What is the best video game console of all time?

Dir Wangem

New Member
Sep 12, 2015
No handhelds or PC Master Race in this thread!


Graphics have obviously gotten better with time, but that doesn't necessarily equal better games!

So, what do you think is the best console so far? Why?
As for me, I'd have to go for Nintendo 64

It's just the ultimate console! It dominated an era that some people call "The Golden Age of Gaming". Whether you were looking for revolutionary graphics, long story-based games, multiplayer fun, casual gaming or sports, N64 could offer all of it. This was a time before Nintendo tried to be overly innovative(which I don't mind in theory). A time where Nintendo offered both brilliant exclusives and other games such as FIFA and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. And for the FPS maniacs, the console had two of the most legendary FPS games of all time: Goldeneye and Perfect Dark! And let's not forget the first two 3D Zelda games in history, one of which being considered the greatest game of all time by many gamers, and rightly so.

What makes N64 stand out from other retro(yes, N64 is retro now) consoles, is that its graphics and sound is done well enough for the games to offer great 'replayability'. The NES and SNES for instance, while being great consoles(especially the latter. It's my personal runner-up), are not that fun to play again now. Nostalgia aside, many of the games aren't nearly as fun as you remember, and the sound and graphics can potentially drive you insane if you play for much more than an hour. N64 is the perfect mix of pure nostalgia and great gameplay that still holds up today, and will continue to do so for a long time, imo.

For the sake of balance I will add two criticisms(I honestly can't come up with more than two):

1. The controller
Whoever desgined the controller must have been clinically insane. It's easily one of the worst controllers ever made. The joystick also got broken really fast.

2. No CD player
This is nitpicking of the highest order, but it's still one edge that the PS had over Nintendo.
PlayStation One. It's library of games is incredible and that's what its all about.
N64 for me. Games like Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Smash Bros., Mario Kart and F-Zero were all fantastic and it was the best console for split-screen multiplayer.
Original PlayStation for me.
PlayStation One. It's library of games is incredible and that's what its all about.

Since none of my PS-friends had Final Fantasy, I didn't get to experience the best(?) from PS1. Because of this, PS1 has been reduced to Tekken, GTA and Crash Bandicoot. Seeing as I was never a fan of Tekken and Crash Bandicoot, I don't have overly fond memories from the console. I absolutely loved GTA, though. That was only game series that Nintendo lacked(at the time).
Sega master system II, Sonic, Streets of rage and wonderboy III :drool:
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FFS I have to agree with Aldo on something. At least there's my man Pedro, which balances it out.

Yes, the Super Nintendo is my choice (as if there was any doubt). The huge amount of great games across multiple genres including timeless classics that are still loved to this day, or the lesser known gems which there are plenty of, you just can't go wrong.
I'm going for Playstation 2 for it's sheer amount of games. It had some stinkers but great games released for it year after year, my favourite being Final Fantasy X. IMO it had the largest and most diverse library.

I also enjoyed my PS1, but I was too young to appreciate some of the finer titles at the time, rather constantly playing Crash, Spyro or Spider-man. I only have faint memories of playing a SNES which was good fun with Super Mario and Donkey Kong. I also inherited a Mega Drive but didn't get on that well with it.
Since none of my PS-friends had Final Fantasy, I didn't get to experience the best(?) from PS1. Because of this, PS1 has been reduced to Tekken, GTA and Crash Bandicoot. Seeing as I was never a fan of Tekken and Crash Bandicoot, I don't have overly fond memories from the console. I'd absolutely loved GTA though. That was only game series that Nintendo lacked(at the time).
Personally, barring mario 64 I wasn't a big fan of the N64.

PlayStation 1 had almost everything for me.

Thoae third person action/horror games with the cool camera angles:

Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Dino Crisis

My favorite fighting games not called Mortal Kombat:

Soul Caliber

My favorite racing game and cool opening CG videos

Gran Turismo
Ridge Racer

Obviously other classics such as MGS.

But feck knows, maybe I'll change my mind as I read other posts in this thread. Comparative lists would be interesting. I can see recent consoles fairing better than one would normally think.
I am actually going to go and say the PS4. I always had a bigger library on the PS1 and PS2, but I've never enjoyed my gaming as much as I am currently doing now. The PS4 has refined the social elements and playing co-operatively with my mates online is probably the best experience I've ever had on a console.

I apologise if I ever offended you in any way.
:lol: Just kidding, dude!

Obviously the PC. Couldn't tab out mid game on the SNES to go jerk off in incognito mode could you @Olly ?
Please try and read the OP, just the first line will do, you great supine, protoplasmic invertebrate jelly.
2. PS2
3. Megadrive/Genesis
4. PS3
5. N64
6. Wii

Can't bring myself to put PS1 on the list despite FF7, 8 and 9 and MGS. Most of the games just don't hold up today.

EDIT: Vandal Hearts and Suikoden need to be on that list as well.
:lol: Just kidding, dude!

Please try and read the OP, just the first line will do, you great supine, protoplasmic invertebrate jelly.
I dont know how many times I watched this on YouTube, ultimate bantz.
Amiga 1200

Amiga CD32 do you mean?


Because Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Syphon Filter, Tenchu, Twisted Metal, Tekken, Wipeout, Ace Combat, Driver. All absolute classics.

Honourable mention for the Atari 2600. Where it all began for me.

