at least ensure that we are able to attract the best possible talent in all departments. That doesn't seem to be the case. We can look to Tampa to see how that team has fared since they won the Super Bowl. I know the NFL is a totally different beast to the Premier League, but the Bucs have just ambled along, winning nothing and rarely challenging but, no doubt, making money for the owners. They seem to have settled for mediocrity and it could be that the same scenario is being played out here.
No fan is looking forward to the start of the season.

Biggest Club in England - Championship clubs are probably run better than United. At least they have a structure in place, a direction.

How can you run a business with no solid plan whatsoever. I can almost feel that no sooner the season will start and we will all be looking forward to the end of the season hoping for changes and transfers.
Having supported United since 1963, I dont think I have ever felt so bereft of feelings for any of our current players and more so the Club in general.....
No vision,foresight,planning or strategy is woeful for a once great Club...

1974 for me, so I've seen the dark times and I've seen the glory years, but in all of that time, I've never felt so frustrated and disillusioned by a squad of players and the inept failings by the club.
Bad decision after bad decision, being repeated again and again.
I gave up on this curent team 18 months ago when we played Spurs in Wembley and got destroyed. You could tell the players weren't even given 100 per cent as well as not been good enough. Since then I've accepted we will be shit for a long time.
I love Ole for what it's worth. He gives me hope even when everything else is literally in dire condition, from owners and board, to some of the egotistical and self-entered players.
I genuinely only like Mctomminay.

Lindelof and the two new signings are on my good side. Plus the kids.

Every other player I have an issue with.
Stop over-analyzing ever media reports. I've switched off from our discussion until season starts and then I'll decide. It's all doom and gloom in media
I was browsing through Facebook "on this day" this morning and it showed a photo of our 2008 CL winning team. Practically every single one of those players would walk into our team now

The photo showed: Hargreaves, VDS, Vidic, Rio, Brown, Ronaldo, Tevez, Rooney, Scholes, Carrick and Evra

Yes we were incredibly spoilt with that team however we had more excellent players than average players and also players with all round qualities who would also work hard plus we had several leaders

Now we seem to have players who either understand United, are excellent on their day or work hard, hardly anyone meets all the qualities the above players met. Yes Ronaldo was a bit of a poser but who cared when he was doing what he did that season. We certainly dont have any leaders unless its who organises the next type of dance they will do

Out of our current squad, who would replace any of the above listed players?
Was Brown the right back here? Well, AWB could replace Brown. I've never been a fan of the latter.
DDG vs VdS? Close. When DDG is on form he takes it. And finally, I never rated Tevez, so I would play R&R as forwards and put Pogba in Tevez' place.
Other than this forum to catch up on United news I've switched off.

Haven't renewed my membership eirher (and keep ignoring the emails and calls). Club is a shitshow from top to bottom and feel like I'm watching through my fingers like a horror movie.

Come to think of it i only have sky and BT to watch United so may as well cancel them as well.

Our club is being flushed down the pan by money men with bo love of or knowledge of MUFC or even football in general. F##ked if I'll be bothered if they aren't.

I don't feel it's not supporting United. Rather I feel it's as though the United I know and have grown up with for the past thirty years or so is taking a break from football (and competing). One of the biggest clubs in the world on name only at the moment.

I applaud you. I wish more fans would do the same. The only way money men listen is hurting their pocket.
Was Brown the right back here? Well, AWB could replace Brown. I've never been a fan of the latter.
DDG vs VdS? Close. When DDG is on form he takes it. And finally, I never rated Tevez, so I would play R&R as forwards and put Pogba in Tevez' place.

Kind of proves my question, less than half the players of that team would be replaced, I know we were very lucky with that team but says a lot, how about consistency with regards to Pogba as probably in that team he would be as good as he can be but would you pick the current Pogba or Tevez? Not picking holes just genuinely interested
Let's just say the only things I'm looking forward to are a few James's full-pelt runs and Wan-Bissaka brwning people near the touchline. Easily the most depressing pre-season I've had since becoming a fan in 1996.
Let's just say the only things I'm looking forward to are a few James's full-pelt runs and Wan-Bissaka brwning people near the touchline. Easily the most depressing pre-season I've had since becoming a fan in 1996.


I wouldn't care if any player was sold tomorrow. Only time I've ever felt that as a fan.

Have zero expectations for next season.

Everything about the club and how it's run annoys me so much. I wish it was different.
Having supported United since 1963 (yes,a 9 year old glory hunter after we won the FA Cup) I dont think I have ever felt so bereft of feelings for any of our current players and more so the Club in general.Ed has had 6 seasons to perfect his transfer talents and would suggest most supporters couldn't do worse.
No vision,foresight,planning or strategy is woeful for a once great Club,maybe I'll go back to my roots and follow Orient next season doing battle with Salford City but I know I'll still tune in every week to watch our continued decline,depressing thought!

Same here. I'm not interested in supporting a business.
I cant dislike Lindelof, Smalling, Rashford and Young and Matic. As people they seem like good people and they give it all.

Lingard is likeable to really if you dont use instagram
Kind of proves my question, less than half the players of that team would be replaced, I know we were very lucky with that team but says a lot, how about consistency with regards to Pogba as probably in that team he would be as good as he can be but would you pick the current Pogba or Tevez? Not picking holes just genuinely interested
Tevez had spirit, but not much finesse. I like Pogba, the player. Pogba, the dickhead is just that. So, I'd go with Pogba to Anfield and Tevez to war.