Jadon Sancho| Staying at Dortmund for now

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Not changed one bit mate. I am for Sancho and it will happen but at terms acceptable to Manchester United

My issue is not signing Sancho. I want Sancho to be signed. My issue is with people on here who are behaving like Dortmund fans in laughing at the fact that United will bid 90 million.

My question is if United sign Sancho for 90 million, will those laughing at United not be happy with a 90 million Sancho instead of a 120 million Sancho.

Because in my opinion these people seem to think we should pay 120 million at all costs to earn the respect from Dortmund and show the rest of the footballing world that we can pay 120 million

I've not seen anyone with that sort of attitude on here? Seriously not one.
Not changed one bit mate. I am for Sancho and it will happen but at terms acceptable to Manchester United

My issue is not signing Sancho. I want Sancho to be signed. My issue is with people on here who are behaving like Dortmund fans in laughing at the fact that United will bid 90 million.

My question is if United sign Sancho for 90 million, will those laughing at United not be happy with a 90 million Sancho instead of a 120 million Sancho.

Because in my opinion these people seem to think we should pay 120 million at all costs to earn the respect from Dortmund and show the rest of the footballing world that we can pay 120 million
I think your overthinking this bud. I think most of us would be happy if we had to pay the full 120 but only because we are confident it will represent value when you consider the age of the player, his current numbers and the potential ceiling he has.

When you consider he could be with us for 10 years, that initial cost is spread out into nothing when the reality is he could be our best player during that time.

Nobody here wants us to pay over the odds for the sake of it, all that does is put added pressure on the player and attracts scrutiny from oppo clubs and media.

If we can get a cut price deal then great but at the cost of losing out on a world class target that we have been working on for two years, in a position we have neglected for a decade? No way.
Why would Dortmund care about passing it off as 100m? Why would they want to?
Because they have repeatedly said all summer that there's is a fixed price of over 100 million, so seeming to accept anything else will make them lose face.
Not changed one bit mate. I am for Sancho and it will happen but at terms acceptable to Manchester United

My issue is not signing Sancho. I want Sancho to be signed. My issue is with people on here who are behaving like Dortmund fans in laughing at the fact that United will bid 90 million.

My question is if United sign Sancho for 90 million, will those laughing at United not be happy with a 90 million Sancho instead of a 120 million Sancho.

Because in my opinion these people seem to think we should pay 120 million at all costs to earn the respect from Dortmund and show the rest of the footballing world that we can pay 120 million
Ah well I agree with most of that. The club being slammed for not paying 108m when Dortmund demanded before our season even ended is just ridiculous. It’s definitely a game of chicken. However, I think people are just concerned that Dortmund won’t blink and we’ll end up with nobody. We’re taking a gamble in not moving on because if we’re wrong and Dortmund don’t lower the price we’ll have wasted a whole summer chasing a target we didn’t get. If we’re right and we get him for 80-90m then the club deserve great credit with the added bonus of our reputation of being useless negotiators going away. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Ah well I agree with most of that. The club being slammed for not paying 108m when Dortmund demanded before our season even ended is just ridiculous. It’s definitely a game of chicken. However, I think people are just concerned that Dortmund won’t blink and we’ll end up with nobody. We’re taking a gamble in not moving on because if we’re wrong and Dortmund don’t lower the price we’ll have wasted a whole summer chasing a target we didn’t get. If we’re right and we get him for 80-90m then the club deserve great credit with the added bonus of our reputation of being useless negotiators going away. We’ll just have to wait and see.

This isn't a game of chicken mate, this is an old movie that we have seen time and again under woodward. Pogba, maguire, awb, bruno, we all know how this ends.

Dortmund are not going to drop price after holding firm on it for 3 months, either we pay up or we move on but we seem to be doing neither but ofcourse saying this apparently amounts to criticizing the club for just not paying up.
This isn't a game of chicken mate, this is an old movie that we have seen time and again under woodward. Pogba, maguire, awb, bruno, we all know how this ends.

