The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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May 1, 2010


Full Member
Sep 3, 2014
San Diego, CA
That's the liberal media painting the picture of a President elect and of America. Why? Because it creates revenue for the media.

Huffington Post is not quality "journalism", it's more of a mix of blog, opinion and re-hashed news.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Is it just me or did the Don seem humbled and possibly even overwhelmed during his acceptance speech?

I hope to dog that this points to him dropping the act and moving to the center... or ideally, to the left :drool: (a man can dream!)
I think he was knackered and d-mob and abit overwhelmed. I dont believe he was being genuine in his remarks.

Well have to wait for his inauguration speech before we get any indications on what he will do.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
You seem to have problems understanding polls. A poll determines which party a certain group of people is likely to vote for. It cannot, however, determine whether these people will actually go vote when the day comes! That's what went wrong here. Btw, the polls have been just 1-2 percent of nationally. What won Trump the presidency was not predictable by any pollster. People leaning more democratic, mostly blacks in the rust belt, just stayed at home while Trump got his regular turnout and thus, won. If everyone would hve gone voting, or if we just had a turnout 70%+, I'm sure Clinton would have won. But we haven't had that.
Don't want to sound racist myself, but let me make this clearer for you. Only reason Trump won was because he managed to mobilize the white people to come out and vote for him. The white population far exceeds all the other minorities together. He managed to get them to come out and vote because he said he would ban Muslims from coming into the U.S and build a wall along the Mexican border. I saw this coming months ago, and yes I do understand what the polls are. Other than Trump supporters, everyone else including all the polls thought it was a foregone conclusion that Hilary would be the next president.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2014
San Diego, CA
Unfortunately that's the exact reason he was voted in. He has not stated any of his plans other than repeat that he would make "America great again"
His rhetoric is/does reflect that of bigotry, racism, misogyny, and sexism. And it appealed to many Americans (white American's to be more specific, who are 70% of voting population in U.S.) because Trump was about fear and law and order...1) bigotry or intolerance of others is present, always, but majority are able to hold it within in public...not this election. 2) Trump hit hard about protecting American rights, keeping America safe from non-Americans and terrorists. 3) White male voters sided with Trump. He was never going to win the woman vote, so that was no surprise. But his team focused on undecided, women votes in battleground states. It did the trick.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
Fair enough if you feel that way. I don't. I didn't think we were some righteous nation because we voted in a black guy and I don't think we're scum because we voted in Trump.
Theres a big difference in voting in someone like trump and what he has spent his time promoting. On a very simple level watch the video I posted above. What do you realistically say to your kids?

If your a racist/ bigot and sexist you can become president?


Full Member
Jul 18, 2007
Oslo, Norway
I think he was knackered and d-mob and abit overwhelmed. I dont believe he was being genuine in his remarks.

Well have to wait for his inauguration speech before we get any indications on what he will do.
Definitely. I'm speculating on sparse evidence, for sure.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
His rhetoric is/does reflect that of bigotry, racism, misogyny, and sexism. And it appealed to many Americans (white American's to be more specific, who are 70% of voting population in U.S.) because Trump was about fear and law and order...1) bigotry or intolerance of others is present, always, but majority are able to hold it within in public...not this election. 2) Trump hit hard about protecting American rights, keeping America safe from non-Americans and terrorists. 3) White male voters sided with Trump. He was never going to win the woman vote, so that was no surprise. But his team focused on undecided, women votes in battleground states. It did the trick.
Absolutely. That's the exact reason why he is in the White house now. People are trying to find other excuses, but it simply came down to what you just stated.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2014
San Diego, CA
Don't want to sound racist myself, but let me make this clearer for you. Only reason Trump won was because he managed to mobilize the white people to come out and vote for him. The white population far exceeds all the other minorities together. He managed to get them to come out and vote because he said he would ban Muslims from coming into the U.S and build a wall along the Mexican border. I saw this coming months ago, and yes I do understand what the polls are. Other than Trump supporters, everyone else including all the polls thought it was a foregone conclusion that Hilary would be the next president.
But millions of voters who voted for Obama didn't vote at all or didn't vote for her, most didn't vote. Neither candidate resonated or swung to them so both lost out. Clinton lost millions of votes that traditionally went Dem. White rural and suburban vote was always going to Trump.


Full Member
Nov 30, 2010
Is it just me or did the Don seem humbled and possibly even overwhelmed during his acceptance speech?

I hope to dog that this points to him dropping the act and moving to the center... or ideally, to the left :drool: (a man can dream!)
In an interview on CNN in 1999, Trump said:
I'm a registered Republican. I'm a pretty conservative guy. I'm somewhat liberal on social issues, especially health care, et cetera, but I'd be leaving another party, and I've been close to that party ... I think that nobody is really hitting it right. The Democrats are too far left. I mean, Bill Bradley, this is seriously left; he's trying to come a little more center, but he's seriously left. The Republicans are too far right. And I don't think anybody's hitting the chord, not the chord that I want hear, and not the chord that other people want to hear, and I've seen it.
In a different interview the same year he said he had a liberal view on health care, liked the notion of universal health care, and while he hated abortion he was pro-choice. So yeah, he can definitely move to the center, and said a lot of things to get votes.
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Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
I'm bored and annoyed so I just did this...

