Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

Why on earth are they removing it?!
Why are people losing their shit over this being removed from the store? As a story it's big. But if the developer is saying take your refund the game has issues, Sony would be silly to keep selling such a game through Psn and then increasing their admin costs of refunding.
:lol: Are you talking to yourself, or has it blown up elsewhere I've not seen.

Edit: Ah Damien's got it.
Just applied for a refund. Hopefully it comes through quickly. Think I'll get Ghosts of Tsushima following that. This one will be reserved for a PS5.
Proper embarrassing for CDPR, serves them right, don’t release a broken game then, hope Microsoft follow suit.
Great thing is that, this will probably serve as a caution to game developers in the future to be more gamer centric at launch.
I’ve got the game and I wouldn’t mind finishing it, but I’d also like a refund :lol:

do we know if there is an expiry date on when refunds are offered?
What's going on with this, is this game shit/broken?

I haven't even got it yet :confused:
Yes because his was factually incorrect - most gamers don't see it as the 'perfect' game. Barely anyone sees anything as perfect. Critics viewed it as an excellent game with some flaws.

Mine was an opinion. And a statement that people don't not rate great commercial games. That's just silly.
Nah, to me your posts read as if you think it's an objective truth that The Witcher 3 (and now God of War) is better than Red Dead 2.
I’m sure @VeevaVee will be here any moment criticising MS for keeping a broken game on its store.
Why would I do that? Not much reason for criticism there. Sony went from one extreme to the other. Both consumer unfriendly :lol:

I'm glad they've embarassed them though.
Why would I do that? Not much reason for criticism there. Sony went from one extreme to the other. Both consumer unfriendly :lol:

I'm glad they've embarassed them though.
Not sure how it’s consumer unfriendly. They’ve released a broken game that shouldn’t have been released and basically said feel free to buy the game then claim a refund if you want. Not sure Sony had any other choice, I would be surprised if MS didn’t follow suit.
Not sure how it’s consumer unfriendly. They’ve released a broken game that shouldn’t have been released and basically said feel free to buy the game then claim a refund if you want. Not sure Sony had any other choice, I would be surprised if MS didn’t follow suit.
Sony went from refusing refunds to not allowing anyone to buy the game even if they want to. Plenty of people have enjoyed the game as well. But at the same time I've glad they've done it to make a point.
Sony went from refusing refunds to not allowing anyone to buy the game even if they want to. Plenty of people have enjoyed the game as well. But at the same time I've glad they've done it to make a point.

I think it would be a bit weird to allow people to buy a game which they have publicly announced you can refund as they're pretty much saying it's a "defective product". They would also be saying buy it, play as much as you want and then get your refund.

I guess another option would be to base a refund on hours played. I wonder what MS are doing there as it would make sense for them to not refund people who have 40+ hours in the game and are just abusing the system?
Nah, to me your posts read as if you think it's an objective truth that The Witcher 3 (and now God of War) is better than Red Dead 2.
That's your wish how you want to read them. For me, they're both definitely much better games than RDR 2.
I think it would be a bit weird to allow people to buy a game which they have publicly announced you can refund as they're pretty much saying it's a "defective product". They would also be saying buy it, play as much as you want and then get your refund.

I guess another option would be to base a refund on hours played. I wonder what MS are doing there as it would make sense for them to not refund people who have 40+ hours in the game and are just abusing the system?
Great post

The way they’ve posted about the refunds bit suggests communication between themselves and Sony has been pretty limited. What a clusterfeck.
I am surprised they have removed the game from the PS5 store. It's not perfect by any means but it runs okay and is certainly playable. On top of that, it's easily my favourite game played for the last couple of years even in its current state. It seems a bit harsh to deprive some PS5 users of the game.
I am surprised they have removed the game from the PS5 store. It's not perfect by any means but it runs okay and is certainly playable. On top of that, it's easily my favourite game played for the last couple of years even in its current state. It seems a bit harsh to deprive some PS5 users of the game.
You can still buy physical copies. Obviously sucks if you have a digital PS5, but the game will come back, just when it’s in a better state than it currently is.
You can still buy physical copies. Obviously sucks if you have a digital PS5, but the game will come back, just when it’s in a better state than it currently is.
But my point is its not really in that bad a state on the PS5. The resolution needs upping and it does still occasionally crash but its more than playable for the majority of people on that platform. I can imagine a few disappointed PS5 owners on Christmas day when they want to download the game. I suppose it's for the greater good though currently.
The story thing doesn’t fly either for me. It builds fantastically as things go from bad to worse. You really feel it going to shit.