Dortmund are not going to drop price after holding firm on it for 3 months, either we pay up or we move on but we seem to be doing neither but ofcourse saying this apparently amounts to criticizing the club for just not paying up.
Like I’ve said - we’ll see. The club who are closer to the deal than anyone on here don’t seem to agree and believe the price will come down. If what you say happens then the club will absolutely deserve criticism due to not moving on and strengthening elsewhere. What they don’t deserve criticism for is refusing to pay 120m euros on August 10th - a full 2 months before the deadline closed whilst I’d imagine we were still calculating the full extent of our losses due to the ongoing pandemic - it was a ridiculous deadline.
Like I’ve said - we’ll see. The club who are closer to the deal than anyone on here don’t seem to agree and believe the price will come down. If what you say happens then the club will absolutely deserve criticism due to not moving on and strengthening elsewhere. What they don’t deserve criticism for is refusing to pay 120m euros on August 10th - a full 2 months before the deadline closed whilst I’d imagine we were still calculating the full extent of our losses due to the ongoing pandemic - it was a ridiculous deadline.
Did anyone criticize utd for this though?
After reading along silently for a couple of weeks, I am still confused whether this thread is a massive experiment in collective sarcasm regarding the disappointment of folks with their club's transfer policy, or if some people really believe that Sancho will yet join United in the next few days.
I do support the BVB, so my views on things might also be a bit subjective, but in Germany there really is zero, literally zero debate whether Jadon will stay in Dortmund for at least another year, but I reckon the chances for a transfer are not zero if a sum greater than the inital 108m would be offered to make up for the missed deadline - or pay 95m and keep him in Germany for another year on loan ;)
But - as Borussia fans, we also have had our fair share of occurences, where players were sold despite initial promises not to do so. Though this has not been an issue recently, it is still a possibility, I guess, but this year I am not too nervous about it. Jadon seems happy, he gets along nicely with Erling and with Reyna, Bellingham and now with Bynoe-Gittens there are several English-speaking young guns at the club to keep him company.
Oh well, on to the next 100 pages in the thread, I guess :)
Yeah these ‘fake deadlines’ have been very over the top, their whole approach to this screams ‘please sign him for lots of money.’

We haven’t even made a bid and we’ve missed two of these deadlines supposedly. They know they want to sell, they’ve tried setting their stall out from the beginning.
Those deadlines are clearly created to pressure us into panicking and paying the top fee.

I’m not saying they will suddenly fold and take a silly offer but they are likely to accept a payment structure that suits United.

I'll never cease to be amazed by this kind of reasoning. "They said they will not sell, they must be so desperate". Maybe you are right but still, seems an odd interpretation to me.
As an aside, what is the second deadline you are referring to? I can only recall this deadline mentioned by media (not the club directly) for August 10th.
Because they have repeatedly said all summer that there's is a fixed price of over 100 million, so seeming to accept anything else will make them lose face.
So how do you know they won't only accept what they have been asking for?
To save face after repeatedly said they wont accept anything below that
Because they have repeatedly said all summer that there's is a fixed price of over 100 million, so seeming to accept anything else will make them lose face.

They have actually very much not said that. What they have said is that they are not going to sell. The figure you guys are referring to has been repeated by the media, mostly british media at that. Of course you can interpret this as Dortmund quoting that price but I feel it is mostly journalists sticking to that figure since they are not getting any real information contradicting it.
I'll never cease to be amazed by this kind of reasoning. "They said they will not sell, they must be so desperate". Maybe you are right but still, seems an odd interpretation to me.
As an aside, what is the second deadline you are referring to? I can only recall this deadline mentioned by media (not the club directly) for August 10th.
I can see your point but conversely, if a selling club are setting deadlines when the potential buyer hasn’t even made an opening offer yet you can read between the lines somewhat.

It’s basically the seller goading the buyer into coming formally to the negotiating table, it was even generally confirmed in the media that the initial deadline was ‘’not a legitimate” deadline.
So if it’s not legitimate what is it designed to achieve? I think it’s like I said above, just to draw out the buyer.

Was there not a second deadline mentioned recently? There was the August 10th and then I thought I heard of another more low key one being before the start of the Bundesliga restart.
Might be wrong on the second one but I’ll have a look back.
There seems to be a flavour of revisionism taking place on here “there’s nobody criticisimg United for not paying €120mio”...I’m pretty sure I’ve read loads of posters suggesting that very thing. I think it makes sense not to get too hung up on his theoretical “value” but rather treat the figures being bandied around in the media as arbitrary because I think that’s all they are. They enable the media to tell a story.

Fundamentally, Dortmund want as much as they can possibly squeeze out of us (whatever that really is) and rightfully so. We want to reduce it and stagger it as much as we can and that is also right. Nobody should be looking to buy something or someone without trying to save money, it would be irresponsible in the extreme. I like the fact we’re trying to squeeze them personally. I love a deal me!

