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  • Freedom of speech still banned on here I see at random whim of random mods!

    Nothing wrong with my post accept Redcafe Agendas.
    Accept my ass
    I understand that people from your generation do not deal very well with different opinions/ideologies but you've been here for 14 years, it is wrong to reject an educated post because of its factual accuracy in that MUFC is in danger of following the dreaded path of Arsénal Wenger FC, the club that destroyed itself because they could not differentiate an incompetent manager from a good memory.
    Such an educated post. I will need some time to digest this different ideology because it’s so clever. As you know I struggle with this though so give me a few years.
    I’m still digesting this just FYI
    How do you follow yourself? How is that even possible?
    I don't how I managed it.
    See, that's why I follow you. You are different than others(no homo).
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