Television Cursed (new Netflix show)

I've seen that it doesn't have particularly great reviews.
They did commit the mortal sin of casting a black man as Arthur. Bet a lot of reviews don't approce, because of reasons.

Show does look a bit meh other than that though.
seen the first episode seems pretty bad so far. Theres some nice background shots I guess, but the acting and story seems under par
I turned that off after 10 minutes and then remembered that a friend that translated this show for Netflix told me about it (nothing good).

It's also a weird point but perfect skin (with a few layers of make-up) in medieval shows always triggers me.
Its ... decent. Its ok so far.

Arthur isnt the usual arthur portrayal (like in the tv show Merlin). But I guess the show isnt about him.
I guess its a King Arthur prequel?
Ive watched about 5 episodes and its got nice scenery, and some nice action bits.

Ive enjoyed Order and The Gift (turkish?) more so far. Ive seen a review saying its not as good as Game of Thrones (duuuh) but I think thats a weird expectation to have. Ill probably change my mind depending on how the rest of the season goes but its been fairly entertaining enough for me to continue (though that might be because I dont have many shows similar that I could watch instead)
Netflix heavily promoting this I can see but got no interest in the whole King Arthur/Merlin thing and never have really so likely a miss from me.
I turned that off after 10 minutes and then remembered that a friend that translated this show for Netflix told me about it (nothing good).

It's also a weird point but perfect skin (with a few layers of make-up) in medieval shows always triggers me.
I'm actually enjoying the show a fair amount - acting is actually pretty decent once you get used to the show a bit. First episode felt a bit cheesy but it got better once it got darker. But - I agree despite some of the gore, it feels out of place with how, as you said, clean everything is. It's like I'm watching something with Hallmark level cinematography and makeup. One jarring thing to me as well is the transition effects between scenes - they re kinda nifty in a way but the show could have done with a filter during its scenes to make those transitions more natural. It's just too polished - soap opera levels. Just taking some color out of it like they do with many of these types of shows probably would go a long way already.

Again though - narrative wise and acting wise it's not bad at all (some relatively well known actors from other big shows in it like Vikings, Rome and Ozark) , and the gore and sfx are pretty good. The flow early on is much better than the Witcher imho. Wish they would have used the same flashback method there rather than trying to be all creative. There is def a lot worse out there.
For fecksake I find every time there's a new show, a thread on redcafe, a promising OP with a trailer and the first reply is always shitting on my hopes of it being any good. Cheers @Utdstar01
For fecksake I find every time there's a new show, a thread on redcafe, a promising OP with a trailer and the first reply is always shitting on my hopes of it being any good. Cheers @Utdstar01
I'd still give it two episodes if you like these kinds of shows in general. I'm sticking with it.
If only bc hey - it's a Frank Miller show. And Floki is Merlin.
Was okay, nothing special some decent moments and twists. Binged it while rebuilding a drone, watchable.
Finished it.
Kicks in around ep 4 or 5 for me. Gets better after that

I like the lead actress. Weeping monk is cool too
Finished it.
Kicks in around ep 4 or 5 for me. Gets better after that

I like the lead actress. Weeping monk is cool too
Glad I'm not the only one who likes it - though I'm only on episode 3.

Gotta love the dad of the weeking monk - the leader paladin dude- is the poppie growing neighbor from Ozark.
Glad I'm not the only one who likes it - though I'm only on episode 3.

Gotta love the dad of the weeking monk - the leader paladin dude- is the poppie growing neighbor from Ozark.
Think it depends on expectations
For a first season it's good but I like things like merlin, king author etc
This is a different take on it (I said before like a prequel)
But it has the fantasy elements

I agree with what you said before about how 'clean' it is. But there's so much potential with regards to world building and all (if that makes sense)
I want to like this show but I just can't.

1. The visual effects (CGI and costumes/make-ups/appearances) and camera shots are awesome and arguably the best parts. And that's the problems. The rest are mainly plain.

2. Plot is interesting in an interesting world, but the storylines are not. To be harsh, the storylines are terrible and too forceful. The build-up for each are poor.

3. Dialogues are mostly boring and generic.

4. Casting is mixed. Bad -- Arthur is a poor choice casting (I don't mind if they turned that characters into something awesome or interesting but even that they didn't, I don't care too much about the "accuracy" when that happen but it didn't), and majority of the characters are boring and forgettable despite the fancy titles, names and appearances they had. The Paladin assassin and the Green knight(?) are trying too hard, looks cool but not cool characters. There are about 5 charismatic/interesting characters though.

5. Lacking charisma but.. I think the show had enough charismatic actors to carry it but the dialogues and storylines just doesn't gave them the platform enough to turn into a good show. Just watchable because of those charismatic actors making the characters they play interesting. They definitely helped me lasted seeing this show till the end.

The 5 best characters (and charismatic-enough actors).
  • MC Nimue, she's fine and definitely make the show bearable to watch. The actress is surprisingly charismatic (no not referring to her "assets" though it helps, but moreso her acting and the way she capture attentions with her performances, didn't expect that, thought she's just an eye-candy so a fine lead). Interesting following her arc. She could take more enough genuine sword-trainings though, looks too awkward in swordplay. And maybe train more to be the warrior sword lady. Storyline is too forceful in portraying her as the character she is. Just ok but tend to be mary sue at times.
  • Merlin, I don't like him the first two episodes and honestly disappointed but eventually he grown on me and definitely made the show far interesting. Actor's portrayal felt genuine. Gustaf is awesome, strong presence.
  • Pym is boring at the start but quickly stole the show with her performances and own side-adventure. Fun and she's charismatic. Actress is surprisingly good with this supposedly boring role, she turned it into an interesting role.
  • Squirrel has good potential but alas he's being reduce to boring roles and lack of screentimes. The kid actor is really good and have strong presence.
  • Sister Iris by Emily Coates is a strong women at low social standings. But similarly her roles here lacking screentimes. The actress is really good, powerful performance the little chances she could get.
  • Honorable mention is Morgana... I like the actress performance, but unfortunately the character here is too off and just had boring background and storylines.
Potential is high but the show and its end products couldn't fulfilled it.
Started watching it - turned it off very quickly - the acting was awful and clearly aimed at teenagers with some of the dialogue. It was when the 2 blokes turned up at the start that made me switch off (being mean to the main lady)
@Web of Bissaka Pym was a weird one for me. at first I thought the actress was just awkward all the time and just... stared.
But I liked her character eventually.

Iris just looked evil from the beginning :lol:
I ended up watching the 1st episode. It's a kids show.

Similar tone to that Shannara series or the recent BBC Merlin.

A shame. I wanted something like Vikings.
Well - I hope there s gonna be a second season.

Watched it to the end and it's no worse than some of the other King Arthur saga inspired shows in my opinion. The Nimue character is almost like a zero to 100 real quick version of Danearys, with a little bit of Smeagol and Frodo.

First season def had its weak moments but its clear that Netflix didn't spare any expense, especially because it's just a first season. Guess I'm just a sucker for just about anything set against pseudo historical backgrounds and it filled a nice void for me with not much else new on that front right now. I get the sense though they almost tried to squeeze too much into one season without doing some more proper world building-but then again that's maybe part of the appeal for folks who don't like the slow builds of other shows like it.

I loved the Witcher and that obviously got plenty of positive press but that also had a shite storyline flow and horrid sfx. This show has neither issue imho so the criticism seems a bit over the top. Plenty redeemable value here. If the walking dead can make it to as many seasons as it has while being absolute crap for years..
Looks like a coming-of-age young adult type show. Coming-of-age can be find but usually not combined with the YA type writing.