Both sides are doing a dance at the moment and each are probably trying to work out damage limitation with their press releases too. I could be wrong but I still believe the desire is there on both sides. Haha, trust the process...!;)

By the way, shout out to Sammsky who’s last several posts have been almost too full of common sense for this thread! Love ya man, you’re helping to keep the dream alive!
They have actually very much not said that. What they have said is that they are not going to sell. The figure you guys are referring to has been repeated by the media, mostly british media at that. Of course you can interpret this as Dortmund quoting that price but I feel it is mostly journalists sticking to that figure since they are not getting any real information contradicting it.
I think it’s naive to assume Dortmund haven’t set that price at this stage.

One thing we do know is the clubs have been in discussions via agents / intermediaries for months (years!?) and the asking price will be known by both sides.
Providing the deal does go through, I’m hugely curious to see the spin involved. United have been battered by all sides over this, not to mention our own fans on the Cafe (and Twitter too I understand).

Everyone and his dog at Dortmund have spoken about this proposed transfer and how Sancho is staying. He comes and you’ve got a whole new perspective on the negotiating powers of both sides. Be interesting to see what the fans slating the club, and those involved in the negotiations, would have to say on the matter then.

It’s a fascinating situation at the moment...
I'll never cease to be amazed by this kind of reasoning. "They said they will not sell, they must be so desperate". Maybe you are right but still, seems an odd interpretation to me.
As an aside, what is the second deadline you are referring to? I can only recall this deadline mentioned by media (not the club directly) for August 10th.

Yes, they have not announced it by themselves: They instead went to the same person they always do to make statements to the supporter base wihtout doing it officially: Freddie Röckenhaus.


(There is unfortunately no English version of that)

This article was published on August 6th, states very clearly both the 120 Mil. € figure and the deadline. The most interesting part about the article is not that, though, but the statement that both the figure and the deadline have been clearly communicated and accepted between club, the player and his agents. This points towards a confimation of a suspicion I have shared with many other supporters the whole Summer: the existence of a Gentlemans agreement between club and player. A set figure, that would allow Sancho to leave the club. This is nothing else but an unofficial release clause and just like with release clauses it is absolutelly common practice to attach a final date of activation to it.

In the end people will believe what they want to believe. Many people on here think that Dortmunds behaviour has been negotiations tactics and their primary goal is to sell Sancho this window. I believe that the unusually open nature with how they made the requirements known under which they would be entertaining the thought of selling him was them holding their end of the beforementioned bargain.
Good morning from Chile lads

Today my cat woke me up licking my face, while she usually just slaps my face

Its happening today guys!

Someone make it embedded, but we are all joining Dortmund now instead :)
Because believing this figure that’s never actually been stated supports his biases.
So you're saying essentially every journalist who's reported on that deal is wrong? Well if you believe that so be it, not gonna try and dissuade you. Dortmund may or may not sell now, no idea about it, but it's quite clear they quoted us a price of 120 million Euros at the start of the window, literally ever reliable journo reported that.
Yes, they have not announced it by themselves: They instead went to the same person they always do to make statements to the supporter base wihtout doing it officially: Freddie Röckenhaus.


(There is unfortunately no English version of that)

This article was published on August 6th, states very clearly both the 120 Mil. € figure and the deadline. The most interesting part about the article is not that, though, but the statement that both the figure and the deadline have been clearly communicated and accepted between club, the player and his agents. This points towards a confimation of a suspicion I have shared with many other supporters the whole Summer: the existence of a Gentlemans agreement between club and player. A set figure, that would allow Sancho to leave the club. This is nothing else but an unofficial release clause and just like with release clauses it is absolutelly common practice to attach a final date of activation to it.

In the end people will believe what they want to believe. Many people on here think that Dortmunds behaviour has been negotiations tactics and their primary goal is to sell Sancho this window. I believe that the unusually open nature with how they made the requirements known under which they would be entertaining the thought of selling him was them holding their end of the beforementioned bargain.
Thanks for correcting and specifying my post, I hadn't actually read Freddie's article. It really is astonishing how he summarized the situation we are seeing today but he did so on August 6th. In the article Watzke is actually cited directly putting a price tag on Jadon, the €120m however are added by Röckenhaus and are not part of the quote.

Aside from that we share the same interpretation of the situation and the reasoning for Dortmund leaving the door open for a transfer in August. And if there was a chance for them to sell Sancho this late in the window United would have to pay significantly more than the suggested €120m. The only other reason would be that Dortmund are utter morons and just now found out that their financial situation is significantly worse than they anticipated and right now I refuse to believe that.
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Winning Portuguese league ain’t better than 20G+20A in Bundesliga for sure. I was trying to insinuate that winning trophies as a metric to see what kind of contribution they made to the team. We all know that to win even a simple tournament, there will be tight moments to any team. A person who held their own in those kinda situations show a characteristic that’s transferable to any club they went (Prime example is Zizou, he seems to drag his teams through thick and thin)

We might need to analyze why Dortmund is fixed on €120m. I believe that it’s because someone with similar value with respect to potential+talent went for that much money to Atletico. If Dortmund is comparing Sancho with Felix, why shouldn’t we?

