ITT: Poster who doesn’t want to waste emotion returns with emotional buzzfeed essay insulting fans


The Gatekeeper
Jun 5, 2010
Feck. Some on here would have been topping themselves in the 70s and 80s.

Ace of Spades

Full Member
Jan 24, 2013
No, the fans are to blame. If you stop standing up for certain values, principles and you glorify managers such as Mourinho in his current guise (peak Jose is a different story) then when the club is in its current predicament, and you're still oblivious to the causes and what are the right actions to take, then yes.. the fans are also complicit. They get what they deserve.
I get what you are trying to say, even if it is OTT. Most want Jose to be gone and are fed up with the toxic atmosphere around the club.


Conspiracy Buff
Sep 24, 2005
Well written, I agree with the majority of it.
Prepare yourself to be attacked though.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
He's saying that Mourinho is right wing and using Trump like media manipulation and, in doing so, he is supported by a "toxicly masculine" socially conservative and equally right wing fan base, which is in stark contrast to the core left wing values of Man Utd, as traditionally expressed through exciting socialist attacking (presumably left) wing play.
Not that bad a summary considering you're taking the piss.

Yes it is melodramatic, purposefully so to spark a debate about how complicit the fans are in causing our current predicament. Perhaps went a bit far with certain analogies/buzzwords but so be it. Forget Ed, forget Jose.. we have dinosaurs within our own fan base, and a certain segment who seem to think 'winning at all costs' is a effective philosophy at the expense of playing good football. They've gotten into the mindset that if we now dare to play good football, we are giving in to the 'good football' brigade and 'hipsters'. It is ridiculous, as 8 times out of 10 a winning side, is well-drilled and tends to play good football. Not to mention they have a very 'player-centred' approach to criticism as in whenever we play poorly - it is players at fault, and are oblivious to the effects of good coaching. Furthermore it seems unforgivable to give a player a run of games and let them play through bad patches of form, or give them confidence.. instead all of them should have incredibly thick skins and handle being arbitrarily dropped, even though certain favorites never get dropped when they're just as ineffective.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
Anyone who thinks this is well written should stop reading things. It's long, it's flowery, it's a dumb, long winded, pointless, attention grab and a waste of a thread, that belongs to one of many other threads with similar albeit less stupidly expressed topics, but it's not well fecking written.

Jim Beam

Gets aroused by men in low socks
Feb 10, 2017
All over the place
You might have had some general idea where you were heading with that at the start, but the way it has been laid out ended up looking like it was written during a full-blown psilocybin mushroom trip.


New Member
Nov 16, 2013
All this Mourinho supporters are right wingers stuff makes me think there might be a "Make Alexis Great Again" hat business opportunity.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
This is the best thread I’ve read in a long time.

Mourinho and Donald Trump are certainly very similar in how they behave I’m glad someone else has noted that.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
I doubt it. Actually we don't know. So let's not pretend to.
Are you suggesting strangers with no inside knowledge of a situation shouldn't produce and publish wild and lofty leaps of logic to support their on personal narratives about another person's plight on a public platform? Great idea. OP should take note.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes

The Cat

Will drink milk from your hands
May 18, 2017
Feet up at home.
Shortened version - there is a religious view of looking at football & a scientific view at looking at football.

Religious view might seem stronger - but ultimately they believe whatever they are told & will support anything whether it is right or wrong - the red necks.

The scientific approach to football may pick up mistakes early - a type of mindset that is open to the club changing & prefers it going in a certain direction over another. This is also related to the players, how they are coached & general expectations of the club.

What you fall in - is ultimately your view on football & how you expect to see United in the future.
My eyes! Anyone got a summary of this?

Scroto Baggins

Full Member
Jul 20, 2017
Newcastle Jets
What are you on about? The majority of the Caf are critical of Mourinho - this OP was just a hyperbolic and hysterical car crash though, that's why people are laughing. It's a proper meltdown of the highest order.
Im sure bluemoon and RAWK will get some mileage out of it.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014
Not that bad a summary considering you're taking the piss.

Yes it is melodramatic, purposefully so to spark a debate about how complicit the fans are in causing our current predicament. Perhaps went a bit far with certain analogies/buzzwords but so be it. Forget Ed, forget Jose.. we have dinosaurs within our own fan base, and a certain segment who seem to think 'winning at all costs' is a effective philosophy at the expense of playing good football. They've gotten into the mindset that if we now dare to play good football, we are giving in to the 'good football' brigade and 'hipsters'. It is ridiculous, as 8 times out of 10 a winning side, is well-drilled and tends to play good football. Not to mention they have a very 'player-centred' approach to criticism as in whenever we play poorly - it is players at fault, and are oblivious to the effects of good coaching. Furthermore it seems unforgivable to give a player a run of games and let them play through bad patches of form, or give them confidence.. instead all of them should have incredibly thick skins and handle being arbitrarily dropped, even though certain favorites never get dropped when they're just as ineffective.
...and I agree with what you say above almost entirely. That point was somewhat buried in the OP.

Aloysius's Back 3

New Member
May 21, 2018

Have I got the right or wrong perception of what you are saying?

Shortened version - there is a religious view of looking at football & a scientific view at looking at football.

Religious view might seem stronger - but ultimately they believe whatever they are told & will support anything whether it is right or wrong - the red necks.

The scientific approach to football may pick up mistakes early - a type of mindset that is open to the club changing & prefers it going in a certain direction over another. This is also related to the players, how they are coached & general expectations of the club.

What you fall in - is ultimately your view on football & how you expect to see United in the future.

