Television The Apprentice 2019

Yeah I don’t believe people these people actually exist in real life.
The actual tour the guys put on wasn't too bad. Had a laugh with the passengers and made the right decision to see the elephants instead of going back. They just totally fecked the sales.

Guess it helps that a safari is inherently more interesting then a tour of a cellar.

See I wouldn't know, as the girls couldn't even find the cellar to tour it.
Couldn’t believe Lottie is only 19!

Was funny seeing that Lewis lose his rag at both Adam & Shami in the boardroom :lol:

The photo of her put up on here made me think of prince charming from shrek. :lol:
Runner up of one of the series was one of our clients .. seemed like a bellend on the show but in real life super astute guy, very personable who’s raking it in now. These guys play it up for the cameras.
Who's this then?

I miss the old first episodes where he made them get up at 3am to sell tat in the London drizzle. Everything was basically spoonfed on that.
This show is packed with cringe.

Leading a safari and not able to tell a rhino from am elephant :lol:

Agreed with the firing, Shahin was weak.
So err, one of the candidates is a mate of mine...
When they tell them they have 20 minutes to get ready for the cars, having woken up fully made up, and its pitch black outside however they get into the cars in bright daylight :lol:

Ryan is excellent TV. To be fair to him he's one of the few that's made any sort of intelligent insight

I also hate when they introduce it and they show clips from future episodes as if the ones shown are in the boardroom you know they're safe as they're in a future episode need to look away at that point

I preferred when he picked one to work for him he's obviously worked out exactly who's business plan will be most lucrative for him and as long as they arent completely hapless in the tasks/ interviews he has his winner already pencilled in

The interview episode is the best hope Ryan is there for that!
They tried to shift knob lollies that cost them 15p to make for like 4 quid

Then tried to negotiate with her so much even though she was willing to buy them despite them being so bad they ended up losing her custom altogether!
Did she make them an offer? I thought she was saying she wouldn't even pay a quid for them, and to forget about it?

I thought she told them a quid was the most she would pay but they tried to persuade her with about 3 different "offers" and in the end she turned round and said forget it
I'm surprised they had 2 different luxury sellers I thought they'd have the same one to make it fair, both pitch and make products for them and then they go with who's end product they like the best I would have told the girls where to go if I was their client
Surely people can't be THAT rubbish. Most of it is common sense.

It's cringe telly really. The fact that they are all so arrogant and bicker infront of clients, Lord Sugar, etc.

How hard is it to make a fecking ice lolly?
Surely people can't be THAT rubbish. Most of it is common sense.

It's cringe telly really. The fact that they are all so arrogant and bicker infront of clients, Lord Sugar, etc.

How hard is it to make a fecking ice lolly?

Cream cheese and chocolate ice lolly :drool:
Surely people can't be THAT rubbish. Most of it is common sense.

It's cringe telly really. The fact that they are all so arrogant and bicker infront of clients, Lord Sugar, etc.

How hard is it to make a fecking ice lolly?

It seems crazy that these people are supposed to be successful people and the best candidates that they can find, even the winning team was a shambles on both tasks.
When they tell them they have 20 minutes to get ready for the cars, having woken up fully made up, and its pitch black outside however they get into the cars in bright daylight :lol:

Randomly, me and my wife were discussing this very thing yesterday. Her focus was more on there being no way you'd bother to iron your shirt if you only had 20 minutes to get ready.

Surely people can't be THAT rubbish. Most of it is common sense.

It's cringe telly really. The fact that they are all so arrogant and bicker infront of clients, Lord Sugar, etc.

How hard is it to make a fecking ice lolly?

I do think it's the pressure cooker of being in the Apprentice and being surrounded by all these people who are trying to be huge personalities/show-offs that turns everyone a bit mental.

