The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump, by being the worst of all of us, absolutely massacred both Biden and Wallace.

Sadly being a dickhead will easily win him re-election.

Biden tried to play by the rules and go ‘high’ and sadly just looked like a pussy. A confused one at that.

Facts don’t matter anymore, Trump being Trump and bullying everyone does.

Wish someone would fecking lamp him.

Then America needs to question it's general values. If a politician acted like that in Ireland in a debate their career would end in an instant. Turns out that it's more than your political values that need to change.
To be honest his possible tax fraud is a meaningless discussion until he is either voted out or finishes his presidency. That is something that most large businesses and business people partake in and while it's obviously awful, it is an expectancy in the current economic system. Powerful people will always bend the rules in any system once they are given the freedom to. The biggest part of this story should be his debts that are coming due. This is the scariest part for Americans and by extension a problem the western world. The likelihood is that they are to foreign interests and the last thing that you should want in a leader is that they are beholden to a foreign power. Tax fraud is bad for Trump if he prosecuted but his debt is a problem for his entire country regardless of if he stays President, because he has been privy to some valuable information.
America is falling apart
The president, who gets to decide what to do with the money that it's constituents give year after year, paying less than a teacher is an hypocrisy of titanic proportions
This just makes it more incomprehensible how the Democrats decided to pick Biden. It’s like they are running to lose.

This would have been easy pickings for Bernie.

It wouldn't be 'easy pickings' for anyone. Look I find amusing the type of blind support that people like you give to politics. I'll go one further in that I think all politicians are awful (including Bernie) and that all societal and economic theories are bullshit because they can never account for the variable that is human greed and general terribleness. Trust me when I say that I absolutely hate all politics and unlike you and the likes of @Eboue I'm not stupid enough to believe that there is a knight in shining armour that can be elected to make the World some sort of weird utopia like you seem to believe that can exist.

However stop name checking the Democrats when referring to the absolute mess that America find themselves in. The fault lies only with the Republicans. They are the ones that have enacted policies that have lead to this, they are the ones that have empowered racists, homophobes and all other types of shitty people, they are the ones that have been determined to push religion into politics, they are the ones that have campaigned for small government while bleeding the country dry with corruption, they are the ones that have ignored the oversights and stripped their power, they are the ones that have gutted education to create a colony braindead idiots.

Biden is the exact same as Bernie and Trump in that he is a politician and all politicians are power hungry assholes that shouldn't be trusted. If he loses it's because America is lost and it will be the Republicans that have caused it.

The fact is that if Biden lost that debate then Bernie would have too because it means that the general public prefer a fat, awful prick over someone who will deliver facts. It's not the media who decides the winner of these things, its the general public and if Trump 'won' last night in their eyes then their isn't a man alive that will beat him.
It wouldn't be 'easy pickings' for anyone. Look I find amusing the type of blind support that people like you give to politics. I'll go one further in that I think all politicians are awful (including Bernie) and that all societal and economic theories are bullshit because they can never account for the variable that is human greed and general terribleness. Trust me when I say that I absolutely hate all politics and unlike you and the likes of @Eboue I'm not stupid enough to believe that there is a knight in shining armour that can be elected to make the World some sort of weird utopia like you seem to believe that can exist.

However stop name checking the Democrats when referring to the absolute mess that America find themselves in. The fault lies only with the Republicans. They are the ones that have enacted policies that have lead to this, they are the ones that have empowered racists, homophobes and all other types of shitty people, they are the ones that have been determined to push religion into politics, they are the ones that have campaigned for small government while bleeding the country dry with corruption, they are the ones that have ignored the oversights and stripped their power, they are the ones that have gutted education to create a colony braindead idiots.

Biden is the exact same as Bernie and Trump in that he is a politician and all politicians are power hungry assholes that shouldn't be trusted. If he loses it's because America is lost and it will be the Republicans that have caused it.