In the last two seasons, if you are of the opinion Dortmund didn’t choke up on the title race. I beg to differ since they had a fairly good chance to win the league.

What did Sancho contribute in those tight fixtures against Bayern. He was hooked off after 36 mins last year against Bayern.

So, all I am saying that there could be chinks in the armor of Sancho and dumping all our transfer funds on one guy with the hope he will solve all our issues could be utter stupidity.
There's is simply no team better than Bayern in Europe last season, who had won everything, I mean literally everything. No one could beat them, just no one. So you can't really blame Sancho being not good enough to win Dortmund title over Bayern.
Was about to post the same thing. We look like an Harry Redknapp side.
If we do get him. Watch him get scapegoated just like Pogba is "he's worth X money, he should be winning the game for us by himself"

Standard rhetoric by some on here
I'll never cease to be amazed by this kind of reasoning. "They said they will not sell, they must be so desperate". Maybe you are right but still, seems an odd interpretation to me.

For the most part the reasoning is wishful thinking which is kind of understandable. If you are in Dortmund shoes and you still wanted to sell Sancho after the 10. August you wouldn't have made those specific comments and instead you would have left yourself some wiggle room. I mean Watzke for example basically put his honor and integrity on the line. If they are bluffing they are acting absolutely crazy from from a basic human behaviour standpoint. On top of that it's also totally unnecessary.
I always maintained the only chance for United to get Sancho this window (after 10. August) was for Sancho to force his way out. I fear this Muppet train is going to fly of the cliff on 5. Oktober.
I can see your point but conversely, if a selling club are setting deadlines when the potential buyer hasn’t even made an opening offer yet you can read between the lines somewhat.

It’s basically the seller goading the buyer into coming formally to the negotiating table, it was even generally confirmed in the media that the initial deadline was ‘’not a legitimate” deadline.
So if it’s not legitimate what is it designed to achieve? I think it’s like I said above, just to draw out the buyer.

Was there not a second deadline mentioned recently? There was the August 10th and then I thought I heard of another more low key one being before the start of the Bundesliga restart.
Might be wrong on the second one but I’ll have a look back.

I think the difference in our interpretations of the situation is that I don't think that Dortmund ever wanted to sell Sancho. As @Sphaero pointed out above it has been reported by arguably the most reputable journalist concerning Borussia Dortmund, that they agreed to let Sancho go before August 10th for a fixed sum which has been assumed to be €120m. This would have been done as part of an agreement between the club and the player. So to answer your question, the deadline was not designed to achieve anything, but Dortmund being open to talks before that was supposed to uphold the agreement between player and club.

Your affirmation that "the media" has "generally confirmed" the deadline to be illegitimate may have stemmed from selectively considering the media that tell you what you want to hear - entirely understandable, I understand and respect the muppeteering. But in Germany media have taken the deadline to be legitimate and have all but stopped reporting on a potential transfer altogether. Aside from someone like Christian Falk who has since been taken as gospel by some, I even read that he is a "reputable journalist" :lol:

And concerning the second deadline at the start of the season, I believe that was mostly a creation of the caf and some journos.

I think it’s naive to assume Dortmund haven’t set that price at this stage.

One thing we do know is the clubs have been in discussions via agents / intermediaries for months (years!?) and the asking price will be known by both sides.

You are right, I misremembered that Dortmund did indeed set a price. What I believe is naive is assuming that this price has remained constant over the last 50 days. Dortmund very much prefer to do deals early as to be able to replace outgoing players and for the replacements to be able to settle into the team. That's why I would assume that the pricetag would have been going up significantly in recent weeks - if Dortmund were to even consider a sale.

Also we do not "know" that the clubs have been in discussions recently, just that journos have been speculating as much. I do agree though that Dortmund will have made their stance known to United, whatever it may be.

Important disclaimer: I don't claim to know anything for sure, a deal could of course still happen, I just see it as extremely unlikely and consequently extremely damaging to Dortmund as a club.
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I feel like he will have enormous pressure on his hands if he joins us now. Everyone thinking Sancho is the solution to our problems will be disappointed. We seem to have no idea what we are doing.
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