Milwall will be Millwall: fans boo players for taking a knee


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
Sounds like about 3 fans out of the 1000, not nice but hardly newsworthy
If it's in any way race related, it's newsworthy right now.
The knee thing should have been done once to make the point then dropped.
Or if football/sport wants to be issue crusading -and in some ways, with its global appeal and mass viewership, it is very well placed to be so- take on all of the broad and dire issues of justice that plague the world.
Next week take a knee in a firm and clear stance against oppression of the Uighurs. The following week take a knee for the at least quarter of a million North Koreans kept in concentration camp like political prisons. The following week take a knee for pro-democracy campaigners imprisoned by the Belarusian dictatorship. The following week take your pick/run a poll on twitter.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2015
West Didsbury, Manchester
If it's in any way race related, it's newsworthy right now.
The knee thing should have been done once to make the point then dropped.
Or if football/sport wants to be issue crusading -and in some ways, with its global appeal and mass viewership, it is very well placed to be so- take on all of the broad and dire issues of justice that plague the world.
Next week take a knee in a firm and clear stance against oppression of the Uighurs. The following week take a knee for the at least quarter of a million North Koreans kept in concentration camp like political prisons. The following week take a knee for pro-democracy campaigners imprisoned by the Belarusian dictatorship. The following week take your pick/run a poll on twitter.
Sounds like whataboutery to me.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
Sounds like whataboutery to me.
...or, put another way, an accusation of hypocrisy, of a self-selected preference to prioritize certain arguably less critical issues over other more urgent ones.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2015
West Didsbury, Manchester
...or, put another way, an accusation of hypocrisy, of a self-selected preference to prioritize certain arguably less critical issues over other more urgent ones.
I don’t accept that definition of “whataboutery”, in the context it was used in response to your post.

I’m making the point that you are right to say there are any number of important issues at any given point in time but that doesn’t diminish the significance of highlighting a particularly pressing issue


New Member
Aug 20, 2019
I can't make links due to being new, but this isn't entirely true. This is the quote which has since been removed from their website:

"we make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

This 'disruption of Western-prescribed nuclear family' isn't the same as forcing everyone to have a single parent family. There is emphatic language on mothers, as essentially, in many of their realities, they are the primary caregivers. I'd interpret this as making the best of reality, rather than making this a statement of what it should be.
That's a strange way to write that BLM doesn't want kids to grow up without a father present.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
If it's in any way race related, it's newsworthy right now.
The knee thing should have been done once to make the point then dropped.
Or if football/sport wants to be issue crusading -and in some ways, with its global appeal and mass viewership, it is very well placed to be so- take on all of the broad and dire issues of justice that plague the world.
Next week take a knee in a firm and clear stance against oppression of the Uighurs. The following week take a knee for the at least quarter of a million North Koreans kept in concentration camp like political prisons. The following week take a knee for pro-democracy campaigners imprisoned by the Belarusian dictatorship. The following week take your pick/run a poll on twitter.
Don't you understand that sports could not legally take any stance like that against another country? So sports have been campaigning against racism because it is not against a particular country. The moment it becomes political the authority is going to get sanctioned.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
I don’t accept that definition of “whataboutery”, in the context it was used in response to your post.
I’m making the point that you are right to say there are any number of important issues at any given point in time but that doesn’t diminish the significance of highlighting a particularly pressing issue
But every single week, in perpetuity?


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
Don't you understand that sports could not legally take any stance like that against another country? So sports have been campaigning against racism because it is not against a particular country. The moment it becomes political the authority is going to get sanctioned.
There was a blanket sporting boycott of a particular country in the 70s and 80s. Rightly so. When it comes to present day North Korea, I'd do the same in a heartbeat.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
Seeing on twitter that west ham did it as well, but I didn't notice it. Did anyone else pick up on this?

