Television Racist comedian fired from SNL

Bloody hell. A leaked private conversation etc, while no less disgusting, is usually the avenue this sort of thing takes. But they willingly released this to the public?
Bloody hell. A leaked clip, while no less disgusting, is usually the avenue this sort of thing takes. But they willingly released this to the public?

No, apparently this is from an episode of Matt and Shane's Podcast released 11 months ago. It's on YouTube, so I suppose NBC's HR didn't run due diligence.
It's remarkable to me that SNL couldn't find this material before hiring him given all this stuff was from just last year. I would have thought they have the resources to at least run a cursory check over his recent work.
Also, guys like this highlight how stupid it is for mega-succesful comedians to harp on about how daring they are in defying anti-PC culture.

Comedy is full of low rent hacks like this guy making a living off what we might generously call a non-PC POV. So much so that this boost in profile will now see his audience multiply, because that audience has always been there. How long until he's inevitably bitching about cancel culture to millions on Joe Rogan's podcast?
The guy looks like the marketed face for Hungry Man TV dinners and erectile dysfunction pills.
Other than the poor Chinese impression what exactly was racist is in that video?
Saying the word "chink". Reducing all Chinese food as literal shit. Practically shitting on the whole race. It's one thing to have your prejudices, as we all do, but this is easily out of line.
Saying the word "chink". Reducing all Chinese food as literal shit. Practically shitting on the whole race. It's one thing to have your prejudices, as we all do, but this is easily out of line.

If you say so. Sure he shouldn't be saying chink but there's millions of other comedians who make similar jokes and they haven't had an online witch hunt essentially end their career.

Happens all too frequently now. Someone gets upset by a controversial comedian and next thing there's an online lynching.

Comedy will always tread the line, it's TV producers job to make sure the comedians they hire fit their ideals rather than hiring people and then firing them when they find out they once said something a little bit controversial.
If you say so. Sure he shouldn't be saying chink but there's millions of other comedians who make similar jokes and they haven't had an online witch hunt essentially end their career.

Could you share a few examples? He also used homophobic slurs.
Could you share a few examples? He also used homophobic slurs.

I can't right now but it won't be difficult for you to search YouTube. Dave Chappelle regularly made and still makes border line racist and homophobic jokes but there isn't a witch hunt against him, nor does it diminish his talent. Comedy is about the taboo so rape, paedophilia, race, sex are all fair game. Obviously there's a line but I wouldn't say whoever this guy is over stepped it. I've seen someone like Frankie Boyle say much worse on panel shows in the past.
If you say so. Sure he shouldn't be saying chink but there's millions of other comedians who make similar jokes and they haven't had an online witch hunt essentially end their career.

Happens all too frequently now. Someone gets upset by a controversial comedian and next thing there's an online lynching.

Comedy will always tread the line, it's TV producers job to make sure the comedians they hire fit their ideals rather than hiring people and then firing them when they find out they once said something a little bit controversial.

How has it ended his career? He's gonna ultimately come away from all this attention with a boosted profile and a larger audience at his gigs. There are plenty of people who will happily pay to see some hack who thinks that calling someone a "jew chink" repeatedly is cutting edge comedy.
I can't right now but it won't be difficult for you to search YouTube. Dave Chappelle regularly made and still makes border line racist and homophobic jokes but there isn't a witch hunt against him, nor does it diminish his talent. Comedy is about the taboo so rape, paedophilia, race, sex are all fair game. Obviously there's a line but I wouldn't say whoever this guy is over stepped it. I've seen someone like Frankie Boyle say much worse on panel shows in the past.

Chappelle isn't doing an offensive accent and calling people "chinks" and "faggot".

If comedians are so obsessed with being bastions of free speech and treading the line, they need to have the skill and talent to pull it off. This guy is clearly terrible at it and doesn't seem to understand crude racism and homophobia isn't pushing boundaries.
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How has it ended his career? He's gonna ultimately come away from all this attention with a boosted profile and a larger audience at his gigs. There are plenty of people who will happily pay to see some hack who thinks that calling someone a "jew chink" repeatedly is cutting edge comedy.

He lost his job at SNL.

He might get a slight boost in his gig tickets but that's nothing compare to what he would have earned on a prime time tv show.

I don't even know who this guy is and the video posted is neither funny or offensive IMO. It's the culture of online witch hunting that bothers me. It seems of certain sections complain you will be vilified, whereas as I've previously mentioned there are many others that make similar comments and they aren't chased out of the building.

We are getting close to an insanely PC world where any comment is analysed and critised. The way people are reacting you'd think this guy was Bernard Manning reincarnate.
@b82REZ calling someone a chink isn’t a joke or can have the excuse of being used as one. It’s just straight up racist and if you think otherwise and the world is getting too PC because of that you’re an idiot.
Chappelle isn't doing an offensive accent and calling people "chinks" and "faggot".