This is what I believe in anyway; there is this hierarchy structure of supporters keep as a way of igniting their own viewpoints.
See I find myself in the scientific view of football and supporting United; where for pure example - thought that going for Jose after LVG and him buying players like Lukaku to glorify at the top of our club was a waste of time; considering it amplied success over pure club capability. Now that the club is struggling; i sit there being argued to be less of a supporter by the red necks but also having analysed and expected the problems that were to come. Some just want the club to win and do not care how it is done, which players are used and which tactics - they are the religious followers of football. I am not that and want to see an identity, a structiure, a scientific formation to my football club.



New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Not that bad a summary considering you're taking the piss.

Yes it is melodramatic, purposefully so to spark a debate about how complicit the fans are in causing our current predicament. Perhaps went a bit far with certain analogies/buzzwords but so be it. Forget Ed, forget Jose.. we have dinosaurs within our own fan base, and a certain segment who seem to think 'winning at all costs' is a effective philosophy at the expense of playing good football. They've gotten into the mindset that if we now dare to play good football, we are giving in to the 'good football' brigade and 'hipsters'. It is ridiculous, as 8 times out of 10 a winning side, is well-drilled and tends to play good football. Not to mention they have a very 'player-centred' approach to criticism as in whenever we play poorly - it is players at fault, and are oblivious to the effects of good coaching. Furthermore it seems unforgivable to give a player a run of games and let them play through bad patches of form, or give them confidence.. instead all of them should have incredibly thick skins and handle being arbitrarily dropped, even though certain favorites never get dropped when they're just as ineffective.

Sure mate.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Are you suggesting strangers with no inside knowledge of a situation shouldn't produce and publish wild and lofty leaps of logic to support their on personal narratives about another person's plight on a public platform? Great idea. OP should take note.
What? I'm saying you haven't a clue whether the OP has 'underlying issues' or is a 'madman' so it's best to jump to such pointless insinuations.

This is a forum if you haven't noticed. The topic he's speaking on and the view he's expressed is absolutely valid. It's just the representation that is completely off, unlike your posts the actual context of which was poor.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Well written and you had the bottle to write it. A lot may feel they want Mourinho out but would not put it into these words.


Full Member
Jul 4, 2017
Skopje, Macedonia
I won't support the team while he is in charge. He's a disgrace to the club. There is a difference between not being good enough i.e. Moyes/LVG and behaving the way Mourinho has in the past year. The results also don't back up his methods or make up for his behaviour and the football is tumescent as feck. I'll be celebrating when he is sacked and will no doubt be eager to be the first to post in his farewell thread. No point wasting any emotions in supporting this current shitshow.
Have a word with yourself. I'm not gonna bother reading any further.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Not that bad a summary considering you're taking the piss.

Yes it is melodramatic, purposefully so to spark a debate about how complicit the fans are in causing our current predicament. Perhaps went a bit far with certain analogies/buzzwords but so be it. Forget Ed, forget Jose.. we have dinosaurs within our own fan base, and a certain segment who seem to think 'winning at all costs' is a effective philosophy at the expense of playing good football. They've gotten into the mindset that if we now dare to play good football, we are giving in to the 'good football' brigade and 'hipsters'. It is ridiculous, as 8 times out of 10 a winning side, is well-drilled and tends to play good football. Not to mention they have a very 'player-centred' approach to criticism as in whenever we play poorly - it is players at fault, and are oblivious to the effects of good coaching. Furthermore it seems unforgivable to give a player a run of games and let them play through bad patches of form, or give them confidence.. instead all of them should have incredibly thick skins and handle being arbitrarily dropped, even though certain favorites never get dropped when they're just as ineffective.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2014

Have I got the right or wrong perception of what you are saying?

Shortened version - there is a religious view of looking at football & a scientific view at looking at football.

Religious view might seem stronger - but ultimately they believe whatever they are told & will support anything whether it is right or wrong - the red necks.

The scientific approach to football may pick up mistakes early - a type of mindset that is open to the club changing & prefers it going in a certain direction over another. This is also related to the players, how they are coached & general expectations of the club.

What you fall in - is ultimately your view on football & how you expect to see United in the future.

This is what I believe in anyway; there is this hierarchy structure of supporters keep as a way of igniting their own viewpoints.
See I find myself in the scientific view of football and supporting United; where for pure example - thought that going for Jose after LVG and him buying players like Lukaku to glorify at the top of our club was a waste of time. Now that the club is struggling; i sit there being argued to be less of a supporter by the red necks but also having analysed and expected the problems that were to come.

Yes,ok, but that's not what the OP says is it? I mean your initial post was in response to a request for a summary of the OP which doesn't make any points regarding scientific analysis of football vs. religious viewpoints of football. I'm not going to derail this thread (which admittedly might be tricky) by discussing what qualifies as support of a football club under the scientific method.


Sep 28, 2003
Have a word with yourself. I'm not gonna bother reading any further.
So if United go on a 10 match winning run (not going to happen, but for the sake of argument) and propel themselves into pole position then he is still not going to be arsed because Mourinho would be in charge..? Cool.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
Have a word with yourself. I'm not gonna bother reading any further.
I think this is just worded badly, I think he means going to games.

I’m very close to kicking it on the head. There was a tucking almost famous burger van outside OT the other day and I was surrounded by lads who literally had come over from America and weren’t interested in the game in the slightest. Mix that up with a manager who goes against the very heart and soul of the club and I begin to wonder why I bother.


Turns player names into a crappy conversation
Apr 12, 2011
So...Mourinho is alt-right and akin to Donald Trump which goes against the Marxist values of Man Utd (as everyone knows, fluid attacking football is one of the key elements of left wing political movements) and he is supported by the complicit uber-masculine younger fan bases of the 80s and 90s who are myopic, knuckle dragging fascists? Is this a decent summary?