I mean the leader of the boys team got it into his head that he had to have good margins (probably because of times he himself had watched Apprentice and saw teams spend too much) which wasn't a bad thing for the general lolly... but then that's all he saw.
I know it's a bit early but I'm surprised he didn't fire two of them last night. As well as Kenna, Dean should have gone too, he's so clearly out of his depth.
Just caught up with both episodes. Can’t remember the last series I watched where the candidates were actually competent. Anyway, I think Ryan-Mark should’ve gone- he’s so up himself with nothing to show for it.
Ryan-Mark has to be an invented character, just too absurd.
Randomly, me and my wife were discussing this very thing yesterday. Her focus was more on there being no way you'd bother to iron your shirt if you only had 20 minutes to get ready.
I don't get this either - they clearly have more than 20 minutes to get ready, so no idea why they need to continue to peddle this myth that they get ready in that time. It literally serves no purpose!
Randomly, me and my wife were discussing this very thing yesterday. Her focus was more on there being no way you'd bother to iron your shirt if you only had 20 minutes to get ready.

I actually would iron it, but then I'm constantly running late.
I don't get this either - they clearly have more than 20 minutes to get ready, so no idea why they need to continue to peddle this myth that they get ready in that time. It literally serves no purpose!

This used do my head in but if you listen to it closely, the lady on the phone says the cars will be outside in 20 mins. Not that you need to be ready to leave in 20 mins. There is no way you can be all smartly dressed, hair done, makeup on(ladies and maybe men) etc in that time period. Plus when you see them getting changed, doing their hair etc, they aren’t coming across as being in a rush and seem to be taking their time and having a laugh with each other.

Also one of the other posters mentioned, when they receive the phone call at 4am the weather looks pitch dark but as soon as they leave the house and enter the vehicles it’s daylight.
All set up for Sugar to fire another black guy.

"You're full of criticism but no bladdy solutions! And for that reason, you're fired!"
I think he was right to fire Souleyman but also he should have got rid of the project leader whose name I forgot. Also, how dumb to not being in Thomas instead of Lottie. Their pitch was sunk even without her dumb comment on the research because the product is crap and Harley's knew it. At least they could try and pin the blame on him and actually stand a chance.
Felt like there was a bit of a narrative against Solomon on that episode
Solomon: That logo isn't standing out, we should probably make one of the words a different colour so it stands out more

Claude: Solomon is only bringing up criticisms without offering solutions.
The PM should have gone. He put himself on the wrong team, got carried away with that silly attempt at making a viral video and they got zero orders. A total failure.

Souleyman was making sense though didn’t really contribute, Sugar should have given him one more chance and instructed him to be the PM for the next task to see what he can do. Firing him was harsh.
That blonde girl leading the other team was incredibly lucky her team won else she was gone, 2 times she refused to have that guy who said he had past experience in the area either lead the team or pitch, surely as a team leader you best utilise the abilities of your team, however she very much came across as all us girls together, imagine if it was a guy doing that saying he only trusts the guys.... that woman who made up the story about the land being made of slime saved her. As soon as they said slime I thought they were onto something, I thought they were going to have it so the unicorn was hidden in a large ball of slime. I also before they said it saw the my little pony resemblance

Wonder what they would have done if both had 0 orders? I thought the shop may have ordered the turtles for their younger range and bent the rules sure it's happened before

I'd also have made Souleyman PM for the next task, I liked the packaging he had designed. Lottie could use a turn as PM too coming across a bit that she thinks the others are beneath her, which they may be but not really a team player, thought the team leader would go

Also where on earth did they find those children for the customer survey :lol: that girl who said oh you're stereotyping girls I was gobsmacked :lol: you can tell what schools are focusing on nowadays! He should have them as his candidates they had more awareness than some of the contestants :lol:

I so want Thomas and Ryan around for the interviews I think it will be brilliant TV
No idea why the PM didn’t go. Souleyman did give suggestions to some problems yet they really did a job on him. He is also annoyed that Lord Sugar called him ‘brave’ for applying to the show.
He's a racist, that's why. I knew that Souleyman was getting fired as soon as he started to point out the flaws in their plans. That's all the ammunition Sugar needs.