The world is unbeatable and anyone saying otherwise is perhaps one of those pretentious gamers that can’t accept a mainstream game being that good, or they didn’t like how slow the gameplay was at times and couldn’t look past it.

There are issues, like with all games. Some people just look back on older games with rose tinted glasses. Probably helped that the world didn’t use to be so cynical. The main issue is the clunky controls and shooting, but it wasn’t game breaking by any stretch.

As for those suggesting a PS4 exclusive is better, well, we’ve seen how they act in the console thread. They’re still pretending the ps5 constantly fecking up is ok, so they can’t be trusted with an opinion.
I absolutely loved the slow descent into madness from Dutch. Arthur realisation of it. Arthurs realisation for what Dutch really was. I loved the dynamic between him and John. Starts off frosty but they get closer as the game progresses. John's character arch is very good too. The game is unbelievably well-written for a game. I too, don't know how people find it dull. I guess different strokes and all that but I love a game with good storytelling.

Atmospherically this game was on another level. You see the NPC being rough around the edges in valentine and having many different micro-communities in Saint Denis. Had a touch of satire in it's world in a typical rockstar fashion. Of course, it's story driven and at the end of the day it's heavily scripted but the world is so vast that as I mentioned to you before I just ride around looking at random stuff. I saw naked man live with the wolves recently. Plenty of little detail that you find like that if you choose to explore.
I absolutely loved the slow descent into madness from Dutch. Arthur realisation of it. Arthurs realisation for what Dutch really was. I loved the dynamic between him and John. Starts off frosty but they get closer as the game progresses. John's character arch is very good too. The game is unbelievably well-written for a game. I too, don't know how people find it dull. I guess different strokes and all that but I love a game with good storytelling.

Atmospherically this game was on another level. You see the NPC being rough around the edges in valentine and having many different micro-communities in Saint Denis. Had a touch of satire in it's world in a typical rockstar fashion. Of course, it's story driven and at the end of the day it's heavily scripted but the world is so vast that as I mentioned to you before I just ride around looking at random stuff. I saw naked man live with the wolves recently. Plenty of little detail that you find like that if you choose to explore.
Ah here, would you quit and head off to the Red Dead thread. There are probably people in here who haven't played it yet for feck sake.
It's strange because I actually like the gunplay. The only problem I have with it gameplay wise is how fiddly it is sometimes trying to get in the right position to select something like your bedroll when out camping.

I'm finally getting the chance to play it through to completion. I'm in the final act and I'm amazed that I'm still finding new random encounters. The story is unbelievably well crafted and it feels like every thing in the game is meticulously designed (well, okay, obviously not the controls but :lol: ).

Obviously the best game ever is going to be a subjective thing but, if we're going purely on personal experience, I'd put it up there alongside the first time I played MGS or Half Life 2 in terms of seeing something that really wowed and immersed me.

Sorry, yeah, Cyberpunk...

I mean the guns look quality, sound good and have good animation. Kills look good. I think the engine that GTA uses is maybe a bit dated or/and the input lag between controller and a round firing felt a bit to slow for me. I'm not sure if it's causing one or the other. It's by no means broken. It could have been better but I'm not playing a twitch shooter either.

Encounters are absolutely amazing. The amount of different interactions one can have in this game with generic ai is absolutely staggering. I've playd through this three times and I'm still encountering new AI. What makes this game amazing for me, I appreciate it more every time I play through it. Just little details that are certainly easy to miss. This game has had so much effort and devotion and I tip my hat to rockstar cause like most studios all they seem to care is abouy money. In their case supporting online GTA etc.
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“A little bit sketchy” is one hell of an understatement.
I can understand their dliemma. They've spent years (years and years and years) developing PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions of this game. And it's not ready. And every month they wait the PS4 and Xbox One version they've spent years working on becomes less relevant.

How long do they push it back? 3 months? They would surely be laughing stock if they have to don't have a PS5 and Xbox Series S|X version.

One year? That's enough time to complete the PS5/Series versions but might as well scrap the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

I guess they felt like it had to launch this Christmas in whatever state it was in.

They made the wrong decision.

They tried to do everything together - pc, next gen, this gen, Playstation, Xbox etc etc.
Should have prioritized and avoided releasing a game which plays (looks) so different on all platforms.

Their first multi platform/meant for a wider audience/AAA game and they screwed up badly

Over ambitious...