If comedians are so obsessed with being bastions of free speech and treading the line, they need to have the skill and talent to pull if off. This guy is clearly terrible at it and doesn't seem to understand crude racism and homophobia isn't pushing boundaries.

So your issue is the poor imitation of a Chinese person as opposed to the idea of him making jokes about Chinese food and how he thinks it's a bit shit?

Also using Chappelle as an example is it racist when he does his "white man" voice? I'm not critising him BTW, I think Dave Chappelle is hilarious I just don't understand how people can find one example offensive and not the other.

I do agree, based on the little I've seen of this guy, he doesn't seem to be a particularly great comedian, but does that mean people have to over analyse his jokes while other comedians get very little backlash for their similar comments?
Chappelle isn't doing an offensive accent and calling people "chinks" and "faggot".

If comedians are so obsessed with being bastions of free speech and treading the line, they need to have the skill and talent to pull it off. This guy is clearly terrible at it and doesn't seem to understand crude racism and homophobia isn't pushing boundaries.
He does.
@b82REZ calling someone a chink isn’t a joke or can have the excuse of being used as one. It’s just straight up racist and if you think otherwise and the world is getting too PC because of that you’re an idiot.

I've acknowledged the use of the slur chink is not OK, but neither is this snowflake culture of finding offence in everything.

If this guy is being hounded for this podcast there must be hundreds of other comedians around the world shitting themselves because most will have said much worse.
I've acknowledged the use of the slur chink is not OK, but neither is this snowflake culture of finding offence in everything.

If this guy is being hounded for this podcast there must be hundreds of other comedians around the world shitting themselves because most will have said much worse.

...what even is that first sentence. Finding offence in everything? They aren’t. They’re finding offence in straight up racism and homophobia. There is no toeing the line in this situation. It’s just racist, plain and simple.

Good, I hope they are shitting themselves if they’ve also been racist. It’s not okay.
I've acknowledged the use of the slur chink is not OK, but neither is this snowflake culture of finding offence in everything.

If this guy is being hounded for this podcast there must be hundreds of other comedians around the world shitting themselves because most will have said much worse.
People aren't taking offence to everything, they are taking offence to a phrase that you yourself admit is not OK. Thats not snowflake culture.

At the end of the day, he's knowingly said things that people have known for years is no longer tolerated. He can't expect to say these things and to be backed by SNL, which itself is a pretty sanitised and PC show with an international audience.
That's not great but surely you can see the difference between that and what this guy did?
I'm not bothered to explain my views on it in any deep way because I consider myself a moron on these kinds of topics.
I merely disagreed with a very specific part of the statement due to having seen a few of his shows. If I took it too out of context then all I can say is that it was how I read it that made me feel like commenting. :)
Chappelle isn't doing an offensive accent and calling people "chinks" and "faggot".

If comedians are so obsessed with being bastions of free speech and treading the line, they need to have the skill and talent to pull it off. This guy is clearly terrible at it and doesn't seem to understand crude racism and homophobia isn't pushing boundaries.

In his last special he did a caricature Chinese accent and gratituously used the word "faggot". Mostly to flex his indifference to the putative "PC culture".

There's far worse things a comedian could do than what this bloke apparently did, really, although it deserves to be called out. It sounds like he tried to push the boundaries in a way that was a bit meta and a bit ironic and it wasn't done very well.
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The problem with that segment is that he is either an awful comedian or he is a raging racists or both. And all of these options could see him fired.
The problem with that segment is that he is either an awful comedian or he is a raging racists or both. And all of these options could see him fired.

Pretty much.

I understand the backlash against this cancel culture and twitter mob shite, but this guy is clearly not good or smart enough to get away with being edgy. Not that "chink" even is that. I don't even get why he was hired in the first place though, if SNL are going to act like they care when stuff like this comes up, then why not check the people they hire a bit more?
I'm not for this overly PC culture at all but there's a huge difference in using slurs to highlight a joke like so many good comedians do (Chappelle, Louis, etc..), and using them in what looks like a normal conversation like this guy did here. If you don't use it to make people laugh you just sound plain racist, altough I'm sure he probably meant it as an edgy type of "joke".

Some comedians need to stop saying controversial shit just for the heck of it and focus on the art of comedy again. Coincidentally, this guy is often a guest on Legion of Skanks, which is a great podcast but they often take things too far just to go against the PC culture. Especially when they had that cnut Milo on there.
I'm not for this overly PC culture at all but there's a huge difference in using slurs to highlight a joke like so many good comedians do (Chappelle, Louis, etc..), and using them in what looks like a normal conversation like this guy did here. If you don't use it to make people laugh you just sound plain racist, altough I'm sure he probably meant it as an edgy type of "joke".

Some comedians need to stop saying controversial shit just for the heck of it and focus on the art of comedy again. Coincidentally, this guy is often a guest on Legion of Skanks, which is a great podcast but they often take things too far just to go against the PC culture. Especially when they had that cnut Milo on there.

Vato on the side of political correctness. That man should reevaluate his life.