Was that the worst season you ever witnessed?


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
Because it certainly wasn't for me. In fact, I can't think of a season in recent years with so many positives.

The Cardiff relegator was finally binned and his cult dispersed. The club is finally moving into the future/reality after being stuck in the past/fantasy land for the past three years. Sure, Rangnick didn't achieve much on the pitch but fixing three years of rot instantly in a temporary role was always gonna be a tough ask. His spell has certainly identified which players that need to be offloaded.

We got to see Ronaldo make a glorious return with 20+goals and exciting youngsters like Elanga given game time. The youth team winning the cup was also great.

I'm sick of all this negativity around. Probably the most enjoyable season since Mourinho's first one.

For the first time since SAF retired a talented manager in his prime has been appointed. A manager that wants to play proper dominant attacking football and not beta counterattacking football. Woodward is gone and the club is seemingly making all the right moves at the moment.

Exciting times ahead!
18/19 was worse. Finished 6th, City league champions, scousers CL winners with historic comeback in the semi final and we prematurely appointed someone who was obviously going to fail.
18/19 when we appointed a PT teacher. 13/14 when we replaced probably the greatest manager ever with a clown.
I started following the club since the late 80s so I've experienced worse. I was really young though and following the club back then was just a few hours' affair once every week or two. Now you get so invested almost everyday because of the newsfeed from all over the place. That's why it hurts more.
In 40 years of regularly going to see United, this is the season I've enjoyed the least. In fact I've actively hated large parts of it and it started to affect my emotions way too much. I'm absolutely delighted it's over.
I’m 28. So yes. Only thing kind of close (not really) was Moyes’ first year just because of the shock of it all. But still, this is the worst. Not only because we suck but also because how good Pool and City are. Disgusting year.
13/14 was a shock to the system. This season was just an utter farce on all levels. At a certain point oppo fans just felt sorry for us, it felt like there was more banter in 13/14.

18/19 at least had vibes.
Absolutely. We gave up in around March and most players didn't even seem to have any self respect, let alone respect for the club or fans. It was like watching a group of horrible, spoiled, toxic egoists wearing a Man United jersey every week, rather than watching United. I hated almost every second of this season, dreaded weekends, found midweek fixtures a chore and think I'll struggle to respect pretty much any player involved this year ever again, barring maybe a handful.
Never have I felt such apathy towards football as I have this season. Comfortably the worst in my (relatively young) memory, on and off the pitch.

The future feels much brighter though. Night is darkest before the dawn and all that shite.
Never have I felt such apathy towards football as I have this season. Comfortably the worst in my (relatively young) memory, on and off the pitch.

The future feels much brighter though. Night is darkest before the dawn and all that shite.

I agree with almost all these points. Care less than ever, however, I do believe for the first time in a decade we might be onto something (finally) and will (finally) start playing catch up. Here's hoping one or two teams at the top begin to decline or start getting worn out, and we'll be able to capitalize in a couple of years.
Football wise perhaps , emotionally the season right after Fergie was more devastating as it kinda gave credence to my fear of never getting back on top after Fergie and so far I was proven correct in my assessment unfortunately.

History wise there must have been some shitier seasons for sure as some of the campaigns in the 80s were dreadful and of course we got relegated in the 70s but those are before my time so didn't experience them.
This is easily the worst. Not a single positive to take from it.
I'm not sure this is a productive conversation. Whether it was merely a bad season or the worst season in recent years or the worst season in the history of humanity, what's in front of us are lessons to be learned from this season and the most realistic steps the club can take right now to ensure that the 22/23 season is marked by substantially improved performances and lands us at least in the top four with one or two credible cup runs. The appointment of Erik ten Hag is a promising start.
This was definitely the worst season. No heart, more internal strife than ever, more useless players in the team than ever.

Our form over the second half of the season was absolutely embarrassing for a United team, if we'd played like that the first half of the season as well we'd legitimately have been a mid-table team.

If Ronaldo hadn't been signed there's no chance we'd still have found all of those goals among the rest of the attacking players and and that would've left us a mid-table team as well.
Yes, mainly because i cannot recall a worse group of players in terms of desire and quality, save a small handful. The likeability of the players is on the floor.
Yes it's been the worst, not a single good thing has happened since De Gea saved a penalty against West Ham in September
Just checked the season we got relegated, Leeds won the league while pool won the fa cup.

