What's a reaction score?

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technologically challenged barbie doll
Sep 1, 2011
In caf poster's profiles, there's a 'reaction score'. What is this?

Is 13 a good score?
Isn't it obvious though, @BD? When you click the number it brings up all your likes :lol:
I'm a 10.

There's no way being a 10 can be a bad thing.
Isn't it obvious though, @BD? When you click the number it brings up all your likes :lol:
And why isn't it just called 'number of likes', or simply 'likes', in that case?
On other forums its a reflection of how many "likes", "funnys", "agrees" your posts have had. You guys don't have ratings so I have no idea.

You can only get 10 likes in the Newb forums so unless its way back along time ago.
And why isn't it just called 'number of likes', or simply 'likes', in that case?
Prob cause you would start to think this place was a dating website?
What's the record?

edit: just seen above that @Eboue is in the top 5, are people supposed to take this serious?

Jesus you're like a hysterical child, throwing a tantrum because the rest of the class didn't like your shit painting.
I'm more than entitled to be happy about absolute dross, finally leaving the caf. I wouldn't mind so much if a poster was just a bit crap, but tried his heart out and wasn't afraid to get stuck in or make something happen. I mean I quite like Colin and at best, apart from a post or two, he's just an average poster...but at least he has a pair of balls.

So, now you've been utterly bested by an utterly superior poster, which must be utterly embarrassing for you, so why don't you just quietly sneak off into utter obscurity.
Jesus you're like a hysterical child, throwing a tantrum because the rest of the class didn't like your shit painting.
I'm more than entitled to be happy about absolute dross, finally leaving the caf. I wouldn't mind so much if a poster was just a bit crap, but tried his heart out and wasn't afraid to get stuck in or make something happen. I mean I quite like Colin and at best, apart from a post or two, he's just an average poster...but at least he has a pair of balls.

So, now you've been utterly bested by an utterly superior poster, which must be utterly embarrassing for you, so why don't you just quietly sneak off into utter obscurity.
Same thing as 'likes'. In XenForo 2, they altered it so it is more like facebook with various positive/negative reactions which add or subtract to your reaction score. We only use likes so we removed the others.
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