The fact is that if Biden lost that debate then Bernie would have too because it means that the general public prefer a fat, awful prick over someone who will deliver facts. It's not the media who decides the winner of these things, its the general public and if Trump 'won' last night in their eyes then their isn't a man alive that will beat him.

l o l
America is falling apart
The president, who gets to decide what to do with the money that it's constituents give year after year, paying less than a teacher is an hypocrisy of titanic proportions

It's not just America dude. Overall inequality has grown worldwide since the 60s. It's not the fault of capitalism per se but its the fault of the fact that no matter what system we employ we always allow certain people to be above the law. We have never fully moved on as a species from the time of kings. We weirdly always end up with a hierarchy where the 'top' people are given pretty much free reign to do what they want. In the current day this applies to financial crimes. Maybe we will eventually reach some sort of parity of law.

As a black man, I just feel sad watching that. Where is your dignity man?

As a black man, I just feel sad watching that. Where is your dignity man?

Does make you wonder just what happened when the RNC got hacked. For all of them to buy in to it and not step out of line (except Romney and McCain I guess) and for black Republicans to dance to his tune so readily it must be a fecking goldmine of kompromat.

Then America needs to question it's general values. If a politician acted like that in Ireland in a debate their career would end in an instant. Turns out that it's more than your political values that need to change.

Yeah, that's basically what we've watched over the last four years or so isn't it?

The veil of America being 'decent' has well and truly lifted. (I still hope by some miracle that Biden wins and some start to repairing all the damage happens, albeit as @Eboue would say, Biden is still a rapist so it's all relative).
That is his favorite poll.

Fox giving him every chance to appear on their show and put it right.
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As a black man, I just feel sad watching that. Where is your dignity man?

I don't suppose anyone followed up on the 'If he doesn't correct it, I guess he didn't misspeak.' That's the interesting bit!
That's so obviously not the case.
Definitely not but Republicans are the reason nothing gets done unless it fecks over as many as possible. Dems are weak as feck but the gop are just out there and woefully unable to govern to an acceptable standard. This country is done for if it's future is Republican, very obvious today if last night's sorry display is the way they want to move forward.
He is a (the only elected one) black Republican, he has no dignity at this point
What choice does he have though, apart from insulting Trump (we all know that any disagreement count as an insult), or quitting the GOP (but then how will Black people ever have an influence there) ?
What choice does he have though, apart from insulting Trump (we all know that any disagreement count as an insult), or quitting the GOP (but then how will Black people ever have an influence there) ?
Imo it has to be one of two situations:
1. He doesn't believe Trump is racist (seems odd at this stage)
2. He believes being a GOP politician is more important than disavowing a racist

He is more than welcome to get involved as a Democrat, or an independent. But at this stage you can't really pretend your party isn't racist.
That's so obviously not the case.

Well if you want to go back past the last three years then of course your right. However that poster was talking about exactly the last 3 years when referring to the Democrats picking Biden. So the shit show of the last 3 years lies solely at the feet of the Republicans and that is a simple fact. They have not only allowed for this shit to happen but have enabled it and taken advantage of it. If you want to look further back in the past then as I said all politicians are selfish, power hungry bastards. There are no good politicians and there never will be. So of course 'both sides' are to blame. I took issue with the fact that the Lord saviour Bernie would have done better. No he wouldn't have because if Trump 'won' last night then it means that the audience wants the guy who shits his pants and throws it around. If that's what 'winning' is then nobody can beat Trump in a debate. It's ultimately the audience who decides who won.

Otherwise I agree with you that it's not just the Republicans who are at fault for the problems facing America, it's every selfish, power hungry and self serving cnut that will call themselves a politician regardless of 'side'. That's why I don't believe in the Santa Claus that's going to come in and magically be so much better than the company they keep.
Just give it time.

I think you are very right, I am talking in the present but I can very much envisage this shit taking over here too. The problems that climate change poses will only make it worse as I fear that there are a significant number of people who would rather bury their head in the sand (ala Covid and the mask debacle) than accept that they need to contribute to a collective effort to save humanity. Climate change will be the ultimate trigger as these people are terrified of something that is out of their control and would rather blame it on something that can be contextualised. Hey at least we will be able to say that we lived through the most significant moment in human history unless the geniuses figure out how to stop it while getting much less credit than they should.
I think you are very right, I am talking in the present but I can very much envisage this shit taking over here too. The problems that climate change poses will only make it worse as I fear that there are a significant number of people who would rather bury their head in the sand (ala Covid and the mask debacle) than accept that they need to contribute to a collective effort to save humanity. Climate change will be the ultimate trigger as these people are terrified of something that is out of their control and would rather blame it on something that can be contextualised. Hey at least we will be able to say that we lived through the most significant moment in human history unless the geniuses figure out how to stop it while getting much less credit than they should.

