Ole post match rant vs Everton

Seems a lot of posters in here don’t understand our managers mentality at all. Can’t believe any fan of this club have a problem with the message or the manner in which it was delivered.

Feck with Ole? He wouldn’t care. Feck with his team’s competitive edge and safety, he’ll explode. Bunch of weirdos in here.
Didn't see the interview but he's absolutely right, United always gets a rough ride because nobody except their fans cares.
He's right the schedule is crap, but I don't think it's on us alone really.
He's absolutely right but it seems like he's lost his cool there. Don't blame him, but it's the first time I've seen him this worked up.

He's going to town to defend the players. Personally I like it. It's this type of personally that keeps the dressing room happy.
Haven’t seen it but I’m glad to hear he’s showing some agression against something, would be nice to see a fired up Ole for a while.
Some prats in here, he's completely right. City/Liv played Tuesday - Sunday?
Utd play Wednesday - Early kick off Saturday...
He is livid because he has got long term injury to Shaw. Even an afternoon kick off or Sunday would have given us better time.
"We were set up to fail. The kick-off time set us up to fail. We have been to Turkey, played loads of games this season already, we got back Thursday morning and we are playing Saturday lunchtime, it's an absolute shambles.

"These boys deserve better. Luke Shaw has got injured because of it. It's a hamstring which might be a long one and Marcus Rashford might be struggling.

"The authroirtes set us up for fail, who is responsible? We've had enough of that. Players this season, in these times, a pandemic, mentally and physically it's draining. Let us play on a Sunday, there's an international break after this, it's a joke.

"The players were brilliant. Cavani is getting better and better."
If you didn't know that was Ole saying it, it could easily have been mistaken for something from Fergie.

I liked it.

A bit moany, but that's what the club needs at the moment to galvanise the squad.
Don't see what's the point in the complaint.
This happens every year. It's not like we're getting treated differently.
Boohoo. Everyone has to deal with the same stuff and they earn enough to deal with it. No pity to be found here.

When your job depends on the players to perform and they got injured, you will react the same.
Lovely seeing him like this! More angry Ole please! It suits him - not always being the good guy!!
If you didn't know that was Ole saying it, it could easily have been mistaken for something from Fergie.

I liked it.

A bit moany, but that's what the club needs at the moment to galvanise the squad.
Well said.
Eh, is he not allowed to show emotion or respond back? Or should he just sit on the bench looking at video replays?

He's always had fight in him and you're shocked it comes out? Baby Faced Assassin strikes again.
Cracked?? So now speaking the truth is equal to cracking!!

Everything he's said is totally spot on. Why does a team that's travelled the breadth of the continent on Wednesday night playing Saturday afternoon? Especially when they can easily play on Sunday.

Make no mistake, had this been Jose, Klopp or Pep we'd be tearing them to shreds for losing their cool and moaning/ making excuses. In fact, we've done the same to Fat Rafa and Keegan in the past.

Chelsea had the same situation last week after flying out to Russia and then having a 3pm Saturday kick off against Burnley.

He just needs to focus on keeping his job and not on external factors which he has little to no control over.
As are Klopp, Pep, and Mourinho clinging on now. Managers do it all the time. Klopp literally rants about everything, must be on the chopping block.
When great managers like Klopp, Pep and Fergie do it, it is a masterclass or mind games. When normal managers like Ole, Keegan and Rafa do it, it is cracking up. It has always been like this.
Good on you Ole! You have every right to criticize the scheduling. Siege mentality or agenda driven or not, the actual point is spot on!
I've never seen him like this, he was absolutely livid. What did people think? He had some valid points but it seems like he's cracked - the pressure is telling.

EDIT: Quote:

To me it sounds exactly like something Fergie would say. Lay into the officials even after a win
I absolutely love Ole, it looked like he’s felt the pressure and had to grow a pair. It’s a good thing but he just seems like he’s to nice for this level. I wish he can turn this around and he has got it in him to get a good run of wins.

Now if there’s a opportunity that we can get in a better manager do we get him and say bye to Ole?

For me I can’t see him levelling up at United.

Just because he’s nice to the camera it doesn’t mean he’s like that behind the scenes.

Pep seems like a fairy half the time on camera, like he’s about to right a poem.

They’re just managing there audiences.
Don't see what's the point in the complaint.
This happens every year. It's not like we're getting treated differently.
Did you bother to read any other posts in the thread?! This year is obviously very different to normal footballing seasons. Fergie used to always find things for fans to rally behind. Bunch of smooth brains populating Utd fan base these days.
It did seem it, yes.

No, your post is. It's not informed by anything. It's blatantly just your own bias having a moan. Barely worth engaging with but it was such a shit post I took the bait. This guy has done everything in football including come on and win the champions league and recover from horrific injury to help this club towards a title. He's been relegated.

But guy on Internet gets to determine that he's 'scared' and weak because he lost 2 games. We're top of our CL group that people like you wrote off, and are 6 points off the top of the league. The difference between professional sportsmen and Internet posters is in part that they don't meltdown in adversity. Gutted he ruined your day by winning
He is somewhat right especially this season but Europa league teams have just as little rest time before having a match on a sunday and we even had to deal with this last season. Shaw is shaw though and can barely last 8-10 games without picking up a 1-2 month injury
I've never seen him like this, he was absolutely livid. What did people think? He had some valid points but it seems like he's cracked - the pressure is telling.

EDIT: Quote:

First Woodward didn't support him, then covid hit us hard by removing fans from the stadium and now the FA is turning against him too. Ole is being set up to fail
No, your post is. It's not informed by anything. It's blatantly just your own bias having a moan. Barely worth engaging with but it was such a shit post I took the bait. This guy has done everything in football including come on and win the champions league and recover from horrific injury to help this club towards a title. He's been relegated.

But guy on Internet gets to determine that he's 'scared' and weak because he lost 2 games. We're top of our CL group that people like you wrote off, and are 6 points off the top of the league. The difference between professional sportsmen and Internet posters is in part that they don't meltdown in adversity

Watch the interview again. I think he looked weak, sorry if that offends you.
I don't think that was his point. Klopp (and many others before him) has complained about this as well.

That's what I said, the schedule is crap and it's on of everyone so far, so they didn't set us to fail particularly, and it's not against us alone.

However he's of course right to complain about it and hopefully with more complaints of managers they look into it even though I doubt it, as managers have been complaining about schedule in PL as long as I remember and absolutely nothing changes.
He is somewhat right especially this season but Europa league teams have just as little rest time before having a match on a sunday and we even had to deal with this last season. Shaw is shaw though and can barely last 8-10 games without picking up a 1-2 month injury

Just they should have given teams as much rest as possible. They didn't do that this time.
He is livid because he has got long term injury to Shaw. Even an afternoon kick off or Sunday would have given us better time.

I think ultimately, if BT decided to move us to Sunday then you have to do the same to Chelsea. Everyone involved in Europe is going to have issues with the schedule this season, it's just another reason why the 5 sub rule being removed was utterly absurd. It's this weird mentality with BT right now that fixtures can't play the same time as each other due to the tv schedule and thus it ends up being a lottery and the players are the ones that suffer.

It's right he should complain, so should Lampard frankly.