-------------2008----2012----2016 Trend
Alaska --- +22 --- +14 ----- +15 Dem +7 (Palin)
Arizona ---- +9 ----- +8 ----- +4 Dem +5 (McCain)
California - +24 --- +23 ---- +28 Dem +4

Delaware - +25 --- +19 ---- +11 GOP +14 (Biden)
DC --------- +86 --- +83 --- +89 Dem +3
Georgia --- +5 ----- +8 ----- +6 GOP + 1
Hawaii ---- +45 --- +43 ---- +32 GOP +11 (Obama)
Idaho ----- +35 --- +32 ---- +32 DEM +3 (McMuffin)
Illinois ---- +35 --- +17 ---- +16 GOP +19 (Obama)
Indiana ------ 0 --- +10 ---- +19 GOP +19 ***(Pence)
Iowa ------- +9 ---- +6 ----- +9 GOP +18
Kentucky -- +16 -- +23 ---- +30 GOP +14
Louisiana -- +19 -- +17 ---- +20 GOP + 1

Maine ------ +17 -- +15 ----- +3 GOP +14
Maryland -- +25 -- +26 ---- +25 =
Mass. ------ +26 -- +23 ---- +27 Dem + 1
Michigan --- +16 -- +10 ------ 0 GOP +16
Missouri ------ 0 ---- +8 --- +19 GOP +19
Montana ---- +2 --- +14 --- +22 GOP +20 ***
Nebraska -- +15 --- +19 -- +26 GOP +11

Nevada ---- +13 ---- +6 ---- +2 GOP +11
New Hamp.- +10 ---- +5 ----- 0 GOP +10
N. Dakota --- +9 --- +20 -- +36 GOP +27 ***
--------- +5 ---- +3 ---- +9 GOP +14
Penn. ------- +10 ---- +5 --- + 1 GOP +11
Rhode Island +27 -- +27 --- +15 GOP +12
S. Dakota --- +8 --- +18 --- +30 GOP +22 ***
Tennessee -- +15 -- +20 --- +26 GOP +11

Texas ------- +12 -- +16 --- +9 Dem +3
Utah -------- +38 -- +48 -- +17 Dem +21 (McMuffin)
Virginia ------ +6 --- +4 --- +5 GOP + 1

Washington - +17 -- +15 -- +17 =
W. Virginia -- +13 - +27 -- +42 GOP +29 (!!!!)
Wisconsin --- +14 -- +7 --- + 1 GOP +15
Wyoming ---- +32 - +41 -- +48 GOP +16

National ------ +7 ---- +4 -- + 1 GOP +6

*** = 2008 a one-off year so trend inflated, but still very large.

Names in brackets are candidates who had a home state advantage or a large effect on the vote, potentially affecting the overall trend. Italicised lines are areas where the trend is significantly more Dem leaning than the overall national picture, the rest are much more GOP leaning than nationally. The California trend alone is probably responsible for the popular vote win. Apologies for general lameness of the formatting.

Just for a quick numerical look at which areas are going which way, both in terms of where Clinton managed to hold onto Obama voters and where they haemorrhaged. As I said, bored.


Full Member
Feb 2, 2014
Behind the curtains, leering at the neighbors
I could actually see him throw a fit when things don't go his way and quit. Wishful thinking I know.

Impeachment will be tough since it is largely a political process not a legal one. That is the reality of it, so I am not sure a Republican controlled House and Senate would pursue such actions against him, unless he became extremely unpopular with the entire nation.

Being assassinated? Probably an unlikely occurrence.

Military Coup? Might be the best bet if he tries to nuke someone.
Honestly, i don't really think he has fully understood what he has gotten himself into here. He was born into extreme wealth and has had everything in life laid out to him on a platter. Hes been the CEO and owner of his own company and hasn't had to answer to anyone his whole adult life.

Not only does he seemingly lack the moral compass and political nous to be president, but i think he lacks the fortitude as well.