Doubt the video is a fake


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
There was a blanket sporting boycott of a particular country in the 70s and 80s. Rightly so. When it comes to present day North Korea, I'd do the same in a heartbeat.
You can and many can and want to do to others too but that is not the way it is. South Africa had a boycott because majority of the countries wanted it. It was passed unanimously. I am sure it would happen to any other country if all the countries in the world do so. By the way the sporting boycott of a particular country was because of apartheid. Black slavery by the white population who actually came from `Europe and not originally from even the continent.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
You can and many can and want to do to others too but that is not the way it is. South Africa had a boycott because majority of the countries wanted it. It was passed unanimously. I am sure it would happen to any other country if all the countries in the world do so. By the way the sporting boycott of a particular country was because of apartheid. Black slavery by the white population who actually came from `Europe and not originally from even the continent.
If I understand what you're saying correctly, you're suggesting many people want to ban countries like North Korea from world sport? I've never heard it seriously suggested, despite the open 'songbun' system of discrimination against families that cannot prove their lineage to ancestry considered 'loyal' to the regime/anti-Japanese colonial fighting past. FIFA expelled South Africa twice, once in the late 50s then again in 63 when SA suggested sending an all white team to the 66 World Cup. There is scope for FIFA to take individual action against particular countries, such as one of the worst tyrannies in recent history. It chooses not to.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
I genuinely think a group of people whom have some proactive ideas are better standing up and getting somsone like Marcus Rashford to stand up.

We need evolution. We have taken the knee and now we need to stand. There is no one bigger in UK whom could make an impact.

We could play in black kits for x amount of games, in this horrible year. We could do so many positive things! As well as negative.. We could castout racists and homophobes tomorrow if we really wanted to. But we just stick to a rainbow captains armband. Guys let's start taking this seriously because we're not.


Youth NITK
Feb 11, 2013
South Manchester
I have a guilty pleasure of reading the daily mail comments for a laugh and the highest rated comments on this topic are basically saying the 'booers' are opposing a political statement, which they say has no place in football.

Even if all the booers were protesting against a political statement (didnt happen) let's not confuse footballers, taking a knee for 5 seconds before a game, with a political statement. It was a genuine symbol of support against racial discrimation. Its now just a half arsed gesture which has lost its meaning.

I find it worrying though how being opposed to racism can trigger some folks into believing such is political.

I do believe in aliens due to the sheer size of the universe but I often wonder if such advanced ET's have unanimously agreed to give us a swerve due to how much conflict there is.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2010
If it's in any way race related, it's newsworthy right now.
The knee thing should have been done once to make the point then dropped.
Or if football/sport wants to be issue crusading -and in some ways, with its global appeal and mass viewership, it is very well placed to be so- take on all of the broad and dire issues of justice that plague the world.
Next week take a knee in a firm and clear stance against oppression of the Uighurs. The following week take a knee for the at least quarter of a million North Koreans kept in concentration camp like political prisons. The following week take a knee for pro-democracy campaigners imprisoned by the Belarusian dictatorship. The following week take your pick/run a poll on twitter.
Not to spit in your coffee but that's not for players in the premier league to tackle. They deal with racist abuse while playing and while online. Therefore, obviously anti-racism measures will be the issue they focus on.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2013
Stuff like this is always good for outing thr closet racists. Got a few in here I see.


Full Member
Jan 5, 2019
The Arena of the Unwell
Seeing on twitter that west ham did it as well, but I didn't notice it. Did anyone else pick up on this?

Doubt the video is a fake
It seems like some of them did. I missed it but Ole was asked about it in the presser and swiftly swerved the question.

I do find it odd that those defending the booing keep banging on about the merits of supporting BLM. The football leagues are not affiliated with and don't mention BLM anymore. Those fans were booing an apolitical anti-racism gesture. How are you going to defend that?
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Full Member
Aug 12, 2019
You make some good points and I may follow you in leaving this frustrating thread!
Wise choice. I just felt like reading this thread to see how far south it had gone - couldn't help myself!

I looked at his post history to try and get a sense of the person and the past few posts were from the following threads:

Milwall will be Millwall: fans boo players for taking a knee
Has political correctness actually gone mad?
BLM in the Prem

Barely any posts about United. So I think we're just dealing with someone who just wants to force their point.

My ignore list has it's first victim!


aka sex on the beach
Mar 14, 2011
Some sinister comments on this thread alone - a thread moaning about this behaviour.

Imagine the cesspool of comments on twitter in general.

Millwall have shamed themselves by saying they're stopping doing the gesture now. Talk about bowing to the scumbags.


Full Member
Oct 14, 2020
i like the taking the knee thing...

it's an anti-racist gesture

its simple. you are anti-racist or a racist.

outs all the scumbags and rattles the racist snowflakes on twitter as well

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Up there with Burnley fans flying the all lives matter banner over a game.

People don't say this enough but the public in general, are pretty trash. The amount of vocal cretins in this country is a sight to behold.