I think it's inevitable, sadly. There'll obviously be a distinctly Irish flavour to it, so it won't be like it is in the States. But some sort of similar political dynamic will probably emerge here. I'd rather not cite Andrew Breitbart, but I think his famous claim that 'politics is downstream from culture' is mostly true. Ireland has changed a great deal since the late 80s/early 90s, and much or most of that change has been for the better. But the negative consequences of that change will manifest at some point.'ve mentioned climate change, but the major issue that's going to pervade Irish politics in the next decade or so imo is a United Ireland.
Donald Trump Goes Full White Supremacist at Minnesota Campaign Rally

When Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacist groups at the first presidential debate, many people were shocked and outraged. The outrage was obviously justified, but no one should have been surprised—Trump has made it as clear as possible over the last four years that he’s a racist who might as well have made his campaign slogan “Make America White Again.” We know this because of his long history of demonizing minority groups and making excuses for neo-Nazis, and because, fresh off telling the Proud Boys to “stand by,” he spent most of a Wednesday night campaign rally in full-on white-power mode.

Speaking to supporters in Duluth, Minnesota, Trump warned that Joe Biden wants to “inundate” their state with refugees (read: nonwhite people) and then attacked Representative Ilhan Omar, whom he spent a good chunk of last year telling to “go back” to Somalia, despite the fact that she’s been a U.S. citizen since 2000.

“Another massive issue for Minnesota is the election of Joe Biden’s plan to inundate your state with a historic flood of refugees,” Trump told the crowd. “Biden and Crazy Bernie Sanders have agreed on a manifesto…it’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen. But they’ve pledged a 700% increase in refugees…and what about Omar…what is going on with Omar, I’ve been reading these reports for two years about how corrupt and crooked she is.... Then she tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? How the hell did Minnesota elect her? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell happened?”

Pointing to a man in the audience, Trump asked, “Are you a big fan of Omar? I don’t think so. Stand up—look at this guy, nobody’s going to fight him, I don’t think you’re a big fan of Omar. No, she’s been crooked for a long time…and you know what? AOC also…you take a look at the corruption, the disgusting corruption; 700% increase, refugees, coming from the most dangerous places in the world including Yemen, Syria, and your favorite country, Somalia…Biden will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp.”

As a black man, I just feel sad watching that. Where is your dignity man?

Just Wiki'd him and saw he's from South Carolina. His ancestors must have been through hell and he defends a racist scum?
Just Wiki'd him and saw he's from South Carolina. His ancestors must have been through hell and he defends a racist scum?
Some say that he is in an untenable position, the proverbial space between a rock & a hard place.

Yet Tim Scott willingly put himself here under his own volition. He obviously does not care about the suffering of his ancestors.

He’s just another new age grifter.
Donald Trump Goes Full White Supremacist at Minnesota Campaign Rally

When Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacist groups at the first presidential debate, many people were shocked and outraged. The outrage was obviously justified, but no one should have been surprised—Trump has made it as clear as possible over the last four years that he’s a racist who might as well have made his campaign slogan “Make America White Again.” We know this because of his long history of demonizing minority groups and making excuses for neo-Nazis, and because, fresh off telling the Proud Boys to “stand by,” he spent most of a Wednesday night campaign rally in full-on white-power mode.

Speaking to supporters in Duluth, Minnesota, Trump warned that Joe Biden wants to “inundate” their state with refugees (read: nonwhite people) and then attacked Representative Ilhan Omar, whom he spent a good chunk of last year telling to “go back” to Somalia, despite the fact that she’s been a U.S. citizen since 2000.

“Another massive issue for Minnesota is the election of Joe Biden’s plan to inundate your state with a historic flood of refugees,” Trump told the crowd. “Biden and Crazy Bernie Sanders have agreed on a manifesto…it’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen. But they’ve pledged a 700% increase in refugees…and what about Omar…what is going on with Omar, I’ve been reading these reports for two years about how corrupt and crooked she is.... Then she tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? How the hell did Minnesota elect her? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell happened?”

