Fans who were against today's protests

Not enter OT or prevent the team from leaving the hotel and ruin my afternoon
Not enter OT or prevent the team from leaving the hotel and ruin my afternoon

Your afternoon, or mine, is so inconsequential in the grand scheme, though, isn't it?

No protest works without causing disruption. It's absolutely necessary.

I'm sure we're all going to get over not being able to watch a football match.
It's been a great excuse to get make hay with the 'ignore' function.
Your afternoon, or mine, is so inconsequential in the grand scheme, though, isn't it?

No protest works without causing disruption. It's absolutely necessary.

I have no issue with the protest. I have an issue with breaking into OT. It’s a sterile environment due to covid regs etc. and it’s just unnecessary. It’s not going to make the glazers sell up; and in the scheme of things there are worse owners.
i’m not buying any more windows.
There is no alternatives as Glazers started this war by planning to ship the club to another league. The violence could be avoided without their clear intervention in football matters.

Now they'll love the media if they try and spin it on supporters.
and i’ve shattered any existing ones i have.
Not enter OT or prevent the team from leaving the hotel and ruin my afternoon

Bit short-sighted in my opinion.

How many of our afternoons have been ruined by bad performances - a result of the Glazers' debts and inadequate planning?
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And this right here is the pathetic mindset that has the world the way it is today...

Not sure what’s pathetic about it really? I planned my day around watching this game. These pricks have ruined my afternoon/evening.
Find someone that they actually like willing to put together £3bn or so to buy the club, or any other viable solution to the problem.

It’s quite clear Glazers will not just write off a £3bn+ assets because of a few hundred people storming the stadium.

I just struggle to understand what the actual message and expectation is. With every protest there is supposed to be a clear expectation of a certain action, I fail to see what it is here. It’s ‘we hate you and we want you out’ but without really presenting how this is supposed to happen and what is the end product. Would us being taken over by Saudis be fine? By any other ownership group?
And this right here is the pathetic mindset that has the world the way it is today...
Yep, ive seen this so much this afternoon.

Revolution needs a starting point. I hate this whole mentality 'this wont change anything'. Nothing like the desired outcome happens in one day or one night. But its got a good start point now.
Look... more flares, fireworks, burning and looting blasting from massive speakers - that's what we need.
Bit short-sighted in my opinion.

How many of our afternoons have been ruined by bad performances - a result of the Glazers' debts and inadequate planning?

Nothing to do with Glazers’ debts. When the debt was actually an issue we won the league three seasons in a row.
Yep, ive seen this so much this afternoon.

Revolution needs a starting point. I hate this whole mentality 'this wont change anything'. Nothing like the desired outcome happens in one day or one night. But its got a good start point now.

I’ve said what needs to be done if you want something to change. Buy shares in the club, they are for sale.
I am in favour of the protests - but not targeting players or going onto the pitch.. What’s the goal? Genuine question. It can’t just be glazers out as that doesn’t solve the deeper issue of fans having a say in the running of their clubs. What would be our perfect owners? Until we agree on that the answer to what can we do is impossible to know.
Not sure what’s pathetic about it really? I planned my day around watching this game. These pricks have ruined my afternoon/evening.

Dry your eyes mate.

Fans were spot on. It’s got people talking. The movement needs to keep on.
These pricks have ruined my afternoon/evening.
I’ve said what needs to be done if you want something to change. Buy shares in the club, they are for sale.
Not sure if this is a joke or not. I assume it is, and if its not, then maybe its best we dont engage because you clearly are trolling or ignorant on this whole thing.
Nothing to do with Glazers’ debts. When the debt was actually an issue we won the league three seasons in a row.

The last eight years have had nothing to do with the complete lack of investment during the years prior to it?

The stadium might not have been so easy to breach had they not left it to stagnate for so long.
Not sure what’s pathetic about it really? I planned my day around watching this game. These pricks have ruined my afternoon/evening.
Can you honestly not see anything beyond your weekend entertainment being ruined? Or is this a wum? I hope it's a wum. You should say it's a wum.
Not enter OT or prevent the team from leaving the hotel and ruin my afternoon
Are you being serious? Short sighted. Bet you’ll whinge about glazers without doing a thing.
Boycott home games. Only way to hurt them.
I'd love to see that be productive enough to work. Unfortunately I don't think those who care enough can make enough of an impact with enough people ready to take their place.

I would really love to be wrong.