Fine the club. Fine the match going fans (including the ones who didn't boo), peer pressure will solve this.


Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
I think the deeper issue here is that, like many others within the game have said, is that the gesture is hollow without the education to support it. People aren’t being educated as to the impact of thoughts and views that are archaic, with the aim to help people want to break the chains of institutional racism.

All that’s happening right now is that people shout back that, “You are wrong, you’re Neanderthalic in your views and you need to change because we are right.” This is the issue which has given rise to the far right in the last decade particularly. Because nobody engages in an actual conversation, those who do these things now feel maligned and have therefore become more active in supporting far right groups/individuals who tell them that they are being maligned.

Until we back up these gestures with meaningful programs no progress will be made, only deeper and wider splitting of society.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2019
I thought fans weren't allowed to sing/chant or boo at these games a the moment? So much for imposing such rules in relation to covid


Can't tell DeGea and Onana apart.
Aug 30, 2017
I may be completely wrong but West ham game also had boos during the gesture.


Aug 23, 2003
Disney Land
"I'm not racist but... I just wish people would be less anti-racist."

I think that about sums up the attempts made by some here.


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that.
The media were making up a lot of bollocks about no singing being allowed but it is.

There's been singing and chanting at every game since fans were allowed back in.

Edit - These are the guidelines Chelsea have given fans:

Number 21 is the relevant one: "21. Take extreme care when shouting, singing or celebrating."

So singing is allowed but you need to take extreme care, whatever that means.
Full list below...
1. Supporters must attend the Ground in compliance with all applicable laws and government guidance regarding COVID-19. By entering the Ground, you warrant that you are not breaching any such laws or guidance.

2. You must not attend the Ground if you are required to self-isolate following travel to the UK from a foreign country, or if you are prevented from attending as a result of any application of the UK Government’s tiered COVID-19 restrictions.

3. You must not attend the Ground if you are suffering from any symptoms of COVID19 or if you have been in contact with any person with COVID-19 symptoms in the 14 days prior to the Match;

4. Supporters must complete the online Chelsea FC Matchday COVID-19 Declaration in advance of attending the Ground.

5. Supporters must bring with them to the Ground: o Their printed ticket (reprints will not be available at the Ground). o Printed evidence of the completion of their Chelsea FC Matchday COVID19 Declaration. o Photo ID (only a provisional/full driving licence or a passport will be accepted). o A face covering.

6. At all times and in all parts of the Ground, supporters must observe social distancing and avoid close contact with others not in their household or support bubble.

7. Supporters should arrive in good time to go through all the necessary entry procedures.

8. Make sure in advance that you know where your entry point is, and, if an entry time is specified on your ticket, be there on time.

9. Be aware that your temperature might be taken before entry.

10. Be aware that all payments inside the Ground are contactless.

11. If you need to access any of the Ground’s amenities, such as toilets, food and drink outlets, or concessions, check to see if any of them are not in use, and plan accordingly.

12. Remain in your seat at all times whenever possible.

13. Obey the instructions of Chelsea FC stewards and officials at all times.

14. NHS COVID-19 app users are encouraged to scan (check-in) via the displayed QR code posters as they enter the Ground.

15. If you do need to leave your viewing position, wait for a time when the gangway is clear and always follow the signs indicating which way to go. 16. If you are in a seated area, when moving past other spectators, to and from your seat, please avoid face to face contact with other spectators.

17. Maintain good hand hygiene – use the sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face whenever possible.

18. Wear a face covering at all times when within the ground, including whilst in your seat to watch the match. Face masks may only be removed whilst eating and drinking.

19. Please observe respiratory etiquette – always cover your mouth if needing to cough or sneeze.

20. Avoid hugs, high-fives and any close contact with people who are not within your social or support bubble.

21. Take extreme care when shouting, singing or celebrating.

22. If you are attending with other members of your household or support bubble, please make sure they have read and understood these guidelines too.

23. Thank you for your support and co-operation. Stay alert. Stay safe. Help us all – your fellow fans, your club, your sport, your community.
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Fallen Muppet. Lest we never forget
Jan 23, 2010
Cooper Station
I really don’t understand how anybody could be outraged or feel any sort of negative emotions from a footballer taking the knee in the name of equality.

It truly mystifies me.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
As always, you let the thread go on for long enough and the subtle racists show themselves. Right wing idiots like this are so predictable with their homogenous train of thought.