Armenian Genocide Remembrance

Communal people in Istanbul dumped a truck load of rubbish in front of an Armenian church and wrote “This nation is ours” on its entrance and walls.

Since it's Kadıköy, they can be sure that the scum who did such a thing don't come from that area, and they're still very much an important part of the community, even if it's sad that such a thing needs to be stated.
On this day, Erdogan:

Denials are forever an embarassment to Turkish governments

Not gonna go down well in Ankara.
Right move for the wrong reason:

edit: should say I personally don’t think it’s the business of any state to officially ‘recognize’ such historical episodes, but ultimately it’s the Turkish stance which has politicized the issue, making this day inevitable.
So much for that:

I'm glad Congress finally passed the recognition. It should've happened years ago.
I'm glad Congress finally passed the recognition. It should've happened years ago.

I think it would be preferable if it wasn’t so blatantly tied to the current political disputes disrupting the American-Turkish alliance.
Never thought I’d write this sentence, but I’m interested to see if Kim and Kanye respond.
It's still happening in the World. The genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar has not been prosecuted.
Review here of a new book on the genocide which apparently seeks to place it in the context of a longer run of anti-Christian violence in Anatolia:

Review here of a new book on the genocide which apparently seeks to place it in the context of a longer run of anti-Christian violence in Anatolia:

But isn't religion peaceful?
made a huge spectacle about the buildup to saying it left a bad taste in my mouth.

regardless, rip to all the victims. We will continue fighting.
You could argue that doing that gave more attention to it than if it wasn't built up to.
I’m not going to argue today of all days. He did something a hundred years worth of presidents didn’t bother to do, he has our thanks. Called a spade a spade.
I’m not going to argue today of all days. He did something a hundred years worth of presidents didn’t bother to do, he has our thanks. Called a spade a spade.
I understand. Unfortunately too many people don't know about this event or maybe only heard it named and no more. If this leads to even a small number of people reading up on it then that's a win in my book.
Well done Joe. Top item on the news in most countries. More people have to know about this horrible Ottoman atrocity. Eat shit Erdogan
I understand. Unfortunately too many people don't know about this event or maybe only heard it named and no more. If this leads to even a small number of people reading up on it then that's a win in my book.
Well, now that today is over, here is my view on it.

My grandfather was born as the genocide was coming to a close and the first independent Armenia rose up from that. His family had already fled from the Lake Van region to this new Armenia, and as the Turks attacked this new Armenia, they had to flee again to Iran, although many of his family members were killed during the "war" and during the genocide. Now I'm in LA, one of the largest areas of emigration. I know @Slevs family is from the Middle East (for purposes of this convo Iran is not part of the ME), where there is another large population of Armenians, many of whom were driven there by the genocide.

Why do I say this? Because as a direct result of the genocide, Armenia is slowly dying. Outside of the Jewish community, we have the largest diaspora in the world. Why? In large part due to the genocide, but also because most everyone has to leave as there is little in the way of work outside of the tech sector. The trend is slowly reversing, but its mostly older folk that want to die in their homeland, which places greater strain on the health care system.

Yerevan has modernized and tried to become a tech center, yes, but you go outside of Yerevan... my heart broke when I see the poverty villagers are in. Pashinyan tried to open us up for more Western investment and move more towards the middle between the West and Russia, and all that did was alienate Russia to where they sat on the sidelines in the Azeri conflict, unwilling to get involved in another proxy war with Turkey. I say this because as the Azeris are using drones to bomb us, we literally have to have fundraisers just to try and get night vision goggles for our troops. Just another sign of how grim it is in the country.

With all that being said, and I get that its personal for me, were sat here watching as Biden is hemming and hawing over whether to use the word genocide? We have way bigger issues, like trying to build up the economy and provide opportunities for the people while trying to increase the population and stemming the tide of emigration, and while I am thankful he finally said it, it gets to the point where its like feck you dude. I know in the grand scheme of things were a nothing nation and not many would understand or even care about the deeper lying issues... but at the same time its not like you're going to sanction Turkey until they give us reparations as a result of this decision, you're just calling a spade a spade, which to me is the least you can do.
Hope the situation improves for Armenia, soon!
Well, now that today is over, here is my view on it.

My grandfather was born as the genocide was coming to a close and the first independent Armenia rose up from that. His family had already fled from the Lake Van region to this new Armenia, and as the Turks attacked this new Armenia, they had to flee again to Iran, although many of his family members were killed during the "war" and during the genocide. Now I'm in LA, one of the largest areas of emigration. I know @Slevs family is from the Middle East (for purposes of this convo Iran is not part of the ME), where there is another large population of Armenians, many of whom were driven there by the genocide.

Why do I say this? Because as a direct result of the genocide, Armenia is slowly dying. Outside of the Jewish community, we have the largest diaspora in the world. Why? In large part due to the genocide, but also because most everyone has to leave as there is little in the way of work outside of the tech sector. The trend is slowly reversing, but its mostly older folk that want to die in their homeland, which places greater strain on the health care system.

Yerevan has modernized and tried to become a tech center, yes, but you go outside of Yerevan... my heart broke when I see the poverty villagers are in. Pashinyan tried to open us up for more Western investment and move more towards the middle between the West and Russia, and all that did was alienate Russia to where they sat on the sidelines in the Azeri conflict, unwilling to get involved in another proxy war with Turkey. I say this because as the Azeris are using drones to bomb us, we literally have to have fundraisers just to try and get night vision goggles for our troops. Just another sign of how grim it is in the country.

With all that being said, and I get that its personal for me, were sat here watching as Biden is hemming and hawing over whether to use the word genocide? We have way bigger issues, like trying to build up the economy and provide opportunities for the people while trying to increase the population and stemming the tide of emigration, and while I am thankful he finally said it, it gets to the point where its like feck you dude. I know in the grand scheme of things were a nothing nation and not many would understand or even care about the deeper lying issues... but at the same time its not like you're going to sanction Turkey until they give us reparations as a result of this decision, you're just calling a spade a spade, which to me is the least you can do.

To be honest, in 30 years people will be able to work from anywhere at least half the year. The Armenian diaspora will be able to spend a lot more time in the country itself. Not sure whether future generations will be keen on it though as they are disconnected from the country itself.

The demographics of Armenian diaspora is concerning though, as opposed to (for instance) Turks in Germany. Root causes are cultural though.
God bless all Armenian people, wherever they may now be living.

I'd hope that when teachers are telling their students about the Holocaust, they mention that Hitler was confident he'd get away with murdering the Jews because no-one did anything about the Armenians.
God bless all Armenian people, wherever they may now be living.

I'd hope that when teachers are telling their students about the Holocaust, they mention that Hitler was confident he'd get away with murdering the Jews because no-one did anything about the Armenians.
Indeed. Talked about them and the genocide in the Belgian Congo this past Friday.
I wonder what Margarita Simonyan thinks. Maybe genocide is ok on the other side as long as you get paid.