Just look at his campaign, the second he felt threatened or anyone spoke out against him, he became indignant and responded by throwing his toys out the pram. Well, now hes president and being (often unfairly) scrutinized and criticized is kinda in the job description


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
But millions of voters who voted for Obama didn't vote at all or didn't vote for her, most didn't vote. Neither candidate resonated or swung to them so both lost out. Clinton lost millions of votes that traditionally went Dem. White rural and suburban vote was always going to Trump.
Don't want to keep repeating what I have already said in this thread. There is a reason why Obama was elected right after the mess that Bush junior created and why he won against Romney (even though someone else was throwing up random numbers at me)


Full Member
Jun 11, 2010
Think the Dems will need to do better than another old white person in 2020. They need to find someone young, dynamic, energetic to be the head of their party. Another Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama.
Likability, warmth, the common touch wouldn't go amiss either- all qualities that are difficult to define but eminently noticeable when absent. It's ain't difficult to spot the odd-one-out in this list:
Al Gore
John Kerry
Barack Obama
Hillary Cilnton


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
At least one guy isn't doing the "it's all fine" "let's all get behind Trump" stuff



Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip

DJ Jeff

Not so Jazzy
Jan 6, 2011
Soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft
To be honest - and I feel dirty saying this, a few of those promises I wouldn't entirely disagree with, particularly those involving trade and lobbying. He just ruins it with bizarre shit like provoking the Chinese and cancelling any global warming initiatives.
He's not Satan incarnate, and he's not going to ruin the world. A pity a candidate who will mostly be on a leash held by the GOP in terms of policy has to believe in ridiculous shite like global warming being a hoax. There's a couple of decent positions on his site.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Think the Dems will need to do better than another old white person in 2020. They need to find someone young, dynamic, energetic to be the head of their party. Another Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama.
Any names at the forefront? Newsom gets mentioned but I don't know much about him and he's just a lieutenant Governor. Kamala Harris?


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
He's not Satan incarnate, and he's not going to ruin the world. A pity a candidate who will mostly be on a leash held by the GOP in terms of policy has to believe in ridiculous shite like global warming being a hoax. There's a couple of decent positions on his site.
Probably my biggest worry. Global warming's already a massive, massive problem, and having the world's biggest power controlled completely by people who don't believe in it or don't think it's their responsibility to take action is heartbreaking tbh.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
At least one guy isn't doing the "it's all fine" "let's all get behind Trump" stuff

Good. Can't help but feel he'd have given Trump a better run for his money in the end - even if he'd lost he'd have carried all the Dem safe states anyway, and his promise of change would've resonated more with some Trump fans than what was in hindsight a dull campaign from Hilary that relied on the other guy being awful. Been done to death, and I did get behind Hilary once it was clear she was the main choice, but still...

DJ Jeff

Not so Jazzy
Jan 6, 2011
Soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft
Probably my biggest worry. Global warming's already a massive, massive problem, and having the world's biggest power controlled completely by people who don't believe in it or don't think it's their responsibility to take action is heartbreaking tbh.
It's the worlds biggest problem IMO. The number one reason I'm against Trump. I don't buy into any of the racist/sexist/xenophobe/Islamophobe shit-flinging, I don't think he's some fascist dictator, I don't think his relationship with Putin is going to be anywhere near as big a problem as the media are making out, but his desire to dismantle the EPA really really worries me.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
It's the worlds biggest problem IMO. The number one reason I'm against Trump. I don't buy into any of the racist/sexist/xenophobe/Islamophobe shit-flinging, I don't think he's some fascist dictator, I don't think his relationship with Putin is going to be anywhere near as big a problem as the media are making out, but his desire to dismantle the EPA really really worries me.
Very much so. It's been a major problem for a while now, and the fact we're even still debating this in 2016 is embarrassing.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
Pioneers meaning genocidal land grabbers. I mean hey at least the Mexican immigrants didn't murder a bucket load of natives.
No, but their Spanish ancestors did. They managed to wipe out the vast majority of the native population, in the areas they foraged and settled, long before Anglo settlers reached those places.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
Very much so. It's been a major problem for a while now, and the fact we're even still debating this in 2016 is embarrassing.
I think most scientists today agree that it is basically irreversible now. Question is, how fast it will come.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
No, but their Spanish ancestors did. They managed to wipe out the vast majority of the native population, in the areas they foraged and settled, long before Anglo settlers reached those places.
Yeah I knew someone was going to mention that.

I was referring to contemporary immigrants, not the European conquistadors.


Struggling to explain his genius to the hoi polloi
Nov 24, 2012
Potsdam, Germany
Borussia Dortmund
Don't want to keep repeating what I have already said in this thread. There is a reason why Obama was elected right after the mess that Bush junior created and why he won against Romney (even though someone else was throwing up random numbers at me)
There are multiple reasons, actually. The biggest one in my eyes was this one, though:

While his actual work as president is certainly more debateble and controversial, there is no doubt that Barack Obama was extremely good at campaigning. He had the necessary charisma, likeability, story and especially the rhetoric ability (speeches with substance, but not overcomplicated) to mobilise masses (especially the minorities) to follow and vote for him.

IMO this race was not so much won by Trump, but lost by Clinton. For that I only need to look at one statisitc, which is total votes in favour of the candidates.

Donald Trump will be walking into the oval office while having less total votes in his favour than McClane 2008 and Romney 2012.

The divide of the democratic party and votership and the poor way Clinton came across for many people (cold, calculating, untrustworthy) lead to many people either voting for a third party candidate or not turning up altogether. This loss of votes turned out to be critical for her.

Put Obama in Clinton´s place and the vote ends in a landslide in the other direction.
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