Pointing to a man in the audience, Trump asked, “Are you a big fan of Omar? I don’t think so. Stand up—look at this guy, nobody’s going to fight him, I don’t think you’re a big fan of Omar. No, she’s been crooked for a long time…and you know what? AOC also…you take a look at the corruption, the disgusting corruption; 700% increase, refugees, coming from the most dangerous places in the world including Yemen, Syria, and your favorite country, Somalia…Biden will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp.”
He really is a piece of fecking shit.
Donald Trump Goes Full White Supremacist at Minnesota Campaign Rally

When Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacist groups at the first presidential debate, many people were shocked and outraged. The outrage was obviously justified, but no one should have been surprised—Trump has made it as clear as possible over the last four years that he’s a racist who might as well have made his campaign slogan “Make America White Again.” We know this because of his long history of demonizing minority groups and making excuses for neo-Nazis, and because, fresh off telling the Proud Boys to “stand by,” he spent most of a Wednesday night campaign rally in full-on white-power mode.

Speaking to supporters in Duluth, Minnesota, Trump warned that Joe Biden wants to “inundate” their state with refugees (read: nonwhite people) and then attacked Representative Ilhan Omar, whom he spent a good chunk of last year telling to “go back” to Somalia, despite the fact that she’s been a U.S. citizen since 2000.

“Another massive issue for Minnesota is the election of Joe Biden’s plan to inundate your state with a historic flood of refugees,” Trump told the crowd. “Biden and Crazy Bernie Sanders have agreed on a manifesto…it’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen. But they’ve pledged a 700% increase in refugees…and what about Omar…what is going on with Omar, I’ve been reading these reports for two years about how corrupt and crooked she is.... Then she tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? How the hell did Minnesota elect her? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell happened?”

Pointing to a man in the audience, Trump asked, “Are you a big fan of Omar? I don’t think so. Stand up—look at this guy, nobody’s going to fight him, I don’t think you’re a big fan of Omar. No, she’s been crooked for a long time…and you know what? AOC also…you take a look at the corruption, the disgusting corruption; 700% increase, refugees, coming from the most dangerous places in the world including Yemen, Syria, and your favorite country, Somalia…Biden will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp.”
Fat man needs to shut the feck up before I nut him. Bad mouthing my previous AOC.
Biden only has to repeatedly ask Trump to denounce white supremacy during the next debat, for 2 hours. #electionwon
Donald Trump Goes Full White Supremacist at Minnesota Campaign Rally

When Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacist groups at the first presidential debate, many people were shocked and outraged. The outrage was obviously justified, but no one should have been surprised—Trump has made it as clear as possible over the last four years that he’s a racist who might as well have made his campaign slogan “Make America White Again.” We know this because of his long history of demonizing minority groups and making excuses for neo-Nazis, and because, fresh off telling the Proud Boys to “stand by,” he spent most of a Wednesday night campaign rally in full-on white-power mode.

Speaking to supporters in Duluth, Minnesota, Trump warned that Joe Biden wants to “inundate” their state with refugees (read: nonwhite people) and then attacked Representative Ilhan Omar, whom he spent a good chunk of last year telling to “go back” to Somalia, despite the fact that she’s been a U.S. citizen since 2000.

“Another massive issue for Minnesota is the election of Joe Biden’s plan to inundate your state with a historic flood of refugees,” Trump told the crowd. “Biden and Crazy Bernie Sanders have agreed on a manifesto…it’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen. But they’ve pledged a 700% increase in refugees…and what about Omar…what is going on with Omar, I’ve been reading these reports for two years about how corrupt and crooked she is.... Then she tells us how to run our country, can you believe it? How the hell did Minnesota elect her? What the hell is wrong with you people? What the hell happened?”

Pointing to a man in the audience, Trump asked, “Are you a big fan of Omar? I don’t think so. Stand up—look at this guy, nobody’s going to fight him, I don’t think you’re a big fan of Omar. No, she’s been crooked for a long time…and you know what? AOC also…you take a look at the corruption, the disgusting corruption; 700% increase, refugees, coming from the most dangerous places in the world including Yemen, Syria, and your favorite country, Somalia…Biden will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp.”
I watched this shit live! Its the reason for my random one line post in the election thread.
Absolute dog whistle baiting cnut
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