- Post a Tweet from a banned source (see below for the banned sources) unless they have held an interview with a player
- Post a non-English Tweet without a basic translation (either from another Tweet or in the post itself). Suggested translators: Google Translate, DeepL, Reverso
- Post anything from aggregator accounts (e.g. utdreport) without the original source (as a second Tweet, link, embed, image, or a reference to a TV/radio show).
- Exception: an aggregator's Tweet is retweeted by the source. The Tweet must then be accompanied by a message/screenshot indicating this. Otherwise, the Tweet will not be allowed.
- Post the following types of Tweets (post them in quotes/spoilers to avoid putting them into the feed)
- Joke/Piss-take Tweets
- Tweets that don't refer to a transfer story (e.g. a journalist posting their own opinions; example)
- Post more than 3 Tweets per post. If you do, then your post will not show up in the Transfer Tweets feed.
- Post anything that was tweeted more than three days ago. If it wasn't posted before then, nobody cares.
- Post off-topic comments or hold extended discussions over a single Tweet (that span multiple pages). Create a new thread instead.
- Player transfers, free signings, contract extensions, or releases
- Managerial transfers, signings, contract extensions, or releases
- Football executive appointments/releases (DoF, CEO/Chairperson, Head of Negotiations, etc.)
- Transfer plans + any impacts to them
- Transfer budgets + any impacts to them
- Premier League
- All EFL Leagues (Championship, League One, League Two)
- Scottish Premiership
Source (Individual) | Source (Media Outlet) |
Simon Jones Mark Goldbridge (@markgoldbridge) Stephen Howson (@MrStephenHowson) Tom McDermott (@MrTomMcDermott) Terry Flewers (@terryflewers) z (@zeeshanxz) Ross Harwood (@RossHarwood_) mufcmpb (@mufcMPB) Nicolò Schira (@NicoSchira) Ekrem Konur (@Ekremkonur) Pedro Almeida (@pedrogva6) Rudy Galetti (@RudyGaletti) Jacque Talbot (@jac_talbot) Simon Phillips (@siphillipssport) - Chelsea Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri) Kevin Palmer (@RealKevinPalmer) Dean Jones (@DeanJonesSoccer) Indykaila (@indykaila) محمد الكعبي (@Qatari) Shay Lugassi (@Shlugassi) | The Sun Daily Mail Express Standard CaughtOffside Metro Daily Star Mirror Goal Manchester Evening News talkSPORT Independent Bleacher Report Football365 Don Balon (@DonBalon) Diario Gol (@diarioGOLcom) (@fichajesnet) El Chiringuito (@elchiringuitotv) - Spanish football/players Fussball Transfers (@FT_Redaktion) Jeunes Footeux le10sport (@le10sport) But! Football Club (@club_but) Corriere dello Sport (@CorSport) Tuttosport (@tuttosport) All Italian transfer sites (e.g.,, TuttoMercatoWeb) Transfermarkt (@transfermarkt) Football Transfers (@Transfersdotcom) |
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