Koch...goes limp...now stiff | Attempts at humour coke-blocked by Organic Potatoes


Tarheel Tech Wizard
Aug 9, 2014
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David Koch: Billionaire Republican donor dies aged 79

Billionaire David Koch, a major donor to the Republican party, has died aged 79. He had been suffering from cancer.

The former majority owner of Koch Industries was ranked by Forbes below brother Charles as the 11th richest person in the world.

Together they had a huge influence on the conservative movement and bankrolled causes pushing for small government and a free economy.

Another thread to celebrate in. :drool:

Seriously, feck that guy and the world will be a better place when his brother is gone too. Sadly the infrastructure and institutions they put in place will continue.

Clay Morrow knows his onions.
Coke adds life to everything nice (except 79 year old billionaires).

79 year old bingoaires on the other hand:
I mean, I never like celebrating someone’s death but feck me the Koch brothers make it so hard to abide by that rule...

They couldn’t just be filthy rich in peaceful isolation, they had to try and feck it up for the rest of the people just through pure, unadulterated greed.

Feck em both
I object to the thread title.

Not on moral grounds, mind. Just that it is sorely weak due to being based on the wrong pronunciation of 'Koch'.

We're better than that.
Aides Struggle To Stop Dozens Of Kerosene-Soaked Republicans From Lighting Selves Ablaze Atop David Koch’s Body
WICHITA, KS—Urging calm as the wailing conservative politicians jostled for a place at their deceased benefactor’s side, aides reportedly struggled Friday to prevent dozens of kerosene-soaked Republicans from lighting themselves ablaze atop David Koch’s body. “I don’t want to keep living in a world without David Koch,” said former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, one amongst a throng of weeping Republicans including Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Rick Scott, and Mitt Romney who shoved past the other mourners for the privilege of setting fire to themselves and flinging their burning bodies onto the billionaire conservative activist’s corpse. “Get the hell out of my way, Rubio—you know he loved me best! I should be on top of the body. Jesus Christ, David! David! Don’t go into the next life without me!” At press time, attendants were forced to intervene with fire extinguishers after the entire Cato Institute board of directors piled onto the corpse at once and caused the blaze to rapidly spread across Koch’s enormous estate.
Ding dong the rich is dead, which old rich? The wicked rich.
Ding dong the wickedest rich is dead.

Excellent. The sooner his brother joins him the better.


Ding dong the rich is dead, which old rich? The wicked rich.
Ding dong the wickedest rich is dead.

Do these types of posts make you feel good about yourselves? It's both disrespectful and inappropriate. I hope an infraction was handed out. This is not the time to make fun of Koch. May he RIP. Call me old fashioned, I just believe in respect for the dead. He wasnt Hitler or Bin Laden after all.
I hope I was not the only one to think of a fractal.
Do these types of posts make you feel good about yourselves? It's both disrespectful and inappropriate. I hope an infraction was handed out. This is not the time to make fun of Koch. May he RIP. Call me old fashioned, I just believe in respect for the dead. He wasnt Hitler or Bin Laden after all.

So it has to be a mass murderer before we can laugh?
Do these types of posts make you feel good about yourselves? It's both disrespectful and inappropriate. I hope an infraction was handed out. This is not the time to make fun of Koch. May he RIP. Call me old fashioned, I just believe in respect for the dead. He wasnt Hitler or Bin Laden after all.

You're right. He wasn't Hitler. He was just the son of a major Nazi enabler.

Respect for the dead is for your granny who was difficult, not some billionaire whose father made his millions running oil refineries for Hitler and who devoted his life to climate denialism, and who died as the whole world burns from the Artic to the Amazon.

Few men have deserved our contempt more.
Stolen from reddit:
Koch Industries has a horrible safety record: https://www.propublica.org/article/...ety-crisis-at-koch-industries-georgia-pacific

That's just a recent example, there are plenty of others from knowingly operating faulty pipelines that exploded and killed residents, to poisoning staff with mercury and knowing about it due to blood testing but not telling them til they were too sick to work and refusing to pay compensation, to ALEC writing model legislation for its members to introduce in state legislatures that would protect Koch Industries from liability for asbestos exposure (ALEC receives Koch funding and those member legislators get campaign support from the Koch front Americans for Prosperity)

Meanwhile they sponsor reality tv star Mike Rowe who advocates "safety third".

It also had a terrible environmental record with Crossett, Arkansas being a particularly notable example:




They were being sued by the EPA back in 2000 for over 350 violations at facilities in Texas when the Bush administration came in and negotiated it down to 1.

From Jacobin:
Besides spending fortunes to deprive people of health care, Koch and his repugnant sibling made their living by spewing pollution, cancer, and a host of other ailmentsinto often poor communities. Their hostility to government regulation and insistence on unsafe working conditions led them to kill and maim workers and bystanders alike, such as the two Texas teenagers blown up by a defective Koch pipeline that led the Kochs to pay one of the largest wrongful death judgments in US history. It may be impossible to quantify exactly the damage done by the Kochs’ right-wing network, but the “welfare reform” of the ’90s alone shortened lifespans.

But even this repellent legacy is dwarfed by Koch and his brother’s singular contribution to the climate crisis. It is the darkest of ironies that the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s wing dedicated to the story of human evolution is named after Koch, given that, other than his brother, arguably no single individual has done more to try to shut the book on that story than Koch.

We’ve known for a good while that the Koch network has been funding and fuelling climate denial and inaction by the government for decades, in concert with the growth of the Kochs’ own fossil fuel-based profits. Thanks to the release of Christopher Leonard’s Kochland last week, we now also know they were on the ground floor of the fight to ensure human extinction, spreading climate denial and working against political action on the subject as early as 1991, when the world still could have embarked on a gradual transition away from fossil fuels.

And as the climate crisis became ever more visible and tangible in recent years, did Koch and his brother put the unimaginably colossal wealth they’d amassed from poisoning people and killing the earth toward undoing the damage they’d caused? No, they used it to kill public transit projects at the local level because these threatened Koch Industries’ bottom line, further hamstringing future efforts to prevent planetary catastrophe. To paraphrase Noam Chomsky, evil doesn’t even begin to describe this.
Koch’s death itself doesn’t matter much either; it simply means he’s been able to parachute out of the plane whose engine he sabotaged. But it’s a powerful symbol. It comes only a week after we learned the full scale of the Kochs’ role in spreading climate denial, and amid a truly terrifying weeks-long inferno ravaging the Amazon rainforest under Jair Bolsonaro, easily the greatest threat to global security right now.

We can only hope that whatever hell David Koch has gone to, it resembles the one to which he spent his entire life trying to condemn the rest of us. But ultimately, this isn’t about Koch or any of his abominable family. The only reason the Kochs have been able to do what they’ve done — just as the only reason Jeffrey Epstein was able to commit his crimes — is because of the colossal wealth they were allowed to hoard, which they parlayed into political power that they then used to set the world on the path to crisis. And if we don’t deal with this fundamental fact, there will always be more Kochs, more Epsteins, and all the other depraved elites who would happily commit us to extinction if it means another dollar.