Naga Munchetty reprimanded by BBC

Sassy Colin

Death or the gladioli!
Jan 29, 2010
Aliens are in control of my tagline & location
This is pretty awful stuff from the BBC.

Many people praised her for what she said, but "a viewer" complained that the remarks were against Trump.

The BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) launched an investigation into Munchetty’s conduct after a viewer complained that the remarks were biased against Trump.

Naga Munchetty breached BBC guidelines by criticising President Donald Trump for perceived racism, the corporation's complaints unit has ruled.

In July the BBC presenter took issue with comments made by the US President after he told opponents to "go back" to the "places from which they came".

The BBC said the Breakfast host was entitled to her own views but had gone "beyond what the guidelines allow for".

It said any action taken as a result of the finding would be published later.

A BBC spokeswoman said the corporation's Executive Complaints Unit [ECU] had ruled that "while Ms Munchetty was entitled to give a personal response to the phrase 'go back to your own country' as it was rooted in her own experience, overall her comments went beyond what the guidelines allow for".

Speaking on BBC Breakfast on 17 July after Mr Trump's online remarks, Munchetty said: "Every time I have been told, as a woman of colour, to go back to where I came from, that was embedded in racism.

"Now I'm not accusing anyone of anything here, but you know what certain phrases mean."

Munchetty said she felt "absolutely furious" and suggested many people in the UK might feel the same way.

"I can imagine lots of people in this country will be feeling absolutely furious that a man in that position feels it's okay to skirt the lines with using language like that," she told co-presenter Dan Walker.

Her comments followed Mr Trump posting several messages that made references to the Democrat politicians Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib.

"Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came," he wrote on Twitter on 14 July.

The BBC journalist received praise online for her "off-script" moment.

The ECU found Munchetty's assertion that Mr Trump's comments were "embedded in racism" went beyond what the BBC allows and upheld a complaint made about the presenter's comments.

The BBC's spokeswoman said a summary of the complaint and the ECU's decision would be published on the BBC's online complaints pages and that it would "include a note of any action taken as a result of the finding".

Labour MP David Lammy called the ECU's decision "appalling", while journalist Kevin Maguire said it was a "bad, bad day".

A representative for BBC Breakfast said Munchetty was not available for comment.
Maybe we should complain about Naga, and then the Beeb will tell us that we're wrong & stupid.
Maybe she should have done what she was paid to do and just give the news not her opinion.
I get that you’re supposed to remain impartial blah blah blah, but it’s hardly crime of the century. Whether she’s right or wrong, should she have said it? Probably not. Should anyone give a shit? Not really. One person complained. Whoopee. I guess they have to be ‘seen’ to be investigating though. I doubt she’ll actually have any sort of real “reprimand”.
Pretty ridiculous.

Also find it incredibly rich that he’s in charge of such a broken country, masquerading as the best in the world, but not doing very well at it any more.

Loads of people complain, no action

1 person complains, reprimand
This is par of the course now. Cater for the easiest offended.
I wish the BBC would just stick to what they do best, gritty crime dramas
Quite right. She's always been too outwardly opinionated and smug to have such an important position anyway.
Felt so strange because just yesterday my Indian colleague Doctor was told to go back to his country by a drunk patient
I don't like the publicly funded state broadcasting service to show me theirs.

You do know that she was asked by her co-presenter for her opinion? She didn't just come on the air and start ranting like that clown on ITV.

And as far as the publicly funded state broadcasting service showing you their opinion then I think you probably need to open your eyes. They're loaded up with Tories from the top down and their bias couldn't be any more evident. Certainly on the news side of things.
I don't like the publicly funded state broadcasting service to show me theirs.

Why not? She was asked about her experience for obvious reasons.

If they cant bloody call out racism when it happens whats the point in being there?
Should have left the cnut in the gutter outside the hospital to piss his pants.

Well as per trust policy he was actually thrown out but his passing comments were that he will just fake a seizure or something and come back...
BBC fecked up for sure but I really like the idea of news organisations trying to just report the news rather than giving opinions on it