What a shitshow that must have been.
33 so all i was blessed with United basically always being the best. This is been the worst by a long shot in the last 9. It was the being hopeful at the start of the season with Sancho varane and ronaldo coming in on the back of finishing 2nd to now knowing a hell of alot needs done to get us even close to challenging for honours again.
Did the majority of domestic games home & away and the highlight of the season was West Ham away which was the 3rd away game of the season says it all really.
13/14 was worse (just). To see everything you love about United destroyed before your eyes week by week and going from champions to being ran by amateur hour.

Dont get me wrong this season has been utterly horrific as well and its like splitting hairs really. No need to recap this season, every news outlet has ran a story today about how bad the season has been.
1988-89 season was so bad.
After finishing Runner up in the league the previous season, I had high hopes for that season. What a depressing season that was.

This season has topped it. Losing 0-5 and 4-0 to them feckers killed me!
When a season feels like it’s over a good six weeks or so before it actually is, you know it’s the pits. The only chunk of light is yet another new manager joins the cycle.
Probably when Moyes was in charge. Mad to hear people say he didn't get enough time, it was so bad he didn't deserve anymore time.
The worst by far (been watching for 26 years). I understand that in football you win some and lose some, but to go onto a pitch with no game plan and no spirit to fight (not even run), that was catastrophic!
I kind of enjoyed it from afar, completely detached since Rangnick took over. The actual football was possibly the worst I've ever watched, but the level at which we capitulated and exposed the frauds in our squad, and the consequential hiring of Ten Hag was enjoyable in a way, as it gave me proper hope that next season and the future could actually be good.
In 18/19 we had to watch:

City win the league.
Liverpool vs Spurs in the CL final.
Arse vs Chelsea in the EL final.

Whilst we were marooned in 6th.
This season. I've been watching United since the mid to late 90's. We have been thrashed multiple times. We haven't conceded 4+ goals in so many matches maybe ever? Almost nothing about this season has been good. I only enjoyed the first game against Leeds, the comeback against Atlanta, and the last second winner against West Ham. Almost everything else this season was fecking awful. Way too many games were unenjoyable to watch.

13/14 was tough. We were used to winning game after game. That feeling practically went over night. It was shocking to see United fall as fast as we did. We're more used to it now, but this season was still so, so bad.
Definitely the worst. Never got to a point before of actually disliking members of the squad.
In 18/19 we had to watch:

City win the league.
Liverpool vs Spurs in the CL final.
Arse vs Chelsea in the EL final.

Whilst we were marooned in 6th.
To be honest we saw some cracking performances that year when Ole joined and went on that long unbeaten run. We came back against PSG with Rashfords last-minute winner.

This season we haven't even had any of that, not one positive to take away from this season. 5-0, 4-0 liverpool, 4-1 watford, 4-2 Leicester, 4-1 City, 4-0 Brighton. I don't think we ever lost by such big margins so often in one season ever.
I'm in my early 30's and this was definitely the worst ever I can remember if you just take the amount of atrocious and shambolic performances we had.

Considering the level of expectation due to Ronaldo's return and the signings we made to watch week in and week out all the disappointing results, let downs and just the general terrible atmosphere and mood around the club, it’s been pretty horrendous.
Then Liverpool nearly winning absolutely everything just added it.

Having said that, I remember being way more downbeat during Moyses season in 13/14, to the point where I couldn’t bring myself to watch MOTD on Saturdays haha.
I've probably matured now and even with United doing so badly this year I still managed to enjoy following the season which I definitely did not in 13/14.

Just got a bit detached from this United team towards the end of the season.
So I just tried to enjoy the football and drama from every other team in the Premier League and the Champions League.
The Moyes season was tough. It also was a massive shock as I never envisioned United failing to reach the UCL.

This season has been tragic. Not a single United regular I warm to. Also this season further hammers home the point what a dinosaur club United has become. Maybe ETH can rectify it but it’ll take some time and who knows how far behind Liverpool and City we will be.
This season hands down.

My uncontrollable feelings of positivity about our future direction are probably irrational but I do appreciate where the OP is coming from when it comes to laying important foundations last season.
To be honest we saw some cracking performances that year when Ole joined and went on that long unbeaten run. We came back against PSG with Rashfords last-minute winner.

This season we haven't even had any of that, not one positive to take away from this season. 5-0, 4-0 liverpool, 4-1 watford, 4-2 Leicester, 4-1 City, 4-0 Brighton. I don't think we ever lost by such big margins so often in one season ever.
To be honest, you’re probably right. Hard to find a